Thoughts on bambino’s diapers?

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They're okay, not the best anymore. Much more better options now
I have several Bambinos in my stash. Some are really great while others not so good. I have issues with fit of the bianco, magnifico and now bloomeez diapers. While they very absorbent they suck fit wise. Large are too big and stretch out as I wet them which requires wearing a snug onsie or risk the diaper drooping to my knees. The medium fit but they are a little tight at first and the lower tabs secure at the top of my leg where any kind of bending or sitting will cause the tabs to come undone, which is more annoying than than the diaper falling off my ass.

Other than that I like their other diapers. I find them very comfortable and absorbent. I will definitely keep ordering from Bambinos.
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