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Places you've pooed

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  1. Diaper Lover
What is the most interesting place you've pooed in a nappy? I've been trying to go in more different places as part of the excitement for me is role-playing real accidents.

I enjoy just going in crowded places such as shopping centre as even if there is a smell there is no way people could tell that it is me. I will then normally go straight to the toilet to change.
Cue the people who will lecture you that shouldn't impose your fetish on others...
However, there is no way for the strangers around the pooper to know if the person has fecal incontinence or not, so the idea doesn't really bother me. As long as they are properly protected and clean up straight away and dispose of everything properly, i see it as no different as an incontinent person going about their way, except the element of choice. I would say though, don't take laxitives to intentionally have the squirts that might get on other surfaces. Personally, i couldn't do it in public because it's too much trouble to clean up and i usually have to put a lot of effort into just pooping!
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