Old Goodnites Availability?


  1. Diaper Lover
Hey there, I'm kind of new to using this site but anyways I wanted to see if anyone really knew about whether or not there was some way to procure old Goodnites designs.

I usually purchase the girls versions because I find that the designs are much more palatable but personally, the designs that have come since the rebranding are really unappealing to me. The designs feel just dull and gloomy and on top of that, there's actually usage reasons why I don't like the new designs. The padding on them is overall a lot stiffer compared to before the rebranding and isn't as soft when first exposed to moisture; I also feel that the waistbands of the new designs are much more prone to wear and overuse.

I have been able to find a few stores in my area that carry the older designs (they're always the L/XL ones but I've found CVS stores that carry what I believe are the 2013-2016 heart/butterfly design Goodnites as well as the owl design from 2017 ish as early as up to the 2010-2012/13 ish design with the zebra stripes), however what I've noticed is that there seems to be a lack of the older S/M designs. So far, I've found in store a pack of the Cinderella ones (the ones right before the Elena of Avalor designs released I believe) as well as the Elena design before the rebranding, but I've basically found nothing prior to 2018 since then.

As for online, I've found that it's a similar story: the old L/XL designs will periodically pop up on sites like eBay (in some cases even very old vintage designs like from the mid 2000s) but the older S/M designs are almost all as of now limited to the Elena of Avalor designs (pre rebranding) and sometimes the Tinkerbell ones. This is a bummer because I really want to try out the S/M Cinderella (with the pink background); they made two Cinderella designs, the package I was able to find was one with the blue background. I also really want to try out some of the older variations of the Drynites, especially the Frozen designs and the designs before the new overhaul (personally I like the Drynites overhaul much better but it's still too mature for my taste); however I know there likely isn't a hoot in hell I can find them in the United States.

So anyways, long tangent, but I was wondering if anyone knew of how long the Cinderella S/M designs were out and whether or not if there are still stores that carry them? I know they were out after the Tinkerbell design and before the Elena ones so it was roughly the timeframe around 2016-2018 (the 2-3 year timeframe could explain the lack of availability), but I really wanted to know if anyone knows of anything online that might still have them in stock.
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