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How often are you diapered?

There are days that I do wear my nighttime diapers and days that I just don't. Most nights I do tho because they help me sleep. Some days when I know Im going to be home all day I wear them and I don't even bother taking them off until they are completely soiled.
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I wear diapers 24/7. I have tried to stop but too many embarrassing accidents, and frequent urge to pee keeps me diapered. I've grown used to wearing
every night...I am finding more during the day too
Daily. What I’ll usually do is put one on after work if I’m stressed out and I always make sure to put one one before I go to bed, as I usually walk around like a zombie during the morning unless it’s daylight. During the weekends when I’m home (I live by myself), I generally will wear 24/7 unless I have planned things to do with friends or family.

Grant it, I do go through binge and purge cycles, but I think I finally may have put an end to it. When I realized I genuinely needed them, that’s when it stopped being a sexual fetish and more of a security blanket.
I'm diapered most nights, from 2 pm to 8 am. I have gone to work before diapered but feel very self conscious. Hope to over come this feeling.
A few times a week.
Wow I'm honestly surprised by how many people wear so often. I go through 2 diapers a month maybe? I try really hard to not overwhelm my fiancée with it. Plus I find strict limitation prevents binging and purging. If I wear at every single opportunity or desire I find that I descend into binge and purge. So limiting diapers to one or two weekend days a month is probably good for me.
Every night and sometimes in the day if I am traveling or if I think finding a restroom mite be difficult. I normally will stay in a diaper 6-12 hours depending on usage. Normally I get ready for bed around 7ish and that will be my diaper for the night.
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As of late, as often as possible. Most of the day and at night. Pretty much 24 7, with some occasional breaks. I don't wear at my Ladyfriends house if her son is around for an extended period.
I'd wear every minute I'm at home, if possible, but since this is a shared living arrangement, discretion is called for and I wear diapers and AB onesies/nightie/clothing before and during bedtime. One day, if I get my own place, I'll be always in diapers when at home.

Quick saying: "Linus carried a blanket with him; we wear ours!" #SecurityDiaper 🧷 🤭
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As often as I can be! I only “use” them for my period. Other than that I just wear for comfort. I only wear them when I’m at home. So 24/7 on the weekends and then after work hours during the week. I’ve just gotten into “real” diapers, I normally wear Goodnites because I can take them off to use the restroom. I’m still iffy about wetting (def not into messing). I’d love to wear 24/7 but I don’t have a job where I can really comfortably do that
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never i was only diapered when i was a baby
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I wear at least one a day but most of the time a single diaper a day. I am not incontinent so I tend to try to wear as long as possible before going. I've slipped a diaper down once in awhile to use the toilet. Diapers are expensive heh but I have been wanting to wear more and more frequently
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Rednaxela said:
I know some of you guys are diapered 24/7 (a little bit jealous if I might add) but for those of you who are not. How often are you padded? And how long do you stay in them?

I try to be 24/7, though I still cheat on rare occasion. I have yet to throw away my regular underwear, but the thought is certainly appealing!

I used to cheat when I had to go to something public, but now I don't care about that at all and the only time I cheat is when I have some physical work to do that I know is going to shred my diaper or make me sweat really bad.

The last vacation I went on, I didn't pack a single pair of regular underwear, just brought another suitcase full of day and night diapers. So for over a week, I had to wear diapers 24/7, which was kinda fun to think about. 10/10 will do it again :)
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Due to my current living situation and not getting enough money, I get to wear diapers only a few times a month (except summer). Usually, I only get to wear low-absorbent hospital diapers or pull-ups, due to fears of my parents confiscating and possibly throwing away my $30-$50 ABDL diapers, even though on rare occassions, I had bought some ABDL diapers and thankfully, my parents never found out about it.
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I usually try to wear every night, and on my days off. Basically any time I’m not at work/in public - although... I wear sometimes then too 😂
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Once a week if that really
24/7 Tena Men Maxi during the day and Betterdry M10 to bed