'Late' bedwetting/potty training and relation to DL?


Est. Contributor
  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
  3. Little
I'm curious if others feel the same as I do. I'm new but made a few posts now so figured I'd create my own thread too! 😝

I'm 29 and a DL. I think I've been a DL since the age of probably age 13 ish if I'm being honest with myself. I wet the bed as a child, usually severely and usually every night from birth to 16yo. I did have numerous tests done regarding this, including health exams, doctors appointments and even children's therapy and nothing was ever really confirmed/diagnosed. Adding to this, my parents have told me now that I'm older that I was practically impossible to potty train which is why I had accidents during the day as well, this meant I'd have to wear either a diaper or pull-ups during the day to school or anywhere else up until the age of around 10 when day wetting stopped. Bedwetting didn't stop until I was 16 and even then it didn't stop instantly, it was a slow and gradual process. I remember being a kid at pre/primary school and peeing myself with a diaper on, I knew it wasn't normal and I was frustrated as hell. It was embarrassing. None of my friends or other children that I knew of had this problem, they were normal and I wasn't. Sure did give me a complex! I remember it all so well too which is what I think contributes to my being a DL/AB. Essentially I was diapered from birth until age 11 and then had to wear DryNites (I think these are called GoodNites? in the USA) to bed until age 16.

Strangely (or perhaps not?), as a child I protested about wearing diapers. I hated it. There were nights where I'd throw a tantrum and refuse to be put in a diaper, I remember refusing to get out of the bath because I knew as soon as I was out the bath I'd be placed on my parents bed and put into a diaper AT AGE 10! It was so infuriating being powerless to stop it and not understanding why I had to wear them even though my parents explained to me, I didn't get it. I even remember leaping out of the bath at one point and making a dash for the front door, no idea what I was thinking lol I just didn't want to be diapered, I was swiftly caught and picked up by my mum and sure enough - I was promptly placed/laid on the bed, diaper was put on, PJ's on and was sternly told off along with the threat of "if you take that diaper off you'll get spanked and grounded". (my parents rarely ever spanked me, the threat alone was always enough). I remember this so vividly. So I just eventually complied with it, begrudgingly. The night routine was always bath, mum would come in and dry me off, take me to my parents bedroom, I was put on the bed and diapered/creamed and powdered, then into PJ's and then bed. Morning routine was mum coming in, changing my diaper in the morning and getting me ready for primary school. I was never asked or expected to put my own diaper on even at age 10, although I did insist at times my parents wouldn't let me. To be fair, I probably wouldn't have been able to put a diaper on properly anyway but I still moaned and complained about it. These are all memories that are clear as day to me. I had a weak bladder up until the age of 11 and was a very nervous/anxious child, day accidents were frequent and bad enough to warrant having to wear a diaper to school/anywhere else during the day or I'd literally pee my pants.

When the day wetting eventually stopped and I didn't need to wear diapers during the day anymore, I just wore a DryNite to bed at this point. Mum stopped diapering me with Pampers (taped diapers) around age 11. So 11-16 was exclusively night protection only, which was as easy as me putting a DryNite on before bed.
I was 13 when I started missing wearing actual (proper, taped) diapers, despite hating them for so long. And it was around this age I became obsessed with wanting to wear diapers and started to love wearing my DryNites, I'd even double them up to make them feel thicker to remind me of what a diaper felt like. I missed the thick taped diapers that mum would put on me, the security they gave me.

For the record, I don't resent my parents for having me diapered up until the age of 11. Despite me having tantrums, refusing to wear them and complaining when I was a kid, I'm actually glad that now, as an adult, I am who I am. I accept it.
They did everything they realistically could and I fully get them not wanting to change wet bedsheets every night or change wet clothes constantly. Even the doctors/medical teams I was under offered no practical solutions.
I was lucky at school that none of my friends ever found out I had to wear diapers, the school nurse who changed me on school days was so lovely and discreet. I'd go up to her independently when I needed to be changed.
I think if I was found to be wearing diapers by my classmates/friends, I'd have a very different opinion on all this. I probably would resent my parents, even though it wouldn't have changed anything. It'd of made school that much harder, on top of the bullying/crap times I already had to deal with.

So, did anyone else hate wearing diapers as a kid (if you had to wear them) but then grow to miss them/love them when you became a teen?
I also believe my late bedwetting and inability to be potty trained contributed heavily to me being a DL/AB as an adult. Anyone else have this experience?
I'd love to hear from anyone, it's interesting and I'd like to think I'm not alone having this experience. There has to be a connection.

P.S So sorry about the long essay lol. I tend to rant! Thx for reading tho 😙😆
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Growing up I was a chronic nightly bedwetter. I also was difficult to potty train. A d often wet my self during the day after coming out of nappies. I honestly just didn't care. My bedwetting and pants wetting never bothered me.
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Wetshisbed said:
Growing up I was a chronic nightly bedwetter. I also was difficult to potty train. A d often wet my self during the day after coming out of nappies. I honestly just didn't care. My bedwetting and pants wetting never bothered me.

Yeah that's a fair assessment, I guess. It only bothered me as a kid. As a teen and certainly as an adult, it's the opposite lol.
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It depends solely on the individual I think.

My husband struggled with potty training. He has never got out of his bedwetting till now.

But he doesn't love his diapers. Not does he hate them.
He has a very "don't care" attitude with diapers.
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Akura said:
Yeah that's a fair assessment, I guess. It only bothered me as a kid. As a teen and certainly as an adult, it's the opposite lol.
I honestly do t know why but my wetting just never bothered me even as a kid. Then as a teenager I realised actually this feels quite good. I had my first mind blowing orgasm humping a soaking wet bed.
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Akura said:
I'm curious if others feel the same as I do. I'm new but made a few posts now so figured I'd create my own thread too! 😝

I'm 29 and a DL. I think I've been a DL since the age of probably age 13 ish if I'm being honest with myself. I wet the bed as a child, usually severely and usually every night from birth to 16yo. I did have numerous tests done regarding this, including health exams, doctors appointments and even children's therapy and nothing was ever really confirmed/diagnosed. Adding to this, my parents have told me now that I'm older that I was practically impossible to potty train which is why I had accidents during the day as well, this meant I'd have to wear either a diaper or pull-ups during the day to school or anywhere else up until the age of around 10 when day wetting stopped. Bedwetting didn't stop until I was 16 and even then it didn't stop instantly, it was a slow and gradual process. I remember being a kid at pre/primary school and peeing myself with a diaper on, I knew it wasn't normal and I was frustrated as hell. It was embarrassing. None of my friends or other children that I knew of had this problem, they were normal and I wasn't. Sure did give me a complex! I remember it all so well too which is what I think contributes to my being a DL/AB. Essentially I was diapered from birth until age 11 and then had to wear DryNites (I think these are called GoodNites? in the USA) to bed until age 16.

Strangely (or perhaps not?), as a child I protested about wearing diapers. I hated it. There were nights where I'd throw a tantrum and refuse to be put in a diaper, I remember refusing to get out of the bath because I knew as soon as I was out the bath I'd be placed on my parents bed and put into a diaper AT AGE 10! It was so infuriating being powerless to stop it and not understanding why I had to wear them even though my parents explained to me, I didn't get it. I even remember leaping out of the bath at one point and making a dash for the front door, no idea what I was thinking lol I just didn't want to be diapered, I was swiftly caught and picked up by my mum and sure enough - I was promptly placed/laid on the bed, diaper was put on, PJ's on and was sternly told off along with the threat of "if you take that diaper off you'll get spanked and grounded". (my parents rarely ever spanked me, the threat alone was always enough). I remember this so vividly. So I just eventually complied with it, begrudgingly. The night routine was always bath, mum would come in and dry me off, take me to my parents bedroom, I was put on the bed and diapered/creamed and powdered, then into PJ's and then bed. Morning routine was mum coming in, changing my diaper in the morning and getting me ready for primary school. I was never asked or expected to put my own diaper on even at age 10, although I did insist at times my parents wouldn't let me. To be fair, I probably wouldn't have been able to put a diaper on properly anyway but I still moaned and complained about it. These are all memories that are clear as day to me. I had a weak bladder up until the age of 11 and was a very nervous/anxious child, day accidents were frequent and bad enough to warrant having to wear a diaper to school/anywhere else during the day or I'd literally pee my pants.

When the day wetting eventually stopped and I didn't need to wear diapers during the day anymore, I just wore a DryNite to bed at this point. Mum stopped diapering me with Pampers (taped diapers) around age 11. So 11-16 was exclusively night protection only, which was as easy as me putting a DryNite on before bed.
I was 13 when I started missing wearing actual (proper, taped) diapers, despite hating them for so long. And it was around this age I became obsessed with wanting to wear diapers and started to love wearing my DryNites, I'd even double them up to make them feel thicker to remind me of what a diaper felt like. I missed the thick taped diapers that mum would put on me, the security they gave me.

For the record, I don't resent my parents for having me diapered up until the age of 11. Despite me having tantrums, refusing to wear them and complaining when I was a kid, I'm actually glad that now, as an adult, I am who I am. I accept it.
They did everything they realistically could and I fully get them not wanting to change wet bedsheets every night or change wet clothes constantly. Even the doctors/medical teams I was under offered no practical solutions.
I was lucky at school that none of my friends ever found out I had to wear diapers, the school nurse who changed me on school days was so lovely and discreet. I'd go up to her independently when I needed to be changed.
I think if I was found to be wearing diapers by my classmates/friends, I'd have a very different opinion on all this. I probably would resent my parents, even though it wouldn't have changed anything. It'd of made school that much harder, on top of the bullying/crap times I already had to deal with.

So, did anyone else hate wearing diapers as a kid (if you had to wear them) but then grow to miss them/love them when you became a teen?
I also believe my late bedwetting and inability to be potty trained contributed heavily to me being a DL/AB as an adult. Anyone else have this experience?
I'd love to hear from anyone, it's interesting and I'd like to think I'm not alone having this experience. There has to be a connection.

P.S So sorry about the long essay lol. I tend to rant! Thx for reading tho 😙😆
I can relate so much to this , i was a bedwetter till late teens at 16 years old and wore tape on diapers as goodnites were expensive here in my country and tape on diapers were used instead. I had to wear diapers for about a year till i was 17 just in case even after my bedwetting stopped and i was potty trained late as well. I was still in pampers when i was in primary one and wore them to school as well. I had to wear diapers all the way till i was 16 and we traveled a lot so every trip i will be in diapers at that age.

Similarly i hated wearing diapers during my teenage age but as puberty kicks in i started liking to wear diapers , i was caught though when i was in secondary school for school camp. I was teased and called names like diaper boy or pampers boy a lot as im the only 16 year old boy still wearing diapers and my entire school found out, every level cohort knows about it . Don't worry though i got over it which was nice and eventually being in diapers though puberty made me into a DL as being padded down there was not easy not to get aroused.

I spent a lot of time lying on my bed when i was in diapers thinking about my peers who could be out there partying while i was lying in bed in diapers, it was humiliating and embarrassing, the worse was when i was in my late teens at 16 after i put on my diaper i had to show it to my mom so that she can check to see if i had it on properly .

I too don't blame my parents for making me wear diapers growing up as i kinda needed it and growing up in diapers though puberty greatly contributes to me being a DL now.
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for me it was the opposite. I was forced out of diapers. I was potty trained when I was not ready and had many accidents. and spank for accidents. All of us had different reasons that trigger our Diaper desires.
Sgdlboy said:
I can relate so much to this , i was a bedwetter till late teens at 16 years old and wore tape on diapers as goodnites were expensive here in my country and tape on diapers were used instead. I had to wear diapers for about a year till i was 17 just in case even after my bedwetting stopped and i was potty trained late as well. I was still in pampers when i was in primary one and wore them to school as well. I had to wear diapers all the way till i was 16 and we traveled a lot so every trip i will be in diapers at that age.

Similarly i hated wearing diapers during my teenage age but as puberty kicks in i started liking to wear diapers , i was caught though when i was in secondary school for school camp. I was teased and called names like diaper boy or pampers boy a lot as im the only 16 year old boy still wearing diapers and my entire school found out, every level cohort knows about it . Don't worry though i got over it which was nice and eventually being in diapers though puberty made me into a DL as being padded down there was not easy not to get aroused.

I spent a lot of time lying on my bed when i was in diapers thinking about my peers who could be out there partying while i was lying in bed in diapers, it was humiliating and embarrassing, the worse was when i was in my late teens at 16 after i put on my diaper i had to show it to my mom so that she can check to see if i had it on properly .

I too don't blame my parents for making me wear diapers growing up as i kinda needed it and growing up in diapers though puberty greatly contributes to me being a DL now.

Wow that really is similar to me. I was so lucky with school and stuff, I was never caught wearing at primary (pre) school and never wore to secondary (high) as was only at night by then. When I was a primary (pre) school and needed a change, I'd simply ask the teacher to go to the toilet (this was all pre-arranged with my parents and the school that I had to be able to leave the class). I wasn't actually going to the toilet, I'd have to go to the school nurse to be changed, as mentioned she was really lovely and was so discreet and caring. No one knew/found out that I had to wear diapers at school, if they did I imagine my childhood was have been that much worse. My anxiety was bad enough as it was lol 🥲

Only real challenge was sleepovers for me, but when I was around 10 or so they were few and far between. Very rarely was I ever allowed to go. Growing up I was really close with my cousin, he was like a brother to me. That was the only time I could ever realistically have a sleepover, mum would stay until evening with my aunt and I'd have my diaper changed as normal. Only close family really knew I was still having wear diapers at age 10, even then I don't think they know/knew I wet the bed until 16 unless my mum told them, I'm not sure.
Could be. There are a billion reasons why people are into this. Training too late, trained too early, distant parents, too-close parents, humiliation, tender moments. ABDL is a land of contrasts. The wires got crossed somehow and we all landed here.
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From what I know I believe that I potty trained at a “normal” age (at least it was considered normal in the mid ‘50s) of between 18 to 24 months and remained a nighttime bed wetter until around age 10. Mom and Dad have been gone for 12 years and 18 years respectively so I can’t verify the potty training part but I do remember the bed wetting cessation. Considering the era in which I was born and raised I’m positive that I was diapered in cloth and wore plastic pants over them, the later a product that I had, and still do have an unnaturally strong affinity for. Diapers never excited me, in fact I turned down an offer from my mom at around age 7 to use them to help mitigate my nightly bed wetting wanting only the plastic pants. Remembering how viscous kids can be I feel very fortunate not to have needed diapers during school or during the day outside of school. I was terrified enough of sleepovers with friends at my house or theirs when I was a bed wetter. My love of plastic pants stuck with me intermittently throughout my life binging and purging and once I discovered the interesting in the early ‘90s I added a cotton pullup and a prefold diaper to an order I had placed for plastic pants to AC Medical in Canada. These were soon purged as I had no attraction for them after receiving them and wearing them a couple of times. Then when I became dual ic, about 8 years ago, I had to start wearing diapers 24/7, initially using disposable pullups and then briefs (diapers) before switching to reusable cotton diapers and plastic pants about 6 months later. At first I was far from thrilled about needing the aid of diapers but after an attitude adjustment I looked at them as a needed tool. Later I began to like them more and eventually I began to consider my myself in diaper liker, maybe a diaper lover. Now I would consider myself a DL, but I haven’t acquired any AB tendencies…yet as I’ve learned to never say never.
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Zeke said:
From what I know I believe that I potty trained at a “normal” age (at least it was considered normal in the mid ‘50s) of between 18 to 24 months and remained a nighttime bed wetter until around age 10. Mom and Dad have been gone for 12 years and 18 years respectively so I can’t verify the potty training part but I do remember the bed wetting cessation. Considering the era in which I was born and raised I’m positive that I was diapered in cloth and wore plastic pants over them, the later a product that I had, and still do have an unnaturally strong affinity for. Diapers never excited me, in fact I turned down an offer from my mom at around age 7 to use them to help mitigate my nightly bed wetting wanting only the plastic pants. Remembering how viscous kids can be I feel very fortunate not to have needed diapers during school or during the day outside of school. I was terrified enough of sleepovers with friends at my house or theirs when I was a bed wetter. My love of plastic pants stuck with me intermittently throughout my life binging and purging and once I discovered the interesting in the early ‘90s I added a cotton pullup and a prefold diaper to an order I had placed for plastic pants to AC Medical in Canada. These were soon purged as I had no attraction for them after receiving them and wearing them a couple of times. Then when I became dual ic, about 8 years ago, I had to start wearing diapers 24/7, initially using disposable pullups and then briefs (diapers) before switching to reusable cotton diapers and plastic pants about 6 months later. At first I was far from thrilled about needing the aid of diapers but after an attitude adjustment I looked at them as a needed tool. Later I began to like them more and eventually I began to consider my myself in diaper liker, maybe a diaper lover. Now I would consider myself a DL, but I haven’t acquired any AB tendencies…yet as I’ve learned to never say never.
I do wish the ability to edit a post wasn’t time limited. After rereading this post I see my iPhone’s word suggest/spell correct got me again as “I discovered the interesting” was snuck in on me when I had typed “I discovered the internet” but was overridden by my “smart” phone. I’m thankful for the short period of time that we do currently have to edit a post, but often I post and runoff to do something else and then when I come back I see the error and the time to edit has expired and there’s no recourse to correct it. Moo, there needs to be a large, flashing sign that says:
every time I click “post” to post a comment because always I forget after a while and this ends up happening to me.
im still trying to fully accept it
I had no recollection of toilet training and almost no memories of diapers when I became a DL. it was the LACK of accidents and toileting problems that contributed to the development of my DL side... and the reason I wanted to wear diapers was that you could pee and more importantly poo in them. I just knew on this primal level that it would feel really good to sit in a warm mushy diaper... or at least warm mushy underwear... that was my seed, it doesn't explain everything but I probably wouldn't be an ABDL if not for that.
Yeah I realate to this a lot. I am faily incontinant and was in daily dipers untill seven and frequently in diapers untill thirteen. Al lot of the reason I like being in diapers is that it is like being ten again. For whatever reason I never cared that I would wet going back is I suppose in some small way acctuealy going back to being ten again in some small way
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I relate to this. I definitely think that my prolonged usage of diapers/pull-ups influenced my ABDL tendencies but I cannot say for sure that I wouldn’t feel this way had I been fully potty trained at a young age.

I was a bedwetter until I was 15. When I was real little it didn’t bother me any that I wet the bed and I even remember thinking at times how much i liked to wear my diapers and wet in them. As I got a bit older (upper elementary school), I hated that I had to wear diapers/pull-ups to bed. It helped that my older brother and a couple of my friends were bedwetters too, but eventually they all grew out of it while I was stuck in pull-ups. No one ever teased me about or made jokes (at least to my face) even though I knew some of my classmates knew.

It was real bad as a teenager because I had this weird dichotomy going on in my mind. On the one hand, I hated that I needed to wear pull-ups to bed, especially when I went on overnight trips with school or church. On the other hand, there was a big part of me that loved wearing pull-ups, and loved that I needed them. In fact, one of the things I miss most about being a bedwetter (not that I want to go back to being one) is how normal my diaper wearing was. My family and friends knew I needed to wear them and no one made me feel bad for doing so. I could wear openly around family (under PJs of course) and not have any fears about anyone finding out (except for those overnight trips were not everyone knew). Now, no one knows I wear and I intend to keep it that way.
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These short of posts are some of my favorites. Pure and somehow involving bedwetting. I never bedwet as a child, even through my poopy undies times through puberty.

Pooping was a different story. After a few accidents (up until the grade of 4 US), they were all "on purpose accidents". My Mom even taught me how to clean my undies out in the toilet. Other interactions with her were not as good. She did a good job. I also was a toddler tub-pooper and remember her being pretty chill with the Dixie cups and all.
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Pampers4thisboi said:
im still trying to fully accept it

Self-acceptance is a huge step. I've only recently managed to accept who I am and it has brought me a degree of peace, I won't lie.
dragonking said:
I relate to this. I definitely think that my prolonged usage of diapers/pull-ups influenced my ABDL tendencies but I cannot say for sure that I wouldn’t feel this way had I been fully potty trained at a young age.

I was a bedwetter until I was 15. When I was real little it didn’t bother me any that I wet the bed and I even remember thinking at times how much i liked to wear my diapers and wet in them. As I got a bit older (upper elementary school), I hated that I had to wear diapers/pull-ups to bed. It helped that my older brother and a couple of my friends were bedwetters too, but eventually they all grew out of it while I was stuck in pull-ups. No one ever teased me about or made jokes (at least to my face) even though I knew some of my classmates knew.

It was real bad as a teenager because I had this weird dichotomy going on in my mind. On the one hand, I hated that I needed to wear pull-ups to bed, especially when I went on overnight trips with school or church. On the other hand, there was a big part of me that loved wearing pull-ups, and loved that I needed them. In fact, one of the things I miss most about being a bedwetter (not that I want to go back to being one) is how normal my diaper wearing was. My family and friends knew I needed to wear them and no one made me feel bad for doing so. I could wear openly around family (under PJs of course) and not have any fears about anyone finding out (except for those overnight trips were not everyone knew). Now, no one knows I wear and I intend to keep it that way.

Yep, very similar to me tbh. My immediate family knew I was still being diapered up until the age of 10. My mum was quite open about it with her friends and family, perhaps a little too much lol. Same as you, I remember having no concerns about walking around the house during the day in a diaper and PJ's. If other family came round, weather it was my cousin to play with me (we were close growing up), aunties or my grandparents, they never judged or said anything.
And yeah I get what you mean about sleepovers, I was rarely ever allowed to them unless I was with my cousin. Even with school/classmate sleepovers, my cousin was in the same school as me and would come with me. There was a huge fear for me of my school friends and classmates finding out I wore diapers, it amazes me now, thinking back with my 'adult' head, how I managed to keep it secret. The school nurse was so discreet and caring, but there must have been some classmates that suspected something was up. Especially with changing into PE clothes and stuff, I used to always go in with my PE shorts already on over my diaper but under my school trousers lol.
MiddleJacob said:
These short of posts are some of my favorites. Pure and somehow involving bedwetting. I never bedwet as a child, even through my poopy undies times through puberty.

Pooping was a different story. After a few accidents (up until the grade of 4 US), they were all "on purpose accidents". My Mom even taught me how to clean my undies out in the toilet. Other interactions with her were not as good. She did a good job. I also was a toddler tub-pooper and remember her being pretty chill with the Dixie cups and all.

Yeah I get you. I don't resent my parents for keeping me diapered for so long, I do think though that it is probably a primary - if not THE primary - reason I'm a DL and/or AB. My parents tried for so long to potty train me and just couldn't. They involved medical professionals, they did everything right. The alternative would have been to let me pee myself and my bed which would have been neglectful IMO. It'd of been much worse I think if they didn't do what they did.
I was a fairly late potty trainer so I have memories of wearing and using diapers and I can remember doing so not only very intentionally but enjoying it. Apparently I didn't really want to potty train (I don't remember the actual process) but I had to in order to start school. However I was a bed wetter in elementary school. Quite frequent daytime accidents, from always holding too long when busy playing or not wanting to tell people I had to go, actually lasted longer until nearly puberty. Oddly enough, my daytime accidents mostly didn't bother me that much (at least until I was caught by a parent) and I'd just keep playing until I was noticed and made to change. I always found my bed wetting mortifying though. You might think it would be the other way around.

Regardless, accidents evolved into on purpose "accidents" during puberty and from there to makeshift diapers and finally to real diapers once I was out on my own.

There's no doubt in my mind that late potty training, bedwetting and very much day time accidents contributed to my being a DL and with a pee/poop desperation/wetting interest. Those wires got crossed very early for me I think.
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I was in diapers until I was about 8; I don't really think of it as late toilet training because I have good reason to think I couldn't have toilet trained earlier than I did. I had to go back into diapers from about 11-13 due to a separate episode of continence issues. I've been in them again since 17, initially by choice.

I genuinely have no idea whether my relationship to diapers influenced my being AB/DL. I have reason to suspect that the median level of continence among AB/DLs is actually lower than it is in the general population, so I think there's quite possibly a population-level effect there. However, I can't attribute my own AB/DL to my continence issues and my time in diapers involuntarily because there are plenty of people who are clearly as intensely and obsessively AB/DL as I am who have, or at least have had, perfectly good continence when I didn't.
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Kaliborio said:
I was in diapers until I was about 8; I don't really think of it as late toilet training because I have good reason to think I couldn't have toilet trained earlier than I did. I had to go back into diapers from about 11-13 due to a separate episode of continence issues. I've been in them again since 17, initially by choice.

I genuinely have no idea whether my relationship to diapers influenced my being AB/DL. I have reason to suspect that the median level of continence among AB/DLs is actually lower than it is in the general population, so I think there's quite possibly a population-level effect there. However, I can't attribute my own AB/DL to my continence issues and my time in diapers involuntarily because there are plenty of people who are clearly as intensely and obsessively AB/DL as I am who have, or at least have had, perfectly good continence when I didn't.
I think that's what posters here are trying to figure out. Perfectly stated, Kali.
I have reason to suspect that the median level of continence among AB/DLs is actually lower than it is in the general population
I never bedwet, but had poo issues up until 4th grade. 2 years later as hormones took hold I began the archetypal process of lining my undies with toilet paper, squatting like a toddler, and filling them up in the bathroom. If I felt squirrely, I'd skip the toilet paper. I didn't really wet them because it messed up my mess.

The internet was "out" as this point but I never thought of netscaping if I was the only one.

Just like bedwetters who later come back to diapers, I am absolutely certain of the correlation between continence issues in childhood and our current interests.
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