Was there one accident that was the last straw, that led you to wearing diapers?

Age 36 I had a UTI and it caused me to wet the bed and my pants a time or two during the day. I had to start wearing diapers at night for occasional bed wetting. Now I'm in my 50's.

The bed wetting comes and goes but I wear every night. In the past eight days I've had five dry nights. Winning!

In the cold weather I wear Tena underwear pull-ups because my bladder sometimes decides to let go in the cold.

During the summer I only wear at night (or when I want to wear during the day for pleasure).
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I got stuck on the motorway with a bursting bladder for more than an hour but made it to the services. Walking from the car to the toilets I suddenly lost it and peed uncontrollably in a good business suit. From then on I resolved to take precautions on long journeys.
These days I wet at night from diabetes and so have a pad and plastic pants on as well as a mattress protector.
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I remember the moment I started thinking about wearing diapers 24/7. I was living in an off grid cabin in the middle of the mountains. At this point in my life I was just an AB. I was walking my outhouse trying to hold it, shivered cause it was cold, then I had to shower off. At that moment, 11 years ago, I was like this sort of thing happens to me fair to often. Fast forward now, after years of wearing, I can kinda hold it, doesn’t matter what “it” is, I can kinda hold it. Recently, I’ve notice when it come to peeing I have about 5-10 minutes to reach a toilet and have pretty much given up on that. At 43, meh, it is what it is, I can still hike up a mountain and I’m grateful for that!
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Rita said:
Took me a few months that I founded out needed more absorbing diapers .
Them thin store brand wasn't doing it for me !!!
I was sleeping in pull-ups and was leaking more than I thought. I have switched to abenas and tena pro stretch max. Seem it be helping and getting better sleep not worrying about leaks. Trusting my diapers more and more.
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For me I kept getting UTI's after passing kidney stones frequently always wet the bed while dealing with uti's one day I wet myself at a gas station on my way to work and after I came home while watching TV after I called in sick that was it.
I had enough of waking up wet and having accidents so I bought some diapers and wore them whenever I passed a stone or if things felt "off" as time went on things got worse so I was basically in one every night. That wasn't so bad but then it happened another stone that required surgery. Long story short 2 surgeries later and I have been in diapers since the came IBS I had suffered for years with it if and on and it just went crazy after the first time I got COVID along with many other things. So after a few ibs related accidents one in particular was driving to visit family 5 hours away and couldn't get to a bathroom in time I upgraded my protection and since then my conditions have gotten much worse and I have been having mobility issues If it wasn't for good ole plastic backed diapers with decent standing leak guards I'd be a real mess.... Literally been 24-7 for several years now was hard to accept at first in some ways but now ..I'm much more comfortable
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2 events for me. The 1st was my first episode of urge inco when I was about to give a talk to an audience of around 100. I was very nervous and peed all the way down to my shoes. Fortunately I was wearing a dark blue formal suit and maybe it wasn't noticed even though I squelched to and fro to the podium. The 2nd soon after was when I was hit by IBS in a crowded hotel lift. You can imagine the rest. Nappies for me after that whenever I thought I might get stressed or if my tummy felt bad. But now it's 24/7. So much easier, no worries and one less thing to get stressed about.
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For me it started a few years ago when I would wake up starting to pee. I would run to the bathroom and then go back to bed unless I had wet myself badly then I would change. I found this was happening quite often and a urologists visit gave me a diagnosis OAB but he insisted I not try to hold it for too long. When Covid hit I had no choice but to wear a pull up diaper when travelling and I found that at night waking two or three times going to the bathroom was making me irritable and also sleepy during the day so for the sake of a good nights sleep I started wearing a night diaper. The feeling of warm comfort knowing I would not wet the bed or my night clothes was a big relief and I got the best nights sleep in a very long time so I started wearing every night. I was on pills for OAB but when I told the doctor my solution he said he could give me another pill. NO I am taking enough pills now and it would not help to take one not to hold my urine at anytime and then another to relax my bladder so I don't hold it too long. I told him I will continue to wear at night and get a very good nights sleep from now on. I have not told him yet that I am wearing a pull up to go out during the day now due to urinary frequency while out.
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I had no one time experience, I have wet for enjoyment my whole life, about ten years ago i started wetting pretty often without intending to, so I began wearing diapers to bed so as not to have all the washing that we had to do if I wet the bed, soon I was wearing during the day and have fully given in to the fact that i need to be protected due to urgency and frequency of having to pee. no problem with uncontrolled Bm at this point. Life is better for me diapered. it is as simple as that
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So what is ibs like. I thought it was having loose stools all the time. Do you actually loose control!
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For me it was getting so annoyed at doing the toilet dance all the time and pretty much most of my life has had to be planned around where the nearest toilet is, that's no way to live and over the years various infections have robbed me of a lot of control to the point I no longer have enough muscle control to hold onto it, this has now extended to both bladder and bowel.
Being a DL the choice was very obvious and since wearing Nappies I have not suffered any more infections thus keeping what little bladder control I have albeit very weak.
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I had painful OAB for at least three years before my first accident. Driving somewhere was pure hell. I may have had some kind of prostatitis or an UTI as well at some time. The urge to pee was extreme even when i had just emptied my bladder, i remember thinking: "What is this?"
Of course i did not go to any doctor, i am a man, you know.

Some weeks later i was reading a book at home, i had an extreme urge, but i wanted to read the chapter to an end, three sites left.
The toilet was only 5 meters away, no risk here, right?

I could not finish the site, i went up and after two steps peed myself, a puddle on the floor. I cleaned everything up before my wife came home.
My thought was: "Your own fault, this will never happen again."

Two days later it happened again and i went to the doc and ordered some pants (which did not work).

It took me over a year to get a diagnosis.

Since than i am diapered every time i leave the house and you know what? I should have done this much earlier, the diapers and the doc.
I am much better now, but still the diaper is a big help when outside.
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I struggled with small leaks and was wearing a small pad - had been stuck in traffic driving home and really needed to pee - made it home ok, got to the door and dropped my keys , as I bent down to pick them up, I lost control and totally peed my pants - after that I decided to ditch the pads and wear diapers full time - you can pee in a diaper and nobody else knows - if you pee your pants like a little kids - Everyone knows
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I was just about ready to walk into work and thought I was just going to pass gas. Instead it was a wave of diarrhea that pushed up the crack of my butt and all over my back and onto the car seat. It made a disgusting mess. I were protecting after that point.
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pdiapered said:
So what is ibs like. I thought it was having loose stools all the time. Do you actually loose control!
For me IBS started out being a rapid building of stomach pain and urgency ....so you eat something and it's like instant diarrhea and the longer you hold it the worse it gets especially pain wise when it first started I'd have 15 or 20 minutes until I would hit pain levels high enough or urgency where a accident might happen.
Now today I even look at a taco bell or fried chicken or a cup of coffee ...sheesh .. ok so if I was to drink a cup of coffee it's almost instant I feel like young Mike Tyson just started going ape on my guts and the pain builds so fast as does the pressure and urgency holding it for merely a minute is too much .... It hurts so bad you honestly don't care you would shit your pants in front of anybody you don't care it hurts so bad and the urgency is extremely over powering and it build soo fast the urge and the pain seem to double every 10 seconds..... It's like a panic inducing anxiety pumping stupid painful gut busting shitty explosion. There that's ibs sounds fun right ? ... Yeah I wear diapers 24-7 for uic and yup when Ibs strikes I generally don't even try to hold it ... Less pain is good...
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Nearly a year ago I noticed that sometimes my pants - and jeans - were slightly damp or even wet. I took me a few days until I recognized that sometimes - not every day and not every time - I dribbled pee without noticing anything. So I reduced my liquid intake, it went a little better.
Later during some hot spring days, we were on a vacation trip in our camper (we live in Germany) on the way to Spain, my wife asked my why the hell I did drink nearly nothing during the day and if I knew what I do with my body doing that - and I recognized that I was doing terribly wrong. So I took a heart and told her about my continence issues openly. She reacted very empathic and understanding, and - besides of course of a doctors visit later after returning home - we agreed to handle the situation openly together. So I bought my first pack of Tena Pants and, now protected, started immediately to enhance my liquid intake back to a normal level. Unfortunately this also enhanced my urge continence, but I had no problem to accept this as I felt so much better now being well hydrated again.
So, in the end, this situation were we had our fueling stop somewhere in south of France and I opened up to my wife and went into the next supermarket buying a pack of Tena pants was my moment I somehow accepted having an issue with my continence and started wearing protection.
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pdiapered said:
So what is ibs like. I thought it was having loose stools all the time. Do you actually loose control!
Most "definitions" of IBS appear broad or vague, because they describe symptoms, not the issue. Here is the definition:
IBS is a functional gastrointestinal (GI) disorder. Functional GI disorders, which doctors now call disorders of gut-brain interactions, are related to problems with how your brain and your gut work together. These problems can cause your gut to be more sensitive and change how the muscles in your bowel contract. If your gut is more sensitive, you may feel more abdominal pain and bloating. Changes in how the muscles in your bowel contract lead to diarrhea, constipation, or both.

A person with IBS can be normal one day and have extreme symptoms the next. A person with IBS-M (Mixed) can have a normal bowel movement, two hours later have great difficulty trying to pass hard stool due to constipation, and an hour after that have severe diarrhea.

Meanwhile, there is the issue of differentiating between gas and stool, or gut pain and urgency. Passing gas can be disastrous. Ignoring gut pain may lead to losing control at that moment. Chronic constipation can lead to stool seepage (major skid marks), and so can chronic diarrhea.

And finally, there is the possibility of a neurological issue as well as the IBS, which can cause lack of sensation of urgency or passing stool (neurogenic bowel).

So, IBS is a major punch to the gut with possibly socially stigmatizing outcomes.
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Was going back from a friends house early in the morning, found myself suddenly filling my pant, that was enough
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I was in the library and felt my Tena Comfort pad work loose from the net pants. I managed to get outside before the wet and swollen pad dropped out of my trousers leg in front of two elderly ladies who looked absolutely disgusted at me. I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me and I vowed to only wear nappies after this horrific event.
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Not yet, but it's coming. There have been a couple of close calls recently. If I went to bed properly hydrated every night, it would have happened already. Even though i enjoy diapers, I'm reluctant to give in to the loss of function. A couple instances of wet bed or public flood might take it out of my hands, as well as make it common knowledge to everyone she knows by soliciting advice for me. A softer landing might be possible if Mrs. Maxx complained that my nocturnal trips were keeping her awake at night. She does complain about interrupted sleep, but she hasn't yet laid that directly at my doorstep. Maybe she's being polite, maybe it's other things waking her up. I can be pretty stealthy when I try, and I do try. If she does complain, I think I'd be inclined to offer a solution...
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When pull-ups leaked and I wet my pants.
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