How your parents have reacted when you wanted to wear diapers?


  1. Diaper Lover
Did It was traumatic or they were tolerant?
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My mom was tolerant & supportive
Im sure not having to do constant non stop laundry helped
She helped change me through earlier childhood then switched to just buying diapers through adolescence and I changed my self.

I was in grade 2 and wetting every single night and I said to mom I want to wear diapers to school so I don't have an accident even through I was dry during the day at that time in life. She said I could if it made me feel safer.
Wore overalls so they hid well.
Then after I had a big fall from a roof daytime accidents started in my early teens. Mom stayed supportive throughout though major lecture of being on the roof which I deserved
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my parents hate this side of me. I made the mistake of telling them and once they knew they were easily able to stop me doing it. only now is my little side kinda safe as they think It was just a phase.
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But they were supportive and available to change you?
supdiaperlover04 said:
Did It was traumatic or they were tolerant?
Oh god. My parents would strangle me with soap on a rope in their 8 person senior citizen orgy shower if they ever found out. True story on both there. By the way, who knocks a load bearing wall out of their dining room connected to have an orgy shower for 8 built when you are in you late 70's - I mean isn't that a little late to the game? LOL
  • Haha
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JustAGirl said:
Oh god. My parents would strangle me with soap on a rope in their 8 person senior citizen orgy shower if they ever found out. True story on both there. By the way, who knocks a load bearing wall out of their dining room connected to have an orgy shower for 8 built when you are in you late 70's - I mean isn't that a little late to the game? LOL
context...? what?
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CutestPaddedFemboy said:
my parents hate this side of me. I made the mistake of telling them and once they knew they were easily able to stop me doing it. only now is my little side kinda safe as they think It was just a phase.
Good for you! Don't let those Rents get you down, Rents can have a way of making their children feel small, even adult children. Keep doing and being yourself, my friend. That's all you can do and take heart in that and the fact that you are remaining true to yourself and that is the most important thing in life, according to me tattooed wrist here anyhow, Cheers and have fun with your adventures!
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CutestPaddedFemboy said:
context...? what?
Sorry, my parents are complete weirdos. The remodeled their house, knocked out their ding room wall to expand their guest bath into a two-room orgy steam shower for them and 8 of their closest friends....I guess? Anyone else wish they could unsee the things their parents get up to? Yeah, me too, unfortunately. My parents be weird for sure! Hope you are having a good Sunday over there in your little part of this great big world out there! :)
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SparkyDog said:
My mom was tolerant & supportive
Im sure not having to do constant non stop laundry helped
She helped change me through earlier childhood then switched to just buying diapers through adolescence and I changed my self.

I was in grade 2 and wetting every single night and I said to mom I want to wear diapers to school so I don't have an accident even through I was dry during the day at that time in life. She said I could if it made me feel safer.
Wore overalls so they hid well.
Then after I had a big fall from a roof daytime accidents started in my early teens. Mom stayed supportive throughout though major lecture of being on the roof which I deserved
I love that your parents are supportive. Mine wont know and I don't think that is something they would understand at all. They already think I am one weird daughter of theirs. I sent think I need to give them another reason to think "Things that make you go Hmmm" regarding myself at the moment but perhaps someday. I hope you are having the best Sunday Ever!
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JustAGirl said:
I love that your parents are supportive. Mine wont know and I don't think that is something they would understand at all. They already think I am one weird daughter of theirs. I sent think I need to give them another reason to think "Things that make you go Hmmm" regarding myself at the moment but perhaps someday. I hope you are having the best Sunday Ever!
I think wearing for need and wearing for enjoyment are 2 different categories.
I would hope parents are supportive when their child is IC (though I know some are not)
I can understand the hesitation of parents when the child is abdl

Remember there is no need to share with parents if you are abdl
now if you're IC you can or choose not to share
I was a small child and couldn't exactly hide that I was leaking everywhere. Now I did hide my DL side. But just like a teen discovering their body for the first time it's healthy to keep those boundaries Seperate from parents
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I never directly asked to wear diapers again,
despite the fact that I was a heavy, nightly bedwetter
and it would've made all the sense in the world.

That one time my mom "threatened" me with the words
"Or should I just buy you Pampers again??"
To which I replied "NOOO!".
I later realized that that would've been my chance and
I blew it.

Only once was there a hint from me about wearing diapers.
My mom was going to check on me in the morning to see
if I had wet the bed again (which of course I had).
I pretended to be asleep still so she quietly came in
and to my surprise lifted the covers to check.
I was wearing a makeshift diaper made from a plastic bag.
She later on asked me why I "was dry last" and did that
with a somewhat ridiculing under tone.
But nothing ever came from that.
My DL loving ways are kept between my wife and me. I would never even think about telling my parents.

The only other people who know I enjoy wearing diapers are employees of an ABDL supplier.
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So when I was 19 my parents found my padding at the time. I raised hell about them snooping. The only questions I got were are you having accidents and why I had them. I told them no and I didn't want to talk about it. Topic dropped. My dad has since passed away but there was never any negativity after they brought it up that once. But it was never a topic that was brought up again. Since living on my own ever since I turned 21 there have definitely been times where my shirt would come untucked and my mom saw the waistline of my padding but apart from her saying "pull your pants up so people don't see your underwear" she's never said anything to make me feel uncomfortable. I know she's seen the padding waistline before and was definitely saying underwear to keep me from being embarrassed that they were slightly visible from the wardrobe malfunction. But even though I know she knows it's never been a subject I've wanted to bring up with her and probably never will since I'm not IC and don't need them medically I'm sure she would feel like her parenting was to blame which is not the case.
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SparkyDog said:
My mom was tolerant & supportive
Im sure not having to do constant non stop laundry helped
She helped change me through earlier childhood then switched to just buying diapers through adolescence and I changed my self.

I was in grade 2 and wetting every single night and I said to mom I want to wear diapers to school so I don't have an accident even through I was dry during the day at that time in life. She said I could if it made me feel safer.
Wore overalls so they hid well.
Then after I had a big fall from a roof daytime accidents started in my early teens. Mom stayed supportive throughout though major lecture of being on the roof which I deserved
What a lovely mum ❤️
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My parents reaction when they found out about me wearing diapers was they weren’t to happy and threatened to take me to counseling. I didn’t understand why I liked to wear them and at the time. It wasn’t until I got a little older and got my own place and started looking more on the internet that I found out about adult babies and eventually opened up more and that is what lead me to wanting to wear more and become an adult baby and a diaper lover.
I was in middle school. I was very stressed about my wanting to wear diapers, and it was clear to my folks that I was bothered. I was having dreams about diapers, and it made me scared to sleep.

My parents pressed me to talk to them. I told them I was scared because I was sexually attracted to something awful. They told me it was safe to tell them. I blurted out the word diapers and they simply said, “is that it?” My mom said she thought I was going to say animals or something.

They assured me it was no big deal. They said if I wanted to I could talk to a counselor to reassure me. It took a long time to believe them, but eventually I became comfortable with it.

I never asked my mom to buy me diapers for use other than actually needing them (like if I had a period of bedwetting). As an adult I asked my mom if she would have bought me baby diapers to wear for comfort. She told me she would have, which surprised me.

Anyway, I am lucky to have such great parents.
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FrodoSkywalker said:
I was in middle school. I was very stressed about my wanting to wear diapers, and it was clear to my folks that I was bothered. I was having dreams about diapers, and it made me scared to sleep.

My parents pressed me to talk to them. I told them I was scared because I was sexually attracted to something awful. They told me it was safe to tell them. I blurted out the word diapers and they simply said, “is that it?” My mom said she thought I was going to say animals or something.

They assured me it was no big deal. They said if I wanted to I could talk to a counselor to reassure me. It took a long time to believe them, but eventually I became comfortable with it.

I never asked my mom to buy me diapers for use other than actually needing them (like if I had a period of bedwetting). As an adult I asked my mom if she would have bought me baby diapers to wear for comfort. She told me she would have, which surprised me.

Anyway, I am lucky to have such great parents.
How lovely 😊
My parents found some used ones that I had stashed in my room, I was 11 or 12 so not very bright and didn't think about just throwing them in the garbage (my brother was still in diapers so I had stolen some of his, nobody would have noticed an extra one in the garbage). My parents noticed a strange smell and went looking and found them. This got me into a counselor pretty quick. I was mortified and full of shame. She was actually pretty good and told my parents that it was likely a phase and would pass and was likely caused by the stress of my best friend moving to another continent weeks before. I'm sure she had to be smarter than that. I got wiser after that and didn't make another mistake. It also may have contributed to me leaving home at the ripe old age of 15. Heck I was 15, I knew everything, right?
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