How were you finally potty trained, and what was it like for you?

I don't remember my potty training, although I don't remember having had accidents after its conclusion. Presumably, potty training was successful.
babym13 said:
I don't remember the training process but my fondest memory after being potty trained was I remember my brother getting changed i was jealous and pooped my pants in hopes my mom would diaper me. She didn't put me in a diaper I had a very red butt and ended up standing in the corner for a while

Aww poor you! that sounds so mean, but I guess from a parent perspective you don’t really want to deal with that from a kid who should know better
I don't really remember potty training at, but I can tell you that my first memory was noticing I didn't have a diaper on and immediately wanting one on.


That's what I have on right this second 😊
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BuddyBoy said:
Even when I was in my early teens I still had a problem recognizing when it was time to "go". Sometimes I would get constipated, other times I would go in my pants. On one occasion when I was rushing to the toilet I forget to check if the seat was down and fell in. After that I was timid about using the commode. My nursemaid, Kathleen, placed a child's seat which had a deflector for little boys who couldn't quite control their little wee wees, over the adult one.. I liked it immediately. After feeding me she would literally "put me on the potty" and sit with me till I went. There was no coercion, just patience and encouragement. I took pride in "going" for her and my BM's became regular. But getting control of my pee pee remained elusive. After supper when we were watching television before bed she had me sit on a portable potty on the floor at her feet. We were both delighted to hear the "tinkle" sound and doing so helped cut back on my bedwetting.
I had a similar white plastic seat with the "deflector" that went on the big toilet. I remember th entire thing sort of folded up, I guess for travel. I also remember the deflector on the wooden potty chair I had when I was younger. I remember you could slide it on and off.
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adam said:
I had a similar white plastic seat with the "deflector" that went on the big toilet. I remember th entire thing sort of folded up, I guess for travel. I also remember the deflector on the wooden potty chair I had when I was younger. I remember you could slide it on and off.
Your recollections ar right on Adam. Mine are clear because I was older that the average child being trained. I was never properly trained when younger so the job fell to my nursemaid when I was in my early teens. How old were you?
BuddyBoy said:
Your recollections ar right on Adam. Mine are clear because I was older that the average child being trained. I was never properly trained when younger so the job fell to my nursemaid when I was in my early teens. How old were you?
Probably about 6. I was trained but we had the plastic one for my 4 year old brother who wasnt yet trained and actually wet the bed until about 14
Ali123 said:
I wasn’t fully potty trained until I was five.

I remember being really embarrassed because my sister, who’s two years younger than me, was out of nappies when she was two.

So not only did I find myself having my nappy changed at the same time as her for two years, but I still got put into nappies for another year and a bit after she had grown out of them.
O wow really? That must've felt weird :eek:
Kinda can say I do relate with this because I started being potty trained when I was already 4 if my memory serves me right, not the sibling part tho since I never had any
Adam and PrissySammy, your recollections remind me of one of my own. Occasionally one of the neighbors would have a party for her toddler who was out of diapers and "able to stay dry" at night. My mother sometimes took me to these and I was expected to give them a present and congratulate them. Of course, I was much older but still in night-time diapers myself.
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BuddyBoy said:
Adam and PrissySammy, your recollections remind me of one of my own. Occasionally one of the neighbors would have a party for her toddler who was out of diapers and "able to stay dry" at night. My mother sometimes took me to these and I was expected to give them a present and congratulate them. Of course, I was much older but still in night-time diapers myself.
Oh really? How much older were you of thus toddler, if may I ask that is?
PrissySammy said:
Oh really? How much older were you of thus toddler, if may I ask that is?
Dear Prissy, You certainly may ask a very reasonable question. I didn't gain nighttime control tillI was 11. I was dry at night till is was 131/2, then started wetting again. I went to such parties several times during my childhood. All the ladies were very nice to me but every so often I would hear them asking my mother, "How is Buddy doing with his bedwetting?" Mom's reply was something along the line of, he's trying but he just can't see to get it.
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I had the traditional training. A potty to sit on. I know I used it because there were photos of me on it. I had brief moments of dry but night was diapers all the time.
Went right back to day diapers for pee in school. Had many wet pants. Finally asked mom to wear a diaper to school. I wore overalls to easily hide it. Basically I got training which worked for #2
but number 1 never really took
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BuddyBoy said:
Dear Prissy, You certainly may ask a very reasonable question. I didn't gain nighttime control tillI was 11. I was dry at night till is was 131/2, then started wetting again. I went to such parties several times during my childhood. All the ladies were very nice to me but every so often I would hear them asking my mother, "How is Buddy doing with his bedwetting?" Mom's reply was something along the line of, he's trying but he just can't see to get it.
Ah I see I see, i'm glad to know that nobody belittled or made fun of you because of that :) . I did manage to actually stop needing them both day and night something around 7 years old. Yeah I kind of took a while because, as my mom usually said to me, "I really did like my nappies" and often threw tantrums at the mention of the potty 😅 . The only other person that knew was a friend of mine, whom I basically grew up with and is currently sort of my partner (have really to consolidate things eh), altho she's a bit older instead. Used to stay a lot only with a diaper and a t shirt even when she was present back then, nobody minded and she always said I looked cute in it. Eventually, I kind of got outsmarted by this friend in actually trying the potty and as isaid, by 7 years old i fully didn't need diapers anymore. This didn't stop me from begging mom to keep buying more just to use at home, again because I still liked them and also because I still liked how my friend complimented me 😅.

TLDR: I used diapers until my country's equivalent of american 5th grade but with the twist that between 7 and 10 years old I had no need for them.

Sorry if I kind of lost track and started mumbling
I don't remember much but I vaguely not liking underwear and i remember not knowing how to stand up and pee for the longest time before eventually knowing how. It explains so much, I guess.
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KittyninjaW said:
I don't remember much but I vaguely not liking underwear and i remember not knowing how to stand up and pee for the longest time before eventually knowing how. It explains so much, I guess.
As someone who went and sort of goes again now through that, I can say you ain't alone there
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I do not remember potty training, but from what I was told it was around age 2 and went pretty quickly. I do know sometime after age 4 when my youngest brother was born, I developed a fascination with his diapers and regressed with potty training for a while as well as secretly tried on and used his diapers. I’m sure some of those accidents weren’t entirely accidental. I remember asking my mom for a diaper one time when I had a bout of diarrhea, probably around age 5 or 6, but she didn’t oblige. As an adult when my child was starting potty training, my mom mentioned that she shouldn’t have been so hard on us over potty training and accidents. I think she was just tired of diapers after 3 kids in 4 years and wanted to be done with poop and pee for good, so was pushing us to be done with them. This was the early 70s with cloth diapers, and there was lots of washing for her to do.
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I'm pretty sure it was age 4 before I was potty trained, right before I went into kindergarten. There's pictures of me visiting relatives from out of state from when I was that age and I'm only in a tshirt and diaper. I'm not sure if that's because I was still in them full time or because my relatives didn't want to chance me having an accident on their furniture. I also have an early memory from probably around the same time of going into the bathroom, pulling my pants down, sitting on the toilet with the lid down, and letting go all over it. I guess I hadn't quite got the hang of the potty thing at that time...
Ugh, potty training. I found it to be a very unpleasant experience. It was long, drawn out and confusing. I started at 3 and didn't get out of diapers and pull-ups until 5 when my mom took them away from me, which was upsetting. It wasn't a proud accomplishment for me.
I don't remember any part of my potty training. I think mom said at some point I was trained around 2 years old. I don't remember anything before 4 or 5 years old.
With a whip and a chair, better poop now! 🤣 totally lying, I have no memory of it.
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Well, as for nighttime still waiting.

Daytime was like 4-5 till more damage to the old body/spine, so if i'm more than a couple mins from a bathroom no good will come.