Look Who's Talking


Est. Contributor
  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
  3. Little
  4. Carer
So, stumbled upon this movie last night while looking for something to watch on Hulu (don't judge, I had been in my office working for like 20 hours, and needed something mindless). But I got to thinking, "Huh, I wonder what twins they got to play the physical role of "Mikey" in the movie, and if they're still acting. Turns out that they actually used four different kids to play the role, which I guess makes sense, since he grows during the movie from baby into around a 2 year old. But all of the articles seem to focus on one actor who was the "main" toddler, who acted in a lot of the scenes, including the dance with John Travolta, because the guy was (at least back in 2016-2019 when these articles were written about them) still acting, but also a cast member at Walt Disney World! As an Orlando area resident, I think it's kind of cool that this cast member is someone I may have seen performing in a show on property somewhere and was actually in this well known late 80's movie.

Here's what doesn't make sense - the movie came out in 1989, but multiple articles say this person was born in 1978. That timeline doesn't make sense. Even if the movie was filmed in 1985, and released later, the actor would have been 7 years old when they filmed. Even if you say it was filmed in 1983 and released later on, he would have been 5 years old. I suppose he could have been a younger looking preschooler, and I bet it's probably common to get a slightly older child on a set since they can follow directions better, but how likely is it that the movie would have been filmed years and years before it's theatrical release? I thought most movies (not animated) were shot 1-3 years before release. I have to believe that the articles about the actor's age are all wrong.
Just weird thoughts that come to me after very little sleep, lol.
Well when I have any questions about an actors age and what they have done in their Career I always got IMDB.com. It should give you the answer you are looking for there.
It could be better to get information from pop-culture magazines of the time rather than [what seems to be cobbled together and confused] info from the websites/zines.
I think the info on wiki is dodgy, too.
It's not uncommon for accurate information to be hard to find for pre-21st Century films. Thereon, giddy adolescent fans and giddy, unprofessional journalists posting all sorts on the web can muddy the waters greatly.
I did check the info on IMDB and then several different articles that were not like “fan made” articles but actually professional sites that talked about how old the actor was now, which is what confused me, because the math made no sense. I’m thinking what likely happened is one of those articles got it wrong and then everyone copied off that, lol.

I also thought it was interesting the actor doesn’t include the role on his acting credits. I guess because he was a kid. He’s been in other professional roles -mostly small parts - since then, so if nothing else maybe it got his foot in the door.