How many of you started out DL , and then gave being an AB a shot and ended up liking it?

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I haven't given the AB side of things a try other than ordering AB diapers, I currently have the Bellisimo, and Bianco sitting in my stock, and a pack of the Lavender coming in this week, I've been interested, but every time I go out and look for products to buy I just don't feel like any of them are right for me, although I do own a few plushies...
I was a DL from birth. Basically, as soon as I was potty trained at age 2 or so I wanted to be back in diapers. When I was 6-13 I would steal them from people who had babies. I would raid their daper bags and stuff the diapers in my shirt, put my coat on and leave. After that I started buying plastic backed Attends at Walgreens. I had an allowance. It was in 2010 that I happily discovered ABDL diapers, Bambino Diapers in particular. I bought like 75 diapers the first time! Now money is tight is so my stash is running really low.
I started out just as strictly and DL and I wanted nothing to do with being and AB and to be honest I found it creepy and I wanted to stay far away from it. But overtime I got interested in a few things and decided to give them a try and I now I love being an AB and I love my baby items and little time.
AB is not interesting to me at all. Diapers are great to wear and it's not because of any association with babies.
For me, diapers are more sexual and for convenience. I don't have the connection to babies or acting as one.
I am currently experimenting with baby and AB diapers and I am really enjoying it. I have always considered myself 'just' a diaper lover, but I think I have some AB tendencies. I'm not sure if I will ever have a strong desire to try out a bottle/pacifier or anything that isn't just a diaper, but I am by no means against it.

I got my girlfriend into occasionally wearing/using diapers with me a few months ago and her favorites are the pampers cruisers size 7 which she can fit into no problem :eek:.
I started out at a relatively young age just being in to nappies and the idea of wearing them. Pretty quickly though the idea of being a baby and getting treated like one started appealing to me. So I guess for the most part I've been ABDL, even though the nappy part has higher priority. I was only really able to act on my DL desires up to a point where I moved to my own place, and could start buying AB stuff. Now whenever I enjoy some nappy time, I'm almost always sucking my paci and putting on my cosy all-in-one PJs.
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