Getting a good fit between sizes; Northshore fills my gap just right. Other brands that might help?


Est. Contributor
  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
  3. Babyfur
  4. Diaperfur
  5. Little
Hi there babies and otherwise,

I wanted an opinion….,I wear about a 44 to 46 waist size but I have a problem getting a comfy fit with say 36-48 waist sizing or many stopping at 46 waist. This makes me a gapper pardon my pun. I can make em work but they aren't ideal. I love ABU line but they only make one style that fills my gap sizing.

I really like Northshore MEGA MAX for filling my gap with Larges at 42-54. This puts my butt squarely right in the middle of this range fur a diaper size. I love the fit to be just right to allow fir less sagging, better bum coverage, snuggle fit, and just enough room to swell or add a booster. North shores are so ideal for this.

I also really enjoy Bambino sizing but they lack capacity. So far my soggy ship always docks on Northshore for a dry landing. Any other brands that might fill my fit gap?
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sassypigtailz said:
Hi there babies and otherwise,

I wanted an opinion….,I wear about a 44 to 46 size but I have a problem getting a comfy fit with say 36-48 waist sizing or many stopping at 46 waist. This makes me a gapper pardon my pun. I can make em work but they aren't ideal. I love ABU line but they only make one style that fills my gap sizing.

I really like Northshore MEGA MAX for filling my gap with Larges at 42-54. This puts ne squarely right in mid range fur a diaper size. I love the fit to be just right to allow fir less sagging, better bum coverage, snuggle fit, and just enough room to swell or add a booster.

I also really enjoy Bambino sizing but they lack capacity. So far my soggy ship always docks on Northshore for a dry landing. Any other brands that might fill my fit gap?
Dry 24/7 sizing has consistently been on the larger end. Mediums could reasonably be a large in any other brand. I buy larges by default no matter what.