Opinions on how you feel about the community portrayed?


  1. Little
Such as on TV, media, etc. I get very uncomfortable and I'm not sure why? I.e. my husband and I love the old price is right and watch the 24/7 channel time to time. Well if any of you watch it you know Holly is fantastic. They always put her in the baby attire here and there for certain products. I'm sitting over here jealous. Silly, yes. I think my husband gets uncomfortable though. Not terribly though. We've dabbled in things. He's just not as open to it as I am. So I guess weat I'm asking is how am I supposed to feel in situations like that?
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As for me...
I am tired of being portrayed in the media as a sicko freak.
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Unfortunately the behavior of a few have really had a negative impact on the public’s perception of ABDL.

Many in the community forget what the “A” in abdl stands for, and seem to forget some very simple rules like not involving in consenting parties. Stuff like exposing your diapers, wearing just a baby clothes in public, posting obviously fake fapfics in unrelated forums and fetishizing genuinely incontinent people have really given us a bad image.
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It's getting better.
I remember when no one knew we existed. I remember when we were mostly reviled. I remember when we were mocked. Now we are just begining to see better articles and videos and such. Think about the Vice video a few years ago.

I don't ever expect to dress in public the same way I dress at a play party, but I hope eventually we get to the point where this is just another peculiar interest, like this person is into shibari, that person is into leather, so and so likes to be spanked, and this guy here likes to dress as a toddler.
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If you look for the worst, you'll find it. If you look for the best, you'll find it.
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Sensationalist media mostly seek for some ABDLs extremists. Those extremists are frecuently in 24/7/365 mode. Exposing their lifestyle in public. Coming to playgrounds when kids are present. Nothing strange when moving in public in messy diapers.

I'd write more about those creeps. IMHO these behaviors are symptoms of some personality disorders. And yes, it's giving very bad fame to all members of the club.

As to me, I keep my baby stuff in the intimacy of my home. It keeps me protected from a lot of problems.
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The media loves to shock and sensationalise. So when they find something and think ‘there is some mileage in this’ they will look for the most hard core version and portray that as the norm for example many ABDL’s live this lifestyle part time they hold down jobs, have other hobbies, have adult relationships and dress appropriately but the media will find the 24/7 ABDL who uses benefits or creates ABDL content, lives in nappies and a onesie who only interacts with other ABDL’s and caregivers. I am ABDL I wear and use my nappies for number 1&2 I own three onesies a couple of pacifiers and I watch children’s shows while hugging a stuffed toy but I have friends who don’t know this about me, I volunteer at a museum and I can clean, cook, handle finances and have hobbies (writing mainly). The media will always exist in part to make money and the Black Eyed Peas had it right ‘I think the whole world addicted to the drama.’ I can only hope in time we will be accepted and like what happened with LGBTQAI + community no longer be seen as something to be mocked or feared or hated.
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Newbaby110521 said:
The media loves to shock and sensationalise. So when they find something and think ‘there is some mileage in this’ they will look for the most hard core version and portray that as the norm for example many ABDL’s live this lifestyle part time they hold down jobs, have other hobbies, have adult relationships and dress appropriately but the media will find the 24/7 ABDL who uses benefits or creates ABDL content, lives in nappies and a onesie who only interacts with other ABDL’s and caregivers. I am ABDL I wear and use my nappies for number 1&2 I own three onesies a couple of pacifiers and I watch children’s shows while hugging a stuffed toy but I have friends who don’t know this about me, I volunteer at a museum and I can clean, cook, handle finances and have hobbies (writing mainly). The media will always exist in part to make money and the Black Eyed Peas had it right ‘I think the whole world addicted to the drama.’ I can only hope in time we will be accepted and like what happened with LGBTQAI + community no longer be seen as something to be mocked or feared or hated.

Things are better than they were. We still have far to go, but it's definitely better.

At some point I hope it gets to the level of just another peculiar interest like Pup-play, leather, shibari, etc... We are closer to that than we've ever been.
It doesn't even phase me anymore. The things they show in the media definitely gear towards the type of stuff that even makes me cringe. So, I sort of empathize with people being grossed out.

That's why I keep this stuff very private. It is objectively pretty gross of us to pee/poop on ourselves and find enjoyment out of it. Does that stop me from enjoying the naughty and sensual feeling? Hell no. Everyone's into something that's gross to someone else. Once we can appreciate the fact that we've all got differences as well as things in common, we can be liberated enough to not need the approval of others in our own journeys of self discovery.

Now, granted, I am a DL who is very private/conservative in my wearing so there's not as much pressure to express my little side as an inherent part of me that feels attacked by others. But sometimes we have to accept the fact that people who misunderstand us won't accept us and we shouldn't need them to. Typically once people find a quiet confidence in you and willingness to go about a normal public life, then you will find people who are much more open to hearing about your private eccentricities with interest rather than objection. You build rapport and trust on the things you have in common, THEN fly your freak flag. It makes us relatable enough to show that we're still human instead of caricatures to be mocked.
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The comparatino with LGBTQs is wrong - ABDL as default stinks.
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I agree with most of whats been said, ive been an AB for about 15 years now and ive seen the select few messing it up for everyone else. I've also seen acceptance and popularity grow, particularly through the popularization of the whole ddlg thing which itself has become mainstream in a way. I think the thanks for a large amount of future acceptance will be owed to that subset of the ageplay community.
I dont particularly enjoy seeing references to us in TV, movies, etc.
Humans use social outcasts as a way of bonding in groups, as in, "we wouldnt normally have much in common, but we can ALL laugh at those weirdos!". So we're an easy target in media, i think. Thats a double edged sword though, as we gain more exposure and people arent as shocked by us, it will lose that value as a plot point. So in a sense, bad press isnt so bad, if you look at it as kind of forcing the population to aknowledge us and eventually it might just be as common and forgettable as bdsm is now, leather and stuff.
I dont like feeling like a useable, throwaway joke for clicks and views though. I dont think most people realize how emotion based this is for most of us, that most of us are especially sensitive, neurodivergent, etc. Its just never part of whats portrayed
It really doesn't bother me how ABDL is portrayed. I keep this to myself and only my wife knows so if there is some douchebag out there getting negative media attention by their actions it really had no bearing on me. No one can connect me to this lifestyle/kink so if it's ever brought up within a group setting then I can just sit and nod my head but contribute nothing to the conversation. I just listen and I get a better understanding what that certain group of ppl think about grown adults wearing diapers and acting like an infant for pleasure.

One thing I can say for sure though. What I have learned over the years by listening and reading the room during one of these discussions, if you break down the AB/DL into its respective groups, the ABs get a far worse rap than the DLs. Most ppl have less concern about an adult that wears diapers for pleasure than they do if an adult dresses up and acts like infant, especially if that adult is interacting with children or caught in what is normally children's setting like a playground. Now add Sissy, cross dressing and transgender into the mix and that respective group gets an even worse rap.
I believe being caught as a DL would be tolerated way better than the latter.
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It's getting better although there are still plenty of poor quality media companies that'll grab the low hanging fruit of namecalling ABDL.

But on the whole, i'm seeing more informed and less judgmental opinions about abdl, there was even an episode of 'Spuiten & Slikken' here that presented a pretty well made interview with an abdl'er.
Kitty13 said:
Such as on TV, media, etc. I get very uncomfortable and I'm not sure why? I.e. my husband and I love the old price is right and watch the 24/7 channel time to time. Well if any of you watch it you know Holly is fantastic. They always put her in the baby attire here and there for certain products. I'm sitting over here jealous. Silly, yes. I think my husband gets uncomfortable though. Not terribly though. We've dabbled in things. He's just not as open to it as I am. So I guess weat I'm asking is how am I supposed to feel in situations like that?
I feel that going out own way is the gift of ABDL. Nothing else feels so right.
Thank you for bringing up such an important topic and for sharing your perspective. I completely agree that the media often sensationalizes niche communities, including the ABDL (Adult Baby/Diaper Lover) community. This type of coverage can indeed distort public perception, leading to misunderstandings and reinforcing stigmas around adult diaper use, especially for those who rely on them due to medical conditions like incontinence.

It’s unfortunate when the broader implications of sensationalized media coverage impact individuals who require certain products or support for their well-being. The conflation of ABDL interests with the legitimate medical use of adult diapers can create unnecessary embarrassment and hesitancy. It’s vital that we differentiate between a lifestyle choice and a medical necessity, understanding that both deserve respect and sensitivity in their own rights.

The portrayal of the ABDL community in a manner that seeks to shock or entertain undervalues the genuine struggles and needs of those dealing with incontinence. It also overlooks the fact that the ABDL community itself is diverse, with its own range of experiences and motivations that are not always accurately represented.

It’s crucial for us, as a society, to foster an environment where people feel supported and unashamed of their needs, whether those arise from personal preference or medical conditions. Education and open, compassionate dialogue are key to demystifying subjects that are often misunderstood or sensationalized.

Your experience and insights remind us of the importance of approaching these topics with empathy and understanding, rather than judgment. By advocating for a more nuanced and informed public discourse, we can help ensure that individuals feel comfortable seeking out the solutions that best suit their needs, free from stigma or fear of judgment.

Thank you again for initiating this conversation. It’s through discussions like these that we can hope to shift perceptions and create a more inclusive and understanding community.
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