Relationship Advice


Just Another Diapered Brony
Est. Contributor
  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
  3. Babyfur
  4. Diaperfur
  5. Sissy
  6. Little
I don't know if I'm feeling like I'm having like a young early-but-not midlife crisis. I just turned 30 a month ago now and I'm wondering if ever going to find someone. I just feel like I'm so inexperienced in dating. Is it bad that I've never been on a date with someone or in a relationship before at this point? I mean I went to my high school junior prom, but that wasn't with anyone I was interested in so it doesn't count as a date.

I guess I'm also thinking about my other interests being a brony and diapers. Sometimes I feel I'd be happy to end up with either a girl or guy but at other times I'm also thinking about maybe having a family and I guess it all is just bringing me down.
How have you tried to rectify your ‘problem’
Have you tried online dating sites or join local groups that involve your interests?
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JazzBaby said:
I don't know if I'm feeling like I'm having like a young early-but-not midlife crisis. I just turned 30 a month ago now and I'm wondering if ever going to find someone. I just feel like I'm so inexperienced in dating. Is it bad that I've never been on a date with someone or in a relationship before at this point? I mean I went to my high school junior prom, but that wasn't with anyone I was interested in so it doesn't count as a date.

I guess I'm also thinking about my other interests being a brony and diapers. Sometimes I feel I'd be happy to end up with either a girl or guy but at other times I'm also thinking about maybe having a family and I guess it all is just bringing me down.
I’m 53 and have only had one long term relationship in 30 years. The ones I want don’t want me and the ones that want me I don’t like. I wish I could help you. I’m sure my ab dl side is a big factor also, if I do see a women I like I get a lot of anxiety and I clam up.