EA Battlefront 2 Future?


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  1. Adult Baby
  2. Babyfur
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  4. Incontinent
  5. Carer
So for all the Battlefront 2 Fans out there, what do you think the future of our beloved franchise will be? Do you think we will get a third installment? Do you think, if a third game is made, it will be made by Dice? Or do you think the franchise is dead? Personally, I think a 3rd game is possible, but possibly made by Respawn instead of dice. Especially now after seeing their success with fallen order. I also think we may have a clearer idea as to what the future holds after Motive announces their new Star Wars game within the coming weeks. Heres hoping its something awesome! Also..... is everyone as excited about Lego Star Wars as I am .... IT LOOKS AMAZING!
Dont you mean a 5th game? Battlefront 2 is really battlefront4. Also this is EA we are talking about sure there will be a new game, fill will loot boxes and mirc transactions, the person who made those standard in video games need to be shot
mistysummers said:
Dont you mean a 5th game? Battlefront 2 is really battlefront4. Also this is EA we are talking about sure there will be a new game, fill will loot boxes and mirc transactions, the person who made those standard in video games need to be shot
haha yeah your probably right. But I think after the shit show of BF 2 from dice they will be more careful. I don't really mind the whole loot box thing so long as it is only cosmetic. Anything that involves actual game-changing items such as heroes or blasters is a definite no go.
nightfox320 said:
haha yeah your probably right. But I think after the shit show of BF 2 from dice they will be more careful. I don't really mind the whole loot box thing so long as it is only cosmetic. Anything that involves actual game-changing items such as heroes or blasters is a definite no go.
Loot boxes are only ok if they are free, show the odds of getting items and dont effect the grind of a game. Only cosmetic is a weak excuse for loot boxes being ok as it still effects a player experience
mistysummers said:
Loot boxes are only ok if they are free, show the odds of getting items and dont effect the grind of a game. Only cosmetic is a weak excuse for loot boxes being ok as it still effects a player experience

The price of a video game hasn't increased in 20 years now. inflation didn't magically not effect the video gaming industry they just chose to put in micro trans actions instead of increasing the price by $20+
Turk3y5h007 said:
The price of a video game hasn't increased in 20 years now. inflation didn't magically not effect the video gaming industry they just chose to put in micro trans actions instead of increasing the price by $20+
Yeah your reply has been debunked those big aaa games earn tons of money yet pay the dev a set price, you know where all that micro trans action money goes? to the ceos and share holders.
Also ill point out a game like god of war, big game no micro trans actions and there are way more games that prove games dont need yo have micro trans actions in them.
Just to point out games cost more then $60 to get the full game these day anyone, such as season passes and dlc, it no secert that a lot of dlc is just cut content.
So sorry inflation is a weak excuse, as games sales are higher then they were 20 years ago.
The only reason any game should have micro trans action in them if the game was free
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i lost all hope for star wars games. and no, fallen order is not good. it's shit. and i'll tell you why. there's no depth to gameplay, it's just "press X to swing the lightsaber" instead of "use various combinations of stances and moves to swing the lightsaber in different directions at different strength, range, and speed"

and the lightsaber duels aren't even lightsaber duels, they are bludgeoning fights with glowing battons. no matter how many times you score a direct hit on the enemy, they just won't die or get hurt until their health bar hits zero. that's terrible game design.

fallen order isn't good, it just looks good because every other star wars game we got in the recent years is so bad it makes fallen order look good in comparison. that game is a polished turd