Ozempic and increased urination.


Est. Contributor
  1. Incontinent
Hi, have noticed a considerable increase in my wetting volume despite drinking no more water than normal whilst on this med for weight loss. Anyone else find they have increased output?
The physics of your description can't be true for more than a day or so. Drink more water! Water out can't be more than water in unless you are becoming dehydrated I also take Ozempic and it's a real struggle to stay hydrated for me too. Push fluids.
I am on ozempic and don’t notice any difference in bladder activities.
It makes you feel more “full” for the first few days of taking it. Less appetite. But, helped A1C a lot.
You get more used to it after several months of injections.
no, I’ve been on it for two months, that is not one of the known side effects of Ozempic. Look at the other medication’s you’re taking because some of those might have that as a side effect. I mean who knows though, everybody is different. I notice I get dry mouth more which means I drink more which means I have to piss more. That’s probably because of the ozempic, but it’s not a known stated side effect of it, however, I am also on a few other pills that have that known side effect of increased urination. I know the one thing that Ozempic will do for sure is will definitely make you shit yourself 12 hours after eating the wrong thing and you won’t know it, you won’t make that connection until you have to change your diaper later on. So that’s a fun thing. We all have to deal with now . But hey, I don’t care so long as my A1c stays where it is which is a very impressive 6.1 compared to it used to be at 8.1.
I am on Ozempic and it hasn't caused me any problems. The one that does is Empagliflozin. I was warned it caused increased urination. As I was already incontinent when I started taking it I didn't see that as a problem..
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Link66 said:
Hi, have noticed a considerable increase in my wetting volume despite drinking no more water than normal whilst on this med for weight loss. Anyone else find they have increased output?
i have nothing good to truly say about Ozempic. it is meant to help diabetic patients lower their AC1 not to be used as a weight lose medication. it may help some people lose weight at very high dose that is unhealthy. the only true form of weight lose is being mindful of what you eat and exercise. is med maybe increasing your wetting. it does cause serious abdominal pain, digestive issues, bowel issues (diarrhea), and fatigue. it messes with one's entire digestive system making people sick long term. it is not the wonder drug it is being advertised and any doctor prescribing it solely weight lose is not a good doctor.
I know a few people that are using it but their issues are milder than mine. An important disqualifier is:
  • if you have a history of diabetic retinopathy
which I do. I suspect that this is the lawyer qualifier but there might be a medical reason for it (I'm neither a lawyer or a doctor).

Retinopathy is frequently part of any long term diabetic's experience, which left untreated can lead to blindness.