Furnal Equinox Babyfur meet and Greet


Est. Contributor
  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
  3. Babyfur
  4. Diaperfur
  5. Carer
  6. Other
Furnal Equinox (Toronto Ontario’s Furry convention) will Have its Babyfur event on Friday the 17th at Westin Harbour castle’s Dockside 5 room at 11:00pm. Be there or be stinky54AB6370-270E-4889-9B93-B7400720C298.jpeg
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Its now at 9:00pm Friday
BabyDemon33 said:
Furnal Equinox (Toronto Ontario’s Furry convention) will Have its Babyfur event on Friday the 17th at Westin Harbour castle’s Dockside 5 room at 11:00pm. Be there or be stinkyView attachment 104242
Wow the place was absolutely packed to the point of spilling out of the conference room. I totally wore and wet my diaper too, pretty sure I wasn’t the only one either, but I won’t say who else
I wish there was a Babyfur meet near where I live.....
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Reactions: Azzie and PaddedWolfie
I was at the con but I didn't go to the pannel
Okay whos going in 2024?
I'm going to a con but I'm in the US so it's not that one. I hope you all enjoy it though(y) Furcons are super enjoyable to be at 😺 Pending on which days from my vacation leave request I get I will either be doing furrydelphia or anthrocon.