Is it normal to want to just watch your environment and don't want to speak when your suckling on your pacifier.


  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
  3. Little
I have a strong desire to watch my enviroment and not move once I suckle my pacifier and not talk, I don't mind watching baby shows but I struggle to want to do anything other than watching, I also struggle to do things faster since for some reason I need to think to do it if I want to smash my keyboard I have to move arms and it feels tiring even though usually it shouldn't be. Then I stop sucking my pacifer and I just return to normal. Sry, for some reason I struggle to setup my sentence in appropriate wording, I usually struggle to explain my feelings or experiences. Just would also like to know I don't know if this counts as regressing or me just being weird.
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Infant regression feels exactly like that for me!
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Same here... But I can't call it regresion.
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I feel like that too, when sucking a pacifier. Usualy when I have my pacifier, teddy bear, and I am thickly diapered, I feel like every little activity is tiring. Formulating sentences and thoughts, coloring, playing with plushies, etc., can make me really sleepy even in the middle of the day. When I am in this state, I take short naps like every hour or two, and just laying on the bed or sitting on the floor and cuddling with my teddy bear is interesting enough to entertain me for quite some time.
The pacifier really puts my littlespace on another level, and I really like how it signifies the inability to speak while I am sucking it.
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That seems to happen to me frequently. No pacifier, diapers or toys needed.
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Yes but i don't call it regression because true regression is subconsciously done while I'm in complete control and can go back into adult mode just like that if needed.
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I agree with others, it's not exactly regression but yes that is something that frequently occurs with a pacifier for me especially if I'm onesied and diapered.
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I'm not sure what it is either, but I often just sit there pick something like say, the ceiling fan spinning and just focus on that and "zone out" Sometimes I just enjoy the quiet and peacefulness that comes sometimes. Being ADHD, those moments are rare for me.
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