I applied to a writers group


Lily Fathom
Est. Contributor
  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
  3. Babyfur
  4. Diaperfur
I went to the Library today to get a card made and to get information on a writers group. I was able to get information but, stupid me had to sleep in. I did not know the group was having a meeting today but, I made sure to write down the next time they are. I also got on the internet to send in an application. I also sent a message to them to request more information of what constitutes a student member. I recently changed to a technical school due to how I crashed and burned with calculus. I am now looking into becoming an electrician specialized in PLCs.
I plan on starting out with my blog writing on tulpamancy but, I do plan on getting into age regression as a coping mechanism. My book series that I am writing has a few scenes with age regression but, its not descriptive. Like when one of my characters gets into a onesie and bonds with some one who is like a mother to her its part of the story. I am actually kind of worried it might not be enough for those who want to read an age regression scene. When the character goes into imaginative play its kind of a flash back. Some of them will be accurate to the story and some will be her wishful thinking. I want to make some parts of her history a mystery until the main characters get into conflict with the antagonist.
I am really hopeful that this will work and that people will tolerate this type of writing. I am willing to pay some one to do one on one lessons in writing if this does not work out. I guess what I am trying to get out of this thread is some type of encouragement and maybe some ideas of things I should do first to break the ice.
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I've been on and off taking part in a writers group in my city (Hannover, Germany) myself and I love it quite a bit.
I do not know where you are from of course and for all I know there might be significant cultural differences, but at least in my group we are all rather open about different styles and topics and ideas and things like that.
I’d word it carefully, but I wouldn’t not tell them if I were writing something like that and I believe they’d take it well. Really, I’ve met all kinds of people in my group. Since it’s open to all, there are established authors as well as people who only think they might one day want to write something and everything in between. It’s quite lovely really and everybody has different ideas and techniques and styles. It’s creative work and you’ve got to respect everyone to be respected yourself and I feel that works quite well in my group at least.

Did you go to your group meeting already? I’d love to hear about how that went for you. :) Or maybe you’d like to tell me more about what you’re working on?
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MatalicPebble said:
I went to the Library today to get a card made and to get information on a writers group. I was able to get information but, stupid me had to sleep in. I did not know the group was having a meeting today but, I made sure to write down the next time they are. I also got on the internet to send in an application. I also sent a message to them to request more information of what constitutes a student member. I recently changed to a technical school due to how I crashed and burned with calculus. I am now looking into becoming an electrician specialized in PLCs.
I plan on starting out with my blog writing on tulpamancy but, I do plan on getting into age regression as a coping mechanism. My book series that I am writing has a few scenes with age regression but, its not descriptive. Like when one of my characters gets into a onesie and bonds with some one who is like a mother to her its part of the story. I am actually kind of worried it might not be enough for those who want to read an age regression scene. When the character goes into imaginative play its kind of a flash back. Some of them will be accurate to the story and some will be her wishful thinking. I want to make some parts of her history a mystery until the main characters get into conflict with the antagonist.
I am really hopeful that this will work and that people will tolerate this type of writing. I am willing to pay some one to do one on one lessons in writing if this does not work out. I guess what I am trying to get out of this thread is some type of encouragement and maybe some ideas of things I should do first to break the ice.
Go you! To find that you have the gift to write, and to want to write, is wonderful. You have a lifetime of exploration and passion in front of you. Don't start out with heavy expectations of yourself - that's too much baggage. Give yourself the space to explore yourself as a writer, write initially just to please yourself, knowing that you will get better and better.

Writing fiction can be wonderfully therapeutic. I treasure the quote from Richard Bach's book Illusions -

"If you will practice being fictional for a while, you will understand that fictional characters are sometimes more real than people with bodies and heartbeats."

All the best.