Getting an apartment advice


Est. Contributor
  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
  3. Babyfur
  4. Diaperfur
  5. Little
  6. Incontinent
Hello everyone, after doing the Disney college program I’m hoping to settle down in my own apartment possibly I was wondering how much I should try and save for it or if Florida is not cheap and if there’s any other place for living. Don’t want to go back to living with my parental unit after the program.
I mean... now's your chance to live anywhere you want. I personally would never pick florida... But it's up to you, just apply for jobs where you want to possibly live and then land one there and move. Have a few months of rent saved up before going in case that job does not work out for you.
Please make sure you have employment before picking a place to live. I've ended up in really bad situations by relocating places no jobs where.

In my personal experience, obtaining a place to live with a relatively short commute from work saves a lot of stress and improves quality of life by giving a lot of extra free time. Having a minimum of 6 to 8 months rent + expenses saved is also highly advisable.
Try to avoid areas with poorly maintained buildings ( self education of what to look for would be very very helpful ).

Note: Florida is a very humid state, containing a lot of swamplands filled with mosquitos. Summer time, in my own experience, is not a very pleasant time to be outside.
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KitsuneFox said:
Note: Florida is a very humid state, containing a lot of swamplands filled with mosquitos. Summer time, in my own experience, is not a very pleasant time to be outside.
Not to mention diapers! If you're 24/7, move somewhere where 9 months of the year aren't miserably hot and humid and chafey.
  • Haha
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ronnieM said:
I mean... now's your chance to live anywhere you want. I personally would never pick florida... But it's up to you, just apply for jobs where you want to possibly live and then land one there and move. Have a few months of rent saved up before going in case that job does not work out for you.
I have an internship in Florida with Disney so, it really all depends if I get offer a part time job there if not I’m thinking Oregon for moving to. I live and love the rain
I tried the apartment thing with my Ex, and it just wasn't for me.

If you're fixin to buy a house one day, stay with your parents as long as you can and save up every single cent you come across. I know, that sucks because ABDL reasons, but that's what worked for me. When I told the loan guy I was gonna put down 1/4 and would that be enough? He laughed at me and said "yea, we get people in here fixin to get a 1/2 million dollar place with nothing"