Earliest memory in a diaper?

4 years old 1956 my mom put into a cloth diaper and sent to school with it on. That was for wetting the bed. That wasn't the only time she did that.
Wet the bed throughout the years. Nightly bed wetter now.
I was eight years old and sleeping in my mother's bed because I had a bad stomach virus. I was both vomiting and had diarrhea. I told my mother I was afraid I'd mess up her bed, and she replied that she could put a diaper on me. There were still Curity flat cloth diapers and plastic pants in the hallway closet; my younger brother had only been out of diapers for a couple of years.

Mom left and came back with three or four diapers and a pair of plastic pants, along with diaper pins that were kept in a bathroom drawer. I was very small for my age, and although she had to layer two diapers and fold them, they still fit me and she pinned the diaper in place and pulled up the plastic pants.

I fell asleep and woke up in the middle of the night. The bedroom lamp was still on, but the hallway and the rest of the house were dark. I remember putting my hand inside the plastic pants and deciding to wet the diaper rather than get out of bed to go to the bathroom. I had no idea what effort that would entail, and I think I tried to wet with limited success for some time. I finally coaxed an appreciable result out of my bladder. I distinctly remember the feel of the wet diaper as I turned on my side and went back to sleep.

Early the next morning, my mom came in, turned down the bedspread and checked my diaper. She went to the bathroom and returned with a wet washcloth, then removed the wet diaper, wiped me off and slid my underwear back on. The unused diapers were returned to the hallway closet. I think that because the diaper was just wet, she decided I was well enough to do without them. I've often wondered what the experience might have been like had she kept me in diapers for the rest of the day.

This would have been late 1967 or early 1968, but the memory is still very clear for me more than 50 years later. My mom first caught me with a diaper when I was about 4, and she knew about my attraction to diapers and baby things. She always tried to accommodate my rather odd interests in other areas; I'm unsure whether she diapered me that night because she thought I needed the diaper or because she knew I'd enjoy it.
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I have exactly one memory of being put in a diaper. It's just a visual of looking down and watching Mom pin a cloth prefold on me while I lay in bed. For a variety of reasons, I'm 99% certain that I was three years old in this memory, which would make this sometime in 1979. At that age, I was using the toilet while awake, but wore diapers at naptime and bedtime.

So, lame though it is, as my only memory of being in diapers, it was a cornerstone of my diaper-play from an early age. The very first time I borrowed a diaper from my younger sister, I laid down on it and tried to replay that memory in my head as I pinned it on. Being only six years old, I found pinning quite difficult. If I managed to pin my diaper without sticking myself, it was usually too tight, too loose, or some mixture. I'd have killed to have Mom diapering me again, at least for that first year after I rediscovered diapers. I think the embarrassment of liking diapers didn't really hit me until after sis was potty-trained.
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Being 1 or 2 being on the changing table, the feel of that tape as I peeled it off my leg going to wager an 83-4 huggies or pampers
I was three years old. I wake up in the morning. My dad lifts me out of my crib and changes me out of my wet & messy diaper with snoopy & wood stock on the tape panel. Then he dresses me & gets me ready for daycare.
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When I was 3, I was going to spend the weekend with my grandparents. I was trained at that time, but I guess my mother had different ideas. I remember her buying a box of Pampers (yes, a box. That's how they came back then) and wondering why.

Fast forward a couple of days, and I'm walking in a parking lot with my grandfather. I had to pee and I thought I should tell him, but then I remembered I was wearing a diaper and just let go. I remember how that felt, and you could say I've been chasing that dragon ever since (42 years on).
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I remember looking at my diaper when sitting in front of the TV on Nov, 23, 1964 when Kennedy's body was being off loaded at Bethesda. My dad was mad because I kept asking where mommy was. She had miscarried that morning. The next one is where I regress to and that was my mom putting me into a diaper and telling me that I had to wear diapers at night because I still wet at night. The other one was when my cousin diaper disciplined me for having a messy accident again.
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I was 4 years old
It was a sunny day in march or april and I was walking around the daycare playground. One of my caretakers asked me if I pooped myself, and I told her no. I thought I was telling the truth, but apparently my caretaker noticed before I did. She checked the back of my pants to make sure, and took me inside for a change. I felt kinda bad about it, but only because It made me look like a liar...
I wasn't sad enough to cry though. She took me too a very yellow room where I just lied back on the changing table and looked up at the pictures on the wall until she was done with me.
I must have been 3-4 years old. I remember being on the changing table and my mom changing me. She was looking at me smiling, it was a good memory and one of the only memories I have of my mom being there. I was mostly cared for by my older teen sisters.
After having been potty-trained, one day age five I pointed out a set of plastic-backed cloth training pants hanging in the garage and asked my dad if I could wear them. He thought it was funny and gave them to me. I wore them around the house and to bed that night. He didn't seem too bothered about me wearing them. I loved the extra padding and warmth, like a really special underwear that was a treat for good behavior. I hid them under my bed and began wear them to sleep pretty often.

Found them in the same place cleaned on a couple of occasions, but nothing was ever really said.
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I have a few really early ones (like from when I was a baby/young kid)

I remember having my nappy changed a few times. The earliest was probably after a neighbor (specifically, their then-teenaged daughter) babysat me, and my mother changed my nappy the next morning, noting that my babysitter had put my nappy on backwards. I was probably younger than two then.
I can remember being put in one at 3 or 4 for a church function. I pooped in it. I don’t remember anything after that
Earliest i could remember when i was between the age of 2 - 4(still used diapers every day) and my mom wanted me to nap. I didnt want to nap so when she got out of my room o started playing with the carpet and the toys in my room. I knew i needed to poop so i just did it in the diaper and sat on it.

That is the earliest i can remember
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I remember when I was about two and a half years to three my neighbor was babysitting me and telling me to lift up so she could slide my diaper under me
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Carnifex said:
I remember when I was about two and a half years to three my neighbor was babysitting me and telling me to lift up so she could slide my diaper under me

Well she was changing you wrong. That’s not the normal way to do it.

If you’re changing nappies, you want to have the clean nappy underneath the used one before opening the used one up. It makes changes a lot quicker.
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Osthagen said:
Well she was changing you wrong. That’s not the normal way to do it.

If you’re changing nappies, you want to have the clean nappy underneath the used one before opening the used one up. It makes changes a lot quicker.
It might have been that my mom was potty training me but my dad got a new job in Tennessee so when we moved she just put me in diapers so she would not have to stop alot at least that's what she told me so I might have had enough control at the time that they weren't worried about it but not sure that is all that I can remember
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The first memory I have...or at least one of the first is of my mother changing my dirty nappy.
I remember being a toddler and me and my older sister asking to be put in nappies. We had some used (worn, but not soiled) ones lying around in a basket, so presumably this was not long after I finished being potty trained. I distinctly remember me and my sister saying "put us in nappies", then a few minutes later we were crawling around in them, pretending to be babies. Weird.
I don't have any memory of me in a diaper as a small child. I do remember being probably about four, when my sister who had recently been toilet trained got put into diapers once solely because mom was out of clean panties for her. I remember being scared that such could happen and it fit into some of my later fantasies.

First time I remember being in diapers, I put them on my self. Makeshift ones out of towels and plastic pants made out of trash bags. Probably was about 12. Took me a couple of more years before I managed to get factory made ones.
The earliest I think I can remember is having a pull-up put on me by my babysitter before going to bed at around 3 or 4. I dont know if it was the same night but I also have a memory of me standing up and wetting my pullup before going back to sleep in that same house (that I had moved out of by 5).
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