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SIDF: Sleep In Diapers Friday

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This is a cool idea but since I am married with Children , who are college age now, and a wife who doesn't know about this kink, I will just have to read about how everyone else is enjoying it.
tillylenn said:
You were so kind, that I was thinking all day, so if you want, we could do it.
So to answer your question, it would start the same time as SIDF, from Friday night to Saturday night, so, for start lets do 24 hours.
It would start 22.00 (10 PM) Friday till 22.00 (10 PM) Saturday, and would include sleeping that one night with pacifier.
If you want start as same time as SIDF in 00.00 (12.00 PM) till 00.00 (12.00 PM). Important is that we follow SIDF plus sleeping with paci plus the next day staying in diapers so that is full 24 hours being diapered.
In short, SIDF + paci + 24 h diapered.

I am also sorry I was in the bad moode this morning and was rude to you in a way. I am sorry.
So if you give it a try, let me know here. Bye wettingagain ! ☺
it sounds fun! But I don't have 24 hours worth of diapers on hand- my supply is low. Maybe in a couple of weeks. Maybe somebody else will do the challenge this weekend. I would enjoy doing it. (I'd get marked down as I don't have a "paci".
Diapered up! Just taped on a Northshore MegaMax prepped and ready for SIDF. It’s been 2 months since my last diaper so this is a nice Friday treat!
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ThePaddedGolfer said:
Diapered up! Just taped on a Northshore MegaMax prepped and ready for SIDF. It’s been 2 months since my last diaper so this is a nice Friday treat!
Enjoy enjoy! Have a good time in it. :):) Last weekend I really had a quite a "diaper weekend" I went thru quite a few of them. Can't do that this weekend (except for 1 or 2 diapers). won't be able to sleep in one tonight. :( Hopefully delivery guy brings my order on Monday.
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ready for dreamland in an Abena M4 :)
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trying to get some Zs but browsing while I wait in my diaper :)
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Just settling into bed in a L’il Monsters and plastic pants. Like every similarly dressed toddler, I’m going to be a wet little boy pretty soon.
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sinceiwassmall said:
Just settling into bed in a L’il Monsters and plastic pants. Like every similarly dressed toddler, I’m going to be a wet little boy pretty soon.
L'ill Monsters is my favorite. enjoy.
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spddan said:
Sleep In Diapers Friday
An ADISC Tradition

ADISC has been around for a number of years now, and over this time, we have established a number of community traditions. Perhaps none of these are as often thought of or as notable as Sleep In Diapers Friday (or SIDF).

What is Sleep In Diapers Friday?
This monthly 'holiday' just happens to have a very self-explanatory name! Basically, it's a night that members of the greater ADISC community come together and indulge in the reason they came to this site in the first place. We put on a diaper and fall asleep. It's that simple!

When is Sleep In Diapers Friday?
The first Friday of every month. That's right, the first Friday, not every Friday. Not everyone here wears diapers every night, so doing it every week would be overkill. Holding it once a month makes it more special and keeps it as something for people to plan for.

Are there any incentives in participating?
Of course there are. You're sleeping in a diaper! What more could you want? :p
Seriously though, there aren't really any on-site advantages to taking part in a Sleep In Diapers Friday, but it is always a fun thing to do.

If you are interested in putting a number on things, you can feel free to try out:

SIDF Points
Some time ago, a member (namely me) posted a 'Rewards Program' for participating in Sleep In Diapers Friday. While there is no real reward in getting these points, the satisfaction that comes in the act of gaining them can be quite fun!

Brief overview
There are a total of 5 SIDF Points that can be earned each time SIDF comes around. Here are the points you can win.

Point 1
Get the date right! SIDF begins before midnight (24:00 or 12:00AM) Friday night/Saturday morning in your timezone. If it's not SIDF, you shouldn't be getting any of these made up points, though you still get the enjoyment of sleeping in a diaper anyways!

Point 2
Wear a diaper! It doesn't matter what kind of a diaper it is; just wear some sort of a diaper on SIDF night to earn this point.

Point 3
Leave the diaper on for the duration of the night. This means using it as it was intended to be used. If you need to change and have another diaper you can use, change into it to keep up with this point! (Note: feel free to follow your usual routine for messing without penalty).

Point 4
Sleep! This isn't Stay Up In Diapers Friday! Get the fourth point for actually sleeping a decent night's sleep on SIDF. For those new and having trouble falling sleeping in diapers, this gets easier as time goes on.

Point 5
Have fun and enjoy being diapered! This is a time to get in touch with the diaper loving and/or regressive side of you and to indulge in your interest, no matter how often you get to.

So, that's it. If you wear a diaper, use it for its intended purpose, sleep, and have fun on an SIDF night, it's a free and totally worthless 5 SIDF Points for you! :D
I wear nappy’s 247 now
wettingagain said:
L'ill Monsters is my favorite. enjoy.
Sounds great
Anyone doing SIDF tonight?
Yay! I will now that you reminded me!
Yep, just changed into mine and tucked myself in.
Going to be a BearHugz from Changing Times for me!
Thank you so much for reminder. It's a bit early here yet- but I Just might tonight. Sleep in on Saturday and enjoy morning pee (peeing) in my diaper. It's been a few days since I wore a diaper and since it's a holiday weekend I may just celebrate by having a peeing good time. :)
Well I did SIDF in a black north shore which finished up a wet n messy Saturday morning
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Lostboy123 said:
Yep, just changed into mine and tucked myself in.
Was a good job I did because boy was I wet this morning
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Superman Onesie and a Skooldoodle diaper - a little leaky in the front.
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Am trying sleeping in a nappy for the first time since infancy tonight. Have got a Tykables Unicorn on, with a pair of double layered cloth pants over it in case of leaks, and a pair of plastic pants over those.
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