How common are diapers among furries?

amperedragon said:
I keep that information in a separate bio for the character. If an artist wants it, I'll gladly supply it, but I've found many prefer a basic visual ref and only want extra details if it relates directly to that particular piece. One with full details is definitely better for showing off the character, but it may not be the best option as a commission resource.
so what is your sona's story?
When I first started participating and being more active in the community, mainly attending cons, I was shocked at how many babyfurs and diaperfurs there are. There are guaranteed to be at least some of us at every convention and it's often joked that most cons are run by babyfurs lol. The funny thing is that while its certainly a bit of a satirical exaggeration, there's a lot of truth in it. A lot of staff and volunteers and even board members are often babyfurs/diaperfurs.

Granted babyfurs/diaperfurs are my preferred demographic so I naturally tend to seek them out at cons and probably give them more attention so that's probably skewing my perceptions of it a little bit and I have a bit of a bias. But I'd say it's definitely at least common within the furry community. The majority of furries probably aren't diaperfurs or babyfurs, but enough of us are that if you meet a random furry there's a legitimate chance they might be into crinkling :D