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Baby Werewolf
Est. Contributor
  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
  3. Babyfur
  4. Diaperfur
  5. Sissy
  6. Little
When does it stop being just a Halloween themed form of play, AKA Dress-up, and start being real?

I've wanted to be a TBDL/ABDL since I was 15, and just a couple years ago became obsessed with werewolves, and so it turned to Babyfur.

I got Pink Baby Doll costume; complete with pink rattle & pink bottle, wolf tail, fingerless "Wolf Paw" gloves, & chinless wolf mask from , but being raised by a perfectionist, I struggle being satisfied and seek perfection of my own.
I’m not exactly sure what you are asking, but it almost sounds like maybe you’re a furry and an AB/DL now?
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Want to be, but need to find work & save money. 😭
Alysa said:
Want to be, but need to find work & save money. 😭
You don’t need a fursuit or anything to be a furry! :3 Most of us have a “fursona” which is just your own character, but you don’t even technically need that! All you need is the interest of anthro animals! Most furries don’t even have a fursuit btw!
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I totally get that you want one though lol I have one and I’m currently about to start making my first one! :3 They definitely can be a lot of fun! But again, not necessary to be a furry!
Afraid of getting my account wrongfully banned, otherwise I'd send images
Alysa said:
Afraid of getting my account wrongfully banned, otherwise I'd send images
Why would you be banned for posting images of your outfit? That wouldn’t be right :/
Quotev did it
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I don't wanna show you here. Do you have Google Chat?
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You actually don't need a ton of money for that stuff if you're willing to settle for the cheaper stuff. Thrift stores and fleas markets DO stock diapers and can get some good, cheap brands (Cardinal Health is WAY better than it has any right to be imho) Same with the dress-up stuff, as you've said. Now, if you want the specialty, official stuff, then you need money...
I currently don't know what thrift stores to check, and I can't drive myself, nor do I have a vehicle currently, so they'd need to deliver.
Alysa said:
I currently don't know what thrift stores to check, and I can't drive myself, nor do I have a vehicle currently, so they'd need to deliver.
Any of them, really. There were three local ones in my town before, and they ALL stocked them at some time or another. Just gotta check in periodically.
This is gonna be both embarrassing for me, & satisfactory for me; Ordering adult diapers from Goodwill, seeing their "EmPlOyEeS" dumped their work on me, but got paid anyway....

THAT MONEY'S RIGHTFULLY MINE, I don't care volunteers don't get paid!! I earned that money!!
You just gotta not think about it when buying. That or have a story ready. My friend works in an old folks home, so I got an easy out.
What story?
Alysa said:
What story?
An excuse, if you worry about being judged. If they ask questions, it's good to have a proper excuse ready to avoid embarrassment.
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