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  1. Adult Baby
  2. Sissy
  3. Little
Injections are a childhood terror for many people, and for some adults as well. I remember my childish reactions to them, and the smiling middle-aged nurse who came to my house to give me my childhood ones when I was four years old (and by pure coincidence, the same lady came to my school ten years later to talk to us about contraception; I told her my memory of her before, which raised a smile). When I had to have more as a teenager, I tried every teenage strategy I could to avoid them, such as lying that I'd had them already, fainting (literally) when lining up to have them, and hoping it would then be forgotten about, which it wasn't: a special arrangement was made for me to have them in the company of someone I trusted. Even now, I have to use a lot of self-calming strategies when I need to have one.

Now we have a situation where my wife has to have an injection once a week: she is similarly terrified, and I have to administer it for her, as she cannot possibly do it herself. Not with a syringe, but a pen which is easier to use. We have been managing for a few weeks now, but we had to work out a procedure: she puts numbing stuff on an hour before, then lies down with a blindfold and headphones when it's time for the deed. It's not very pleasant for either of us, but we see it as a mutual trust exercise.

Does anyone else have any stories about injections?
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Vein or muscle? The muscle ones are so much easier just stick it and done.

No special stories, was a rough and tumble boy who loved to show off not being scared of shots. 💪😊

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I hate needles. just the thought of one going in my skin makes me feel really sick and shaky.
LittleAndAlone said:
Vein or muscle? The muscle ones are so much easier just stick it and done.

No special stories, was a rough and tumble boy who loved to show off not being scared of shots. 💪😊

I hope the only lay people who inject in the vein are addicts. Veins are for the professionals.
LittleAndAlone said:
Vein or muscle? The muscle ones are so much easier just stick it and done.

No special stories, was a rough and tumble boy who loved to show off not being scared of shots. 💪😊

Muscle, hence lay people such as ourselves being able to do it.
I have to have a needle in my arm on a regular basis, as I am diabetic and I can not stand the finger pricking thing. It never works properly and when I do finally get some blood out, the reading says 'invalid'. so I have to have blood test the old fashioned way. I don't really like it, so I just look the other way. same as I did when I used injection of any sort when I was a boy. no different really.
I hate being injected or prodded with anything... but I do remember lining up outside a closed grocery store for the flu vaccine back in either 2009-10... that's about the most memorable thing I can recall.
Injections really don't bother me. This is probably from the time I had an ingrowing toenail. I had to be Injected in my big toe - not just once, but about 5 times. (And it was a BIG needle). I lay calmly as the injection was carried out - the secret is to focus your attention on something else and not think about the actual injection. I don't know if this would work for anyone else, but it worked for me.