People with siblings, do you remember them being diapered/potty trained/wetting the bed?

Yes I was jealous of my bother and cousins too my family was really close when we were young, I was always scared to pee in my pants even though I have never done since I have memory, the same thing with wetting the bed I had one accident at seven and that is it, but I was jealous that they could go anytime because of the diaper and I had to hold or when I had to walk an he was on the stroller and the pacifier of course
I’ve been jealous of my cousins when seeing them get diaper changes. Would always wish that I could get a diaper change as well.
I was 5 and my 4 yr old sister and 2 yr old brother were diapered and played with every night, I remember asking for diapers too, and was told you are a big boy you don't need diapers, that's when I started to sneak them and wear them thinking that they would get me the love I so craved!!! Also, my mother told me, she bragged that I was trained by nine months old, my sister told me that mom had told her that many times, it's my mother that must have been trained to take me to the bathroom at certain times, 9 months old would be hard to train, cant hardly walk at 9 months old!!!
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I remember when both my brothers were in diapers and wet the bed. It never appealed to me because I wasn't into diapers then. Then I remember when my youngest was still in them. I remember he was just out of them and would wet his pants sometimes. I don't remember him being on the potty chair or nothing. Same as my other brother. They were in them and then out. I might not have paid any attention because I wasn't into it then.
I can recall some instances of siblings and cousins being changed then being fascinated or jealous in a way too.... I can now realize that those images may have been trigger points to liking diapers later on perhaps. I was about 7ish and recall one instance of my younger cousin visiting. He was around 4ish and at the end stages of wearing diapers. So he wasnt in diapers when we were playing and not even training pants. It was getting late and the end of the visit. So at this point my aunt wanted to get my cousin ready to go home now. So it looked like she packed pajamas for him and I figured she wanted to get him dressed to get it over with when getting him home, I remembered doing this when I was a bit younger when visiting. SO she was going to get him ready right here in the room where we were playing. So I just was straightening up as they got ready. She removed all his clothes and was just in underwear and I realized oh hes already trained in my mind. So to my amazement she pulled down his underwear and began to put a thick white diaper on him. this was the 70s so they were the thick plasticky type. I was kinda into diapers and still missed being put into them. So it was like I couldnt look away and watched him get changed. She even went as far as to slip on a pair of plastic pants over the diaper. So A feeling of almost being jealous came over me wanting to be changed into a diaper again. So this was definitely one trigger making me get all the more into liking diapers as I grew up. I would occasionally try to spy him getting changed in future visits but it lasted just so long as he aged out of needing diapers at all. I do again see this as ways I got to like diapers.
I have two younger sisters - one is 4 years younger, and I really don't recall much there - but the other one is 13 years younger - remember most of that with her.
But there was nothing to be jealous of there - it was established when I was roughly 3 1/2 my nervers were not working right, so I was IC, so I was also in diapers anyway - plus had issues with my hands, and plenty other problems, so...
I have 2 younger brothers. They are 12 and 7 now, but I remember them in nappies

The 12 year old wore nappies until he was almost 3, but still needed one to poop until he was nearly 5. He stopped wetting the bed about age 4. So only had them to grab if he needed a poo.

The 7 year old wore nappies until he was 3 and a half. He wet the bed until he was 4 or 5. He never had the poop problem his brother did as far as I recall
onecho said:
I don't recall much about my sister being trained. What I do recall is something that will always strike me as odd.

Long after she was potty trained, maybe when she was six or seven, she was caught stowing away doll diapers she had wet herself. I would like to disclose that I had never mentioned my proclivities and she had no concept of them. It was never spoken of again.

My ABDL interests started like this :eek: With the dolls nappies. Interesting
Not really my sister is 7 years older than me, and she was potty trained okay from my knowledge
I dont think my sister was jealous of me, she did abuse me as a kid a lot and always blamed it on "mom loving you more"
even tho our mother abused both of us, but our mother did favor giving my sister everything for a bit any type of materialistic thing she wanted.

But I was the bed wetter, I guess I didn't know how to deal with the abuse had nightmares too and my mother never potty trained me, she was sick and "liked" the control of having to change an 7 year old made her feel "motherly" even tho she stopped feeling this way when my bed wetting progressed and I was 11 by the time someone "fixed me"

Its all complicated LOL

*sorry if this post seems sudden, I have posted about my bed wetting and the abuse I suffered in this persons other threads about similar topics haha so it just seemed natrual to respond to this one*
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Blathers said:
Not really my sister is 7 years older than me, and she was potty trained okay from my knowledge
I dont think my sister was jealous of me, she did abuse me as a kid a lot and always blamed it on "mom loving you more"
even tho our mother abused both of us, but our mother did favor giving my sister everything for a bit any type of materialistic thing she wanted.

But I was the bed wetter, I guess I didn't know how to deal with the abuse had nightmares too and my mother never potty trained me, she was sick and "liked" the control of having to change an 7 year old made her feel "motherly" even tho she stopped feeling this way when my bed wetting progressed and I was 11 by the time someone "fixed me"

Its all complicated LOL

*sorry if this post seems sudden, I have posted about my bed wetting and the abuse I suffered in this persons other threads about similar topics haha so it just seemed natrual to respond to this one*
I have three sibs , the oldest was put in charge of us when she was around nine or so .. I would of been six at time..both parents away all the time we were left to fend for ourselves, we did what ever older sis said oh else ...she was mean about wetting pants and would make us stay in them.... I have so many foggy memories...some really not good
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Goodness me, yes!

I remember my sister trained in the day around the age of 2. It was before Pull-Up and Pampers Trainers became available in the UK so it was the old “going bare in the garden” method but also real pants in the house. She got the hang of it quite quickly and was reliably trained soon after. She had a turquoise potty that had been m

Two memories of note relating to her training though. I remember at the start she had these washable training pants that were basically white elasticated plastic pants with an inner terry later that leaked as soon as she had an accident in them. She was very upset by that and they weren’t used again.

Another memory, which I think was after the DL thing had hit and she would have been about three (not long before she was out of nappies at night).

She was quite articulate at that age and after our bath she asked my Mum why she had to wear a nappy at night instead of knickers. Mum told her that if she could keep her nappy dry every night then she could wear knickers instead. She was really excited about that.

I also remember (and I think it was on the same occasion) her bouncing on my parents bed in just her Ultra Pampers for girls shouting “I’m wearing a nappy! I’m wearing a nappy” over and over again. I was really jealous of her at that point, though I had already been sneaking her nappies secretly for quite some time by now. I wished I could wear openly as she could.

I think within a week or two of this conversation she was no longer in nappies at night and my supply dried up. The last of hers I wore was the last in a pack of Ultra Pampers for Girls that I found shortly after she stopped wearing at night.

There is one other memory that springs to mind, but I think this was a little bit earlier than that. She was sitting on my parents bed, sole of foot to sole of foot, having just had her night nappy put on.

She pointed to the nappy and said “I’m doing a wee in my nappy!” My Mum was a bit cross and said she should have asked to use the potty (suggesting she was day trained at this point) and she would have to change her again now. My sister thought this was hilarious and couldn’t stop giggling all the way through her change.
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One more recollection, though it wasn’t my sibling so don’t know if that counts...

When I was about eight or nine I went to a friend’s house to play after school and stay to tea.

He had a two year old sister who was potty training. Pull-Ups existed at this time but (typical Brits) the Mum either hadn’t heard of them or chose not to use them.

The girl was just in normal knickers and a red t-shirt.

She seemed to wet herself very frequently and always became distressed when she did, though the mother wasn’t angry or anything like that “oh dear, never mind, let’s try again” and put on fresh knickers every time it happened. Eventually the knickers ran out (I think the mother had a pack of about four or five) and she just went around bare (but still had further wetting accidents.

When the Dad came in from work he was slightly surprised about the fact that his daughter had nothing on her bottom with company in the house. He said something like “would you mind dressing for the occasion, young lady?” in a light hearted way. The mother replied “I have been putting pants on but she just wets them”.

I don’t know what happened next as my friend and I were busy playing, but when she next appeared she had a nappy on.

I realised that here was the opportunity to pinch a nappy for some fun later. I didn’t mind (and to this day don’t mind) that it was a girl nappy. I was an expert at “borrowing” nappies by now.

Just before we left, and had my coat on, I asked to use the toilet, which was upstairs. There were no nappies in the bathroom so I quickly nipped into the sister’s room and spotted the pack of nappies under her bed. They were “Huggies Ultra Thin from Kleenex” for girls, which were new to the UK at that time.

I grabbed one and stuffed it under my clothes in my armpit. I was just in the nick
of time as the mother shouted upstairs “are you OK?” and I dashed out and down the stairs.

When I got home I dashed straight up to my room and hid the nappy down the side of my bed. That night...oh bliss!

After I had got into bed and pulled the covers over, I slowly got the nappy and opened it out. I took my pyjama bottoms off and slipped the nappy on. It only just fit- I remember the tapes were more or less at the side rather than the front so if I’d been any bigger it wouldn’t have fit. The nappy did not come over my belly button either but fit like a pair of briefs.

These nappies were definitely much thinner but also stiffer than the ones I had been used to pinching, which were usually Pampers or own-brand. They were still plastic backed at this time.

I did my wee in it, which I had been “saving” for the nappy. Perhaps because it was quite tight, or perhaps because the SAP content was higher than most nappies, instead of getting the usual sensation of hot wee flowing down my bottom and pooling in the seat of the nappy, the warmth spread around the front and the nappy swelled up. It was different, but still wonderful. It didn’t leak either.

As I usually did in those days, I took it off not long after I had finished weeing in it.

I looked at the yellowed padding and girl themed waistband and once more the usual “why on earth do you like doing this?” question entered my head.

I screwed it up and put it back down the side of my bed. The disconcerting thing is, I cannot remember disposing of it. I hope to goodness that I did manage to sneak it out as I usually did. If my parents did find it they certainly never said anything.
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I'm the youngest so I only remember being potty trained and wearing training panties myself.
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Neither my bio nor my adoptive parents have any other children but me. Though I did live in what I can only describe as a group house during the time after my bio parents lost custody of me, and before my adoptive parents came around.
There was a couple older kids who lived there that still wet the bed regularly, but one of the girls who lived in the same room with me and was roughly my age, she pretty much wore 24/7. We weren't told much about each other's past usually, but from what I heard this girl (I'll call her Abby for this post (Disclaimer: Not her real name)) was severely neglected. We all just assumed that Abby's bio parents didn't care enough to potty train her. I kind of felt bad for her honestly, mostly due to seeing how badly her experiences up to then affected her. I tried being friendly with Abby once I got comfortable there, but she pushes anybody away from her figuratively, so we never got close.
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My sister is older than I am, and I occasionally remember her wetting the bed when I was growing up (and for some time later). She was not diapered for it.

Instead, the bedding was simply changed as needed. As she became older she wet the bed less often (e.g. monthly instead of weekly) but never entirely stopped and learned to do her own laundry.
I have a memory of going into my parent’s bedroom and looking at the outer packaging of my brothers diapers when he was being potty trained and sadly thinking that there wouldn’t be diapers in the house anymore. I would have been about 5. I also vividly remember my brother having an accident when we were out to lunch as a family but other than that I don’t remember anything about either of my siblings potty training.

There is just over a year between me and my sister and I was potty trained just a few months after she was born so I do wonder if my liking for diapers and baby paraphernalia could be born out of jealousy from feeling like I wasn’t the baby anymore and had to grow up when I was still so tiny myself.
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