Pull-up Problems


  1. Diaper Lover
I haven't had much luck with "store brand" pull-ups like Depends. It seems like no matter how much I taper the flow it always runs over the leg guards. And even if I manage to keep it in bounds it takes several seconds to fully absorb so I can go about my day.

Recently I've found Northshore to be the best, great leg guards, absorbs about 2 solid wettings and will absorb quickly too.

What are your thoughts about pull-ups, brands and the best way to wear them?
Pull-ups usually are what I use when too lazy to diaper up or when I want a diaper but can’t be crinkly around people. Abena was the only other that was decent. I think unique wellness had a good one but it’s been a very long time so not sure if it’s still the case. Always discreet is okay for store bought but has weird scent, in a pinch they work and have leak shields vs store brands, tena, depends, etc. discreet only can handle maybe one or two wettings.
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Pull-ups are WORTHLESS for ANYONE/EVERYONE with anything more than mostly controllable and light leak issues., Face it, what works for small children, can't work for adults with the substantially larger voids, the weight of those voids and I've never seen an "adult" pull up that's not damn near falling off when it's dry and has been on for more than 15-30 minutes. Unless you lose a little leak when you sneeze or laugh and the leak is maybe .25 ounce (at most), you're better off with a washable piece of cotton or something in your standard underwear as you can change that in an instant. The "pull-up" style for adults is a JOKE as they're useless for the majority of us.

@mattyd ....if you honestly thing that people can here a diaper crinkle when you're around them, I ASSURE YOU that unless you can also hear a pin drop, it's not happening. I've had to wear for much of the past 20 years (when life as I once knew it slammed into a tree @ 150mph and my seat belt wasn't on) and I too imagined EVERYONE, somehow, would bear or see or otherwise somehow know I was wearing. When dressed appropriately, it's NOT happening! If that's you're only reason for risking a leak (and a catastrophic one that there is NO hiding ... ask me how I know) is because you're afraid others will "SOMEHOW" know what kind of underwear you're wearing, switch to the diaper (or brief, whatever you want to call it) of your choice that gives you the confidence to wear/go about your business without worries and you will be happier and more relaxed. I wear Betterdry & Megamax, EVEN WITH SHORTS and no one has ANY IDEA what I am wearing! Admittedly as this is a legitimate issue on my end and has been since mid 2004, I have had a LIFETIME to overcome my fear and paranoia but I must add that my entire family (immediate family + extended family with uncles/aunts/cousins and even cousins kids = 35-40 people) is well aware of my issue, so are all of my CLOSE friends so add in another 2 to 3 dozen people. You know what? ALL of my fears were DRASTICALLY unfounded and I have never had ANY issues due to my issues, though being most of my friends and I are relentless ball busters, there's been diaper jokes but if you're going to break other people's balls, you better be able to handle having your own walnuts squeezed in a vice!

I once wound up in the middle of grocery shopping, almost finished at a time when I was CONVINCED that (somehow) EVERY SINGLE PERSON within visual range of me would INSTANTLY know I was wearing diapers. That sounds ridiculous now but at the time i was mortified. So yeah, I was wearing a "discreet" diaper but....when that diaper suffered a CATASTRPOHIC failure and I was standing with dripping wet pants and a lake at my feet, there's nothing on Earth that can hide exact5ly what the fuck just happened to me and that aisle was packed. As fast as a guy who could hardly stand and needed a walker to ambulate could, I SPRINTED (*laughing imaging my exercise in futility today but I was not at the time!) to my van, left my groceries in the cart in the middle of the aisle and then did not leave my house for ANY reason outside of Dr appts for months! Thankfully football season was over (this occurred in Jan/Feb 2005) and I was already taking a leave of absence coaching wrestling so the only people who suffered from MY shame were my entire family, friends and especially my (at the time) 7 1/2 & 5 1/2 year old sons. though they were still wrestling only I was not in any way shape or form coaching them (or any of the nearly 4 dozen other kids on their elementary team) and no one asked as everyone knew I had spent more than 7 weeks hospitalized since mid December.

I'm PROMISING YOU this, dress appropriately, ensure to change often or better yet wear enough capacity so you don't wind up with a lake at your feet and dripping wet pants and if someone happens to be able to tell, That's on THEM!

I figure you're likely wearing as you want to and not out of need, but no one else can know that either, so keep this in mind.

Let me know if I can be of more help.

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mattyd said:
...Always discreet is okay for store bought but has weird scent...
Yeah I've tried Always brand, it's a sort of artificial floral scent. Funny how they call them "discreet" with that.
I have a ton of pull ups and they suck. They don’t hardly hold anything and I leak. They don’t hardly cover my butt.
As @CptKirk pointed out pull ups are not designed to be peed into (not an actual pee as you think of it at least).

They are made for people who literally just dribble a little bit here and there, i.e. stress IC where a cough or a sneeze, or bending over/stretching can push a tiny bit of wee out, we are talking anywhere from maybe 20ml - 50ml at a time, they can hold an ok amount if used like this as everything has time to really soak up, but if you try letting even a 3rd of a bladder out in one go (which is around 175ml for the average adult bladder size) you're pushing a pull ups abilities to contain it before it can absorb, a completely dry one might take that but one that has already taken that much once or twice is risking a leak.
CptKirk said:
Pull-ups are WORTHLESS for ANYONE/EVERYONE with anything more than mostly controllable and light leak issues., Face it, what works for small children, can't work for adults with the substantially larger voids, the weight of those voids and I've never seen an "adult" pull up that's not damn near falling off when it's dry and has been on for more than 15-30 minutes. Unless you lose a little leak when you sneeze or laugh and the leak is maybe .25 ounce (at most), you're better off with a washable piece of cotton or something in your standard underwear as you can change that in an instant. The "pull-up" style for adults is a JOKE as they're useless for the majority of us.

@mattyd ....if you honestly thing that people can here a diaper crinkle when you're around them, I ASSURE YOU that unless you can also hear a pin drop, it's not happening. I've had to wear for much of the past 20 years (when life as I once knew it slammed into a tree @ 150mph and my seat belt wasn't on) and I too imagined EVERYONE, somehow, would bear or see or otherwise somehow know I was wearing. When dressed appropriately, it's NOT happening! If that's you're only reason for risking a leak (and a catastrophic one that there is NO hiding ... ask me how I know) is because you're afraid others will "SOMEHOW" know what kind of underwear you're wearing, switch to the diaper (or brief, whatever you want to call it) of your choice that gives you the confidence to wear/go about your business without worries and you will be happier and more relaxed. I wear Betterdry & Megamax, EVEN WITH SHORTS and no one has ANY IDEA what I am wearing! Admittedly as this is a legitimate issue on my end and has been since mid 2004, I have had a LIFETIME to overcome my fear and paranoia but I must add that my entire family (immediate family + extended family with uncles/aunts/cousins and even cousins kids = 35-40 people) is well aware of my issue, so are all of my CLOSE friends so add in another 2 to 3 dozen people. You know what? ALL of my fears were DRASTICALLY unfounded and I have never had ANY issues due to my issues, though being most of my friends and I are relentless ball busters, there's been diaper jokes but if you're going to break other people's balls, you better be able to handle having your own walnuts squeezed in a vice!

I once wound up in the middle of grocery shopping, almost finished at a time when I was CONVINCED that (somehow) EVERY SINGLE PERSON within visual range of me would INSTANTLY know I was wearing diapers. That sounds ridiculous now but at the time i was mortified. So yeah, I was wearing a "discreet" diaper but....when that diaper suffered a CATASTRPOHIC failure and I was standing with dripping wet pants and a lake at my feet, there's nothing on Earth that can hide exact5ly what the fuck just happened to me and that aisle was packed. As fast as a guy who could hardly stand and needed a walker to ambulate could, I SPRINTED (*laughing imaging my exercise in futility today but I was not at the time!) to my van, left my groceries in the cart in the middle of the aisle and then did not leave my house for ANY reason outside of Dr appts for months! Thankfully football season was over (this occurred in Jan/Feb 2005) and I was already taking a leave of absence coaching wrestling so the only people who suffered from MY shame were my entire family, friends and especially my (at the time) 7 1/2 & 5 1/2 year old sons. though they were still wrestling only I was not in any way shape or form coaching them (or any of the nearly 4 dozen other kids on their elementary team) and no one asked as everyone knew I had spent more than 7 weeks hospitalized since mid December.

I'm PROMISING YOU this, dress appropriately, ensure to change often or better yet wear enough capacity so you don't wind up with a lake at your feet and dripping wet pants and if someone happens to be able to tell, That's on THEM!

I figure you're likely wearing as you want to and not out of need, but no one else can know that either, so keep this in mind.

Let me know if I can be of more help.

I have been told by multiple people that the crinkle sound is quite audible. Also I think you haven’t gone for any non-store pull ups.
Belarin said:
As @CptKirk pointed out pull ups are not designed to be peed into (not an actual pee as you think of it at least).

They are made for people who literally just dribble a little bit here and there, i.e. stress IC where a cough or a sneeze, or bending over/stretching can push a tiny bit of wee out, we are talking anywhere from maybe 20ml - 50ml at a time, they can hold an ok amount if used like this as everything has time to really soak up, but if you try letting even a 3rd of a bladder out in one go (which is around 175ml for the average adult bladder size) you're pushing a pull ups abilities to contain it before it can absorb, a completely dry one might take that but one that has already taken that much once or twice is risking a leak.
Absolutely not. Any decent pull-up can take a full wetting or more.

Pullups are for more than minor leakage. They’re more like “plan b” for people who use the bathroom but need a plan b in case of an emergency.

The pull-ups I use can be relied on safely for 2 wettings though on the 2nd wetting, there will be some dampness making its way out past your inner thighs.

As a DL, I’ll use pull-ups if I plan on dry-wearing and just want to be in a diaper but have the option to use it too. If I’m wearing with plans and intention to use, I’ll just wear a tape-on diaper.
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LePew said:
Absolutely not. Any decent pull-up can take a full wetting or more.

Pullups are for more than minor leakage. They’re more like “plan b” for people who use the bathroom but need a plan b in case of an emergency.

The pull-ups I use can be relied on safely for 2 wettings though on the 2nd wetting, there will be some dampness making its way out past your inner thighs.

As a DL, I’ll use pull-ups if I plan on dry-wearing and just want to be in a diaper but have the option to use it too. If I’m wearing with plans and intention to use, I’ll just wear a tape-on diaper.
Fair enough, everyone will have different experiences with them but every time I've tried picking up a bag of pullups even for that very reason of "dry wearing with the possibility of a little wetting" they have failed on my in quite spectacular fashion. The only times I've ever been able to use them without leaks is if literally just letting dribbles out slowly.

Granted though I haven't bought any in about 25 years now so there may have been improvements but I still don't trust them from my personal experience and from the stories I read here and other sites that seem to corroborate my thoughts.
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I generally don’t care about crinkles. It’s just when I wear stuff like PJs I would wear pull-ups if I’m around certain people who aren’t aware. I wear diapers most days to work and here and there to grocery stores and such.
I wear store ones all the time. The best I’ve found are Kroger overnights. Any other store brand ones I’ve ever tried aren’t nearly as good. I’ll admit, I’ve had some leak when I sit down on something, but it’s damn good and wet and probably should have been changed, but that’s after a couple of good solid wettings. I’d love to try some of the premium ones, but just have never jumped the gun buying any. And these have just gone over $.50/pc, now they’re $10 for a 16 pack.
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