Initial Primary Care Appointment

IDDiaperboy said:
I like that.
Or you could just not worry about it. Guys wear pink underwear all the time. You wear pink diapers. Me too from time to time. They are cute and work for my needs.
I told my doctor's to shove off when I ended up with a kidney infection that lead to septicemia and me ending up in A&E almost dying. I've a retention issue where my bladder fails to communicate that it's full and just releases at its own will in varying amounts, they tried catheters that's what gave me blood poisoning after multiple tests they couldn't conclude what the issue was and explored a few options, I told them I didn't want it and was left with nappies to manage my condition which isn't brill but it's better than reccourant infections, I just have to keep up fluid intake to stave of infection otherwise I'm happy and normal as can be I just try not to let it get in the way, sometimes I go on a downer about it but can't be roses all the time. The important thing is managing it how you feel comfortable were all different if I could take my incontience away would I? few years ago I'd have said yes without hesitation but now I'm not so sure because it's become normal to me, and it has advantages not needing to run to the loo on a plane or in the cinema 🤣
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My appointment with my new Primary Care Manager went very well. When we went over the list of issues I’m having, she started talking about referrals. She started off with IBS, and asked how that was going. I told her that I’ve had accidents, but that staying away from Gluten is really making a difference. She is referring me to their Gastroenterology Center. She then asked about my incontinence. She asked what symptoms I have, so I told her that it started out with dribbling about three years ago, and now I have urgency issues where I can’t make it to the bathroom. Also, that I will just start wetting my pants, especially when I do dishes. She said that I was a little young to have those issues, and asked what my urologist found. I told her that they didn’t find anything, and offered medication. I told her that I don’t want to take medication, I just decided to wear protection. And she asked if that’s working for me, and I said yes, very well. She said it sounded like I was handling it my way and if that’s what I wanted then she’s good with it. She said that if I ever wanted to see a urologist, to just let her know

I wish I would have said diaper instead of protection, but I think she knew. I was wearing a Seni Quatro under my khaki shorts and it was pretty obvious, especially when she had me lay down.

I have to admit that it was refreshing to hear my doctor acknowledge my incontinence, and not chalk it up to my love of diapers.

I will not tell her that I love to wear diapers unless I feel it’s pertinent to a situation. I learned that from my last experience.
When I was in college and my bw issue came roaring back, I visited the onsite university doctor after wearing diapers and pp again the first few nights after a 4 year stint of no bw issues. He told me it was not uncommon for new freshmen students to start having bw issues especially if they had this issue up to age 10 or 11 before it went away (sounded exactly like me). He offered the standard enuresis prescription but I told him I had taken medications previously as a kid for a short time and the side effects were bothersome plus I wondered about a long term dependency. He told me that wearing diapers than would have to become my best fall back - I told him I was fine with that based on my history as a young boy up to age 11. I do not regret it -diapers / training underwear / plastic underpants I can wear for bed and take off each morning. Yes, at some point in the future I may have to wear more often for the day and more absorbent products, but I will cross that bridge if it comes to that. Diapers and PP are my area of responsibility I can control to wear and I am fine with that.
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When I was in college and my bw issue came roaring back, I visited the onsite university doctor after wearing diapers and pp again the first few nights after a 4 year stint of no bw issues. He told me it was not uncommon for new freshmen students to start having bw issues especially if they had this issue up to age 10 or 11 before it went away (sounded exactly like me). He offered the standard enuresis prescription but I told him I had taken medications previously as a kid for a short time and the side effects were bothersome plus I wondered about a long term dependency. He told me that wearing diapers than would have to become my best fall back - I told him I was fine with that based on my history as a young boy up to age 11. I do not regret it -diapers / training underwear / plastic underpants I can wear for bed and take off each morning. Yes, at some point in the future I may have to wear more often for the day and more absorbent products, but I will cross that bridge if it comes to that. Diapers and PP are my area of responsibility I can control to wear and I am fine with that.
Thanks for sharing. I’ve never had a bed wetting problem, but the dribbling was driving me insane. One other thing that bothers me is if my wife and I take a shower together as soon as I get in the water, I just pee. So I have to make sure I go before I get in the shower.
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IDDiaperboy said:
My appointment with my new Primary Care Manager went very well. When we went over the list of issues I’m having, she started talking about referrals. She started off with IBS, and asked how that was going. I told her that I’ve had accidents, but that staying away from Gluten is really making a difference. She is referring me to their Gastroenterology Center. She then asked about my incontinence. She asked what symptoms I have, so I told her that it started out with dribbling about three years ago, and now I have urgency issues where I can’t make it to the bathroom. Also, that I will just start wetting my pants, especially when I do dishes. She said that I was a little young to have those issues, and asked what my urologist found. I told her that they didn’t find anything, and offered medication. I told her that I don’t want to take medication, I just decided to wear protection. And she asked if that’s working for me, and I said yes, very well. She said it sounded like I was handling it my way and if that’s what I wanted then she’s good with it. She said that if I ever wanted to see a urologist, to just let her know

I wish I would have said diaper instead of protection, but I think she knew. I was wearing a Seni Quatro under my khaki shorts and it was pretty obvious, especially when she had me lay down.

I have to admit that it was refreshing to hear my doctor acknowledge my incontinence, and not chalk it up to my love of diapers.

I will not tell her that I love to wear diapers unless I feel it’s pertinent to a situation. I learned that from my last experience.
Glad to hear you got some good medical advice. Probably smart to not muddy the waters with the DL acknowledgment. As long as you’re happy with the solution and your wife supports you why add a medication for a relatively small issue?
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Subtlerustle said:
Glad to hear you got some good medical advice. Probably smart to not muddy the waters with the DL acknowledgment. As long as you’re happy with the solution and your wife supports you why add a medication for a relatively small issue?
That’s what I was thinking too. I told my doctor that since my PSA’s came back normal, I’m ok wearing protection. That was her concern.
Ehorton said:
Or you could just not worry about it. Guys wear pink underwear all the time. You wear pink diapers. Me too from time to time. They are cute and work for my needs.
The only times that I’ve worn pink underwear is when I washed new red underwear with my tightie whities to which I had added bleach. They all came out pink. Not saying that there’s anything wrong with pink, it’s just not that becoming on me in my opinion. Stay padded, it your decision and not anyone else’s business unless you let it be.
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I found that the more up front I was, the easier the appointments go. Last year I went for my annual urology visit and found my usual urologist had left the clinic. Turned out I had been assigned an FNP specializing in urology. Her nurse assistant had already performed the bladder-emptying measuring and deftly turned down the front of my diaper to get the ultrasound wand in place. I had peed before I got into the exam room, so there was a discernible bulge in the front. No issues whatsoever. In fact she asked if I’d like a dry diaper to change into before I saw my new FNP. I declined since there was a lot of dry space to use.

I met my new FNP and had a very thorough examination (all questions and ensuing discussions). She asked me if I wore a diaper/pull-up 24/7, whether it was a nuisance and did I want to embark on therapy that might lead to, thanks, I responded. Told her I was happy diapered up. That was it. I’ve scheduled a followup. She was as accepting and understanding (empathetic, even) with my situation.

Be open and candid is my advice.
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heavywetter said:
I found that the more up front I was, the easier the appointments go. Last year I went for my annual urology visit and found my usual urologist had left the clinic. Turned out I had been assigned an FNP specializing in urology. Her nurse assistant had already performed the bladder-emptying measuring and deftly turned down the front of my diaper to get the ultrasound wand in place. I had peed before I got into the exam room, so there was a discernible bulge in the front. No issues whatsoever. In fact she asked if I’d like a dry diaper to change into before I saw my new FNP. I declined since there was a lot of dry space to use.

I met my new FNP and had a very thorough examination (all questions and ensuing discussions). She asked me if I wore a diaper/pull-up 24/7, whether it was a nuisance and did I want to embark on therapy that might lead to, thanks, I responded. Told her I was happy diapered up. That was it. I’ve scheduled a followup. She was as accepting and understanding (empathetic, even) with my situation.

Be open and candid is my advice.
I agree. That’s how I was with this appointment. She asked if I wanted to see a urologist and I told her no, that my protection is working. She said ok, sounds like you know what you want and moved on.
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My first appointment was without a diaper. My wife dragged me "kicking" all the way. We talked to her, she ordered tests, got results. The next time I went in for the results, we found out why. So my wife suggested diapers and other protection to help, and the doctor agreed. She came back with some samples and I went home, really embarrassed.

The follow up appointments I have been in a diaper or pull-up. The nurses and medical staff are really great. They ask if I am wet, need a dry diaper before the doc come in. I was good with all that, but when the doc came and and had me lay back and took off my diaper, that's when I got really embarrassed. But she was really nice and good about it.
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BWAron said:
My first appointment was without a diaper. My wife dragged me "kicking" all the way. We talked to her, she ordered tests, got results. The next time I went in for the results, we found out why. So my wife suggested diapers and other protection to help, and the doctor agreed. She came back with some samples and I went home, really embarrassed.

The follow up appointments I have been in a diaper or pull-up. The nurses and medical staff are really great. They ask if I am wet, need a dry diaper before the doc come in. I was good with all that, but when the doc came and and had me lay back and took off my diaper, that's when I got really embarrassed. But she was really nice and good about it.
I was wondering if my new doctor would want to check under my diaper but she didn’t. She actually didn’t even seem fazed that I had one on. I did feel myself wetting while we were talking though.
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Babyspace1947 said:
I was wondering if my new doctor would want to check under my diaper but she didn’t. She actually didn’t even seem fazed that I had one on. I did feel myself wetting while we were talking though.
I didn't tell the medical assistant she just kinda knew I had a diaper on, and my wife didn't say anything either. She asked if I had a rash from the diaper, or if I was wet? If not, she told me to keep the diaper on till the doc came in. Once I was dry and once I was wet. The wet time, she just had me remove it, and the doc checked me out, and then my wife got me in a clean one. The dry time, the doc undid the diaper and and got a new one
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BWAron said:
I didn't tell the medical assistant she just kinda knew I had a diaper on, and my wife didn't say anything either. She asked if I had a rash from the diaper, or if I was wet? If not, she told me to keep the diaper on till the doc came in. Once I was dry and once I was wet. The wet time, she just had me remove it, and the doc checked me out, and then my wife got me in a clean one. The dry time, the doc undid the diaper and and got a new one
I was more or less surprised that my doctor didn’t have a more noticeable reaction when I told her I wear protection. I figured I’d get more questions, not just “well you seem to know what works”.

I’m glad your doctor was so cool. I looked down when I felt myself wetting my diaper and kinda squirmed. I’m wondering if she knew what I was doing.
Babyspace1947 said:
I was more or less surprised that my doctor didn’t have a more noticeable reaction when I told her I wear protection. I figured I’d get more questions, not just “well you seem to know what works”.

I’m glad your doctor was so cool. I looked down when I felt myself wetting my diaper and kinda squirmed. I’m wondering if she knew what I was doing.
Urologists work with pee all the time. They don’t think about it like we do, I’m sure. Next time I go in to see her, I’m diapering up.
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heavywetter said:
Urologists work with pee all the time. They don’t think about it like we do, I’m sure. Next time I go in to see her, I’m diapering up.
I agree, but this was with my family medicine doctor. I wore a Seni Quattro thinking she may want to check my skin.
My doctor’s office called earlier to set up my MRI and asked me the normal questions. When she was done, she asked if I had any questions, and I asked if wearing my diapers would be a problem. She paused, and said that my file showed that I wear protection and that there is a note for the MRI tech. She said I was all taken care of. Very professional.
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Babyspace1947 said:
My doctor’s office called earlier to set up my MRI and asked me the normal questions. When she was done, she asked if I had any questions, and I asked if wearing my diapers would be a problem. She paused, and said that my file showed that I wear protection and that there is a note for the MRI tech. She said I was all taken care of. Very professional.
I assume that medical staff see about a doze people a day with some form of protective undergarments. It is fairly normal to them. You may want to inquire how often they see someone in diapers during a visit and the reply may surprise you (and put you more at ease for future visits). They are there to do their job on your medical condition, not on your fashion physical need choice of undergarments.
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I assume that medical staff see about a doze people a day with some form of protective undergarments. It is fairly normal to them. You may want to inquire how often they see someone in diapers during a visit and the reply may surprise you (and put you more at ease for future visits). They are there to do their job on your medical condition, not on your fashion physical need choice of undergarments.
I agree. I had a abdominal ultrasound a couple months back and the techs as how nervous I was with the top of my diaper sticking out. She told me to relax, that she’s seen it all. From people wearing no underwear, men wearing panties, and that diapers are frequent. I guess we make a bigger deal out of them than they do.
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Babyspace1947 said:
I was wondering if my new doctor would want to check under my diaper but she didn’t. She actually didn’t even seem fazed that I had one on. I did feel myself wetting while we were talking though.
With my last cystoscopy I was wearing a pad with underwear over it, simply because it's less "in the way" as a diaper, and he'd probably comment on how thick my diaper is if I were to come in with a betterdry.
But a pad is easy to slide a little away to take a sonar and to remove for a cystoscopy, so during the sonar he quickly lifted the front of the pad to look in it lol, and then proceeded. I was a bit embarrassed then too.

Now after the second sphincter cut I'm going to wear a pad again because it's more practical, even though I'd prefer to wear a diaper but it'd only complicate the tests.
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