Post Potty Training Diaper Memory


  1. Diaper Lover
What's your earliest post potty training diaper memory?

Here's mine:

I was probably 3 or 4 so about 20 years ago. I was sitting at a plastic little tykes picnic table. I looked over and saw a diaper laying on the ground that belonged to my cousin by marriage that is 2 years younger than me. It was mostly white except for the strip on front with ducks. He is 2 years younger than me. I decided to take off my pants and underwear (Spongebob Underoos) off and put it on. Mind you I lived out in the country so not a lot of people could have seen. Anyway after I put the diaper on I for some reason didn't put my underwear on over it. I put my pants back on and walked towards the house and my mom came out and asked why I had my undies in my hand. She brought me inside and pulled my pants down exposing the diaper. My at the time step dad busted out laughing but my mom didn't
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I have a memory of being 3 or 4 when a friend of my mothers came over with a baby. I only remember the part when I was caught. I must have stolen one from the guests bag. I went upstairs and tried to put it on, but it was too small. That's when my mother and the friend walked in on me failing to fit into this nappy, and they both burst out laughing. I never liked being laughed at at that age even under the best of circumstances, so it must have been fairly traumatic.

I can also remember lying awake at night craving being put in a nappy. I weighed feigning incontinence to be put back into them, but never had the courage.

I also remember my first year of proper school (Infant school as we call it in the UK) and the teachers scolding us for our behaviour by comparing us to babies. I can't remember if nappies were mentioned, but I remember my heartbeat rising when they said this, partially hoping they would put us in nappies.
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I was a bedwetter and had daytime accidents, so I had to wear diapers or pullups. I was also a late potty trainer
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It was the memory, or one of them. It's the reason I'm a Clothie. I had 2 big, pink casts on my legs, with a big bar in between them, that made my legs look like an A, for tendon release surgery. Pottying wasn't an option, and back then, disposables were too small. Thank God! It's not the inside of a disposable that is a sensory nightmare; its the outside.
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