wearing around your children

If I had a child, I would want to raise them in such a way as to ensure that they are reaching all developmental milestones to the extent of their physical and mental abilities. I'd imagine that it would be difficult to respond to a child who asked their parent/guardian why it's important for them to potty train when they don't see that parent/guardian setting such an example. If you're incontinent and need to wear diapers to manage it, explain that difference to them and maintain discretion and personal hygeine about it. Show them your partner's plain underwear if possible and show them the underwear section for their age group at the department store to reinforce what the "norm" is.

Talk about the ways that wearing diapers and needing the extra time and baggage to deal with changes can place limitations on their lifestyle that should be becoming more active by that point. Ensuring that training underwear is changed as soon as possible after an accident reinforces the lesson that it's not acceptable to be in dirty underwear. Say things like "there -- nice and clean and dry" when putting them in a new pair of training underwear and encourage them to "stay" this way to reinforce this mental association and to help to "gamify" the effort for them, including the use of varying 1-day, 1-week, 1-month level rewards for such extended periods of managing toilet use.

Talk with them about whether they're ready to remove the changing table/changing supplies. Doing so without warning them might be too shocking and stressful for them. If you can manage it, keep that space -their- space and engage them in fun discussions about how they'd like to transform that space as they master potty training. It could fit more toys, a bigger bed, a media center, a play tent -- anything! When/if the child leaves the nest one day to go to school. Even if the school were to have the resources to help out children who are still in diapers, the children are still likely to face a social stigma among their peers if they are still in diapers. Unfortunately, this extends to the ways that they are dressed aside from the diapers -- our society seems especially preoccupied with growing up and "maturing" out of cute, colorful, and fun stuff as there's this preconceived notion that nurturing one's inner child harms their resilience to deal with adversity in adolescence and adulthood.

I would leave the child with the choice to have cute cartoons on their clothes as long as they want to as long as long as they can understand that there are social consequences to being "different." Some people are innately creative and artistic to the degree that the devastation they'd feel from suppressing their creative expression would be worse for them than being made fun of by other children in their class would be. Some people are really good at being able to use their home as an "escape" and so are able to mentally set the boundary between their lifestyle at home and their lifestyle outside of home, so that option is available as long as it can be maintained.

If your child is "coming of age," it's important that you have "the talk," and be sure to include an explanation of appropriate and legal people, places, and things with regards to cathartic outlets for the ways their bodies are growing and changing. Remind them that their body is their property and it's not for anyone else to invade their personal space and/or to touch them without their permission. There should be no shame whatsoever assigned to sexuality and sexual expression in and of itself, so encourage them to come to you with questions or concerns if they have them. When it comes to toys and/or fetishes, discuss how they can be clean and private about it. Task them at this point with doing their own laundry, cleaning their room, and taking out the trash as necessary. This kind of due consideration for others is just as necessary for any adult who has to share their space with someone else, so maintain your own personal hygeine as necessary if you truly are incontinent, but otherwise keep the AB/DL play in the bedroom with your partner and/or other adult playmates and ensure that is kept at a distance from your child.

If the child somehow does happen to become a *B/DL in the home entirely without any encouragement whatsoever from parents/guardians, I see nothing wrong with their wearing more childish stuff around the house, but I'd enforce that it not be not too revealing or suggestive and that their behavior stays platonic around others. I would also be firm on the condition that they must change and dispose of their own diapers as well as to shower/bathe as necessary. To avoid any potential innapropriate hands-on situation ("I'm not good at getting the diaper on right,", etc.), wikiHow is a good informational site for kids and teens to utilize that is designed to be informative without being suggestive in its wording or imagery.