Unexpected embarrassment in front of a woman

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  1. Incontinent
Here’s an episode happened to me last winter.

I’m a chronic bed wetter and although I’m not an AB nor DL I’m used to wear selected pieces of clothing as “technical clothing”.
It was a Saturday morning, home from work, and I slept the night wearing a blue Privatina sport deluxe footed pajama, a white bodysuit an a disposable with an extra pad. The bulge was noticeable but not that extreme.

As sometimes happens in winter’s free day when I don’t have to exit home, I decided to stay “technically dressed” because it can happen to take a nap or fall asleep reading on bed so for me it’s more sensible, fast and practical just to change the diaper and zip the footed pajama back on.

So, it was one of these days an after the change I started preparing myself breakfast and thinking about what to do during the day. It was something like 11:00 when the doorbell rung.

I approached the door and I asked who was on the other side and I heard what seemed my sister’s voice saying something like “Hey, open up!”.

I wasn't waiting for her to come but all family and friends know about my problem so I didn’t mind never changing my outfit.

I rapidly took the door keys an opened without a worry the door wide open but then I stood in shock petrified. In front of me there wasn’t my sister but an unknown women! She was clearly in shock too to see someone wearing, well, “inappropriate” clothing.

A few endless seconds flew by until she broke the silence saying nonchalant “Good Morning, I’m xxx from the electric company, is the owner home? Do you understand what I’m saying?”

In the meanwhile she opened her jacket to show her electric company id card and what for me pushed the embarrassment even further; she was wearing a tie suit!

“Oh came on, dressed like a baby in front a woman dressed like a businessman, seriously?” I thought still staying silent for another infinite amount of seconds.

“Ok, here is the paper containing our new offer, can you please give it to the person who takes care of you….THE PERSON WHO TAKES CARE OF YOU...do you understand what I’m saying?”

“She obviously thinks I’m stupid, maybe that’s why she doesn’t laughed at my sight” I thought saying yes whit my head in silence and in the meanwhile grabbing the paper.

“Good! Well, nice to met you and be careful opening house door to strangers, understood?” She said kindly and after a small pause continued “Now close the door so I could continue my work sweetie” smiling to me like I was a little kid.

I closed the door and I could hear her steps fading away.

I must say that all must have been lasted at max 45 second but it felt like hours to me.

(Sorry for my bad English, but it’s not my mother language)
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Hehe! Wow, I hope you recovered quickly. What a great description. I have never been caught off guard....yet.
Maybe that will teach her to say "Hey open up" when asked who is it at a strangers door.
Katarn89-I guess it's all about the aggressiveness door to door sellers have to adopt in order to make people open, everything goes. Also I have to admit, in my opinion, she was really ready to think a reasonable way to interpret the situation without acting unprofessional.

Normalguy-Yeah, I've felt sort of strange the minutes after, but really nothing serious.

A clarification: it's not my habit being around family and friends in “technical clothing”, but it's just possible to being temporarily seen in them. For example if in the told case it would have been my sister for real it would probably happen something like: me opening the door - her saying something "Hi, did I wake you up?" - me saying "no don't worry, come in, I'll be back in a minute" - me going to my room an than come back in "normal" clothing.
Haha....she said, "Do you understand the question?" She must have had quite the impression of you!
Wow! I know that feeling. As a person who wears diapers all the time just Incase th bladder decided to empty at whatever time it wants to I too have become accustomed to just wearing a diaper around my hours. I no longer get embarrassed at being seen in just my diaper even when it wet and I have answered the door knock many a time and embarrassed the person on the other side. Most memorable one was when the UPS driver knocked to deliver that months diaper supply, I opened the door forgetting my diaper was soaked, all the females driver said is looks like theses arrived just in time , turned and walked back to her truck.
Just about anyone who has been to my house in the past ten years has seen me in just my diapers as I find it most comfortable in just a diaper and T-shirt.
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