Dry-wearing enjoyment


Staying dry in the city of rain
Est. Contributor
  1. Diaper Lover
I love wearing and using diapers as a DL but sometimes, I’ll enjoy dry-wearing pull-ups or diapers for days. I especially love tape-on diapers with side stretch panels that let you slide the diaper off and on like a pull-up, that way I can dry-wear a tape-on like I would a pull-up for part of a day, a while day, or even days. (My go-to for that tape-on experience with stretch panels is the Dailee Slip Maxi)

Does anyone else have periods where they really enjoy wearing dry diapers too?
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LePew said:
I love wearing and using diapers as a DL but sometimes, I’ll enjoy dry-wearing pull-ups or diapers for days. I especially love tape-on diapers with side stretch panels that let you slide the diaper off and on like a pull-up, that way I can dry-wear a tape-on like I would a pull-up for part of a day, a while day, or even days. (My go-to for that tape-on experience with stretch panels is the Dailee Slip Maxi)

Does anyone else have periods where they really enjoy wearing dry diapers too?
I do like to wear my nappies for as long as I can l, before I wet. I love all of it
Oh yeah. I wouldn't say I go for days but have worn a dry diaper for hrs during the day. My favorite diapers for this are ABU LKs, AGZs, Tykables Little Builders or mainly the thinner less capacity diapers. When I need to go to the bathroom I'll just pull my little friend out the leg opening of my diaper then used the toilet.
I've always said the best part of this kink is the feeling of a dry powdered diaper.
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I wish my diapers would always stay dry but unfortunately they don’t :) . In all seriousness though, there is no better feeling than putting on a dry diaper after you've been stuck in a wet one!
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For me, part of the enjoyment I get is from the thick padding. If the diaper is very thin then I would rather wet and make the diaper feel nicer. If the dry diaper is thick from the start however I really enjoy it wet, or dry
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But of course I love the feeling of a dry diapee; the time between my changie and my first peepee is pure bliss... like 10 - 15 minutes max because whilst I love dry diapees I also loathe holding my peepee and I always wet my diapee as soon as the first urge hits.
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I’m never in a dry nappy for long enough to know, I always seem to wet myself with in 5 minutes of putting a fresh one on
Sometimes, when I go out, I wear a pull-up or even a tape-on diaper with no intent to wet it (at least until I get home). If I have to go potty at Walmart and I'm wearing a diaper, somehow I can hold it longer than if I was wearing big-boy pants; maybe because in the back of my mind there's a "Plan B." I sometimes even use the potty at the store, pulling my pull-up down; it's just nice feeling that padding in my pants.

Gotta watch out, though, wearing any disposable diaper or pull-up for too long, it will get stretched out of shape to the point that when you DO decide to wet, it will more likely leak into your pants.
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