Games that Have surprised you recently

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  1. Diaper Lover
This is probably gonna sound weird, given some people have me tacked as a "Sony Fanboy" for not seeing a reason to get an Xbox One the last console generation (I know plenty of others thought the same, Re sales numbers vs Sony)

But, I've really been liking GamePass, especially given I can sometimes get a deal on it and pay about $8 a month for most of the year

Its expanded my gaming into other types of games I never really played before, some of which were incredibly satisfying

Recently got into Deathloop on my Series X; since I never got it when it launched on PS5

Its been the newest surprise to me as I actually never got into the Dishonored series (same developer on both series)

Prior to that, I finished "Nobody Saves the world" which was quite the odd game, but gave me a lot to do for Weeks (decent sized map, lots of quests)

How about you?
I'm not into much in the way of new stuff, but Super Metroid Varia randomizer did recently blow my mind. Took my favorite game and made it nearly infinitely more fun again! There's like 50 settings to mess with that all mess with basically everything in the game.

It's like, go through this door, oh.. I'm in a totally different zone now that's nearly or completely impossible to do stuff... probably go another way... now where the hell was that other zone again? Or, get my high jump boots... nope, that's just a piss ant missile tank. Or, I can't get into this door without the plasma beam upgrade which is a new thing. Or... all of those at the same time!
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