Does anybody ever have moments if they wonder if it's wrong to be into diapers?


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  1. Diaper Lover
Been struggling a bit with if what I am doing is wrong. Like I shouldn't be into diapers, they're for babies and you're not normal for liking diapers. Does anyone else go through this?
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Yes, all the time. It's a constant struggle.
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Yea sometimes. Cuz I think of the people who are IC or have disabilities, and actually need them as part of their life. I feel bad about it at times. Other than that, I sometime feel like I am contributing to the industry by producing more robust and longer lasting diapers.
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I‘m incontinent and have to be in diapers. It still feels wrong somehow. Still coming to terms with it I guess. I’ve been incontinent since January.
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I conquered those demons a while ago, but that was very much the case for me before.
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Occasionally, but then I think to myself "it's legal, I'm not hurting anyone and I enjoy it".
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Bearcatz said:
I conquered those demons a while ago, but that was very much the case for me before.
What did you do to get past it?
Diapers4Life5656 said:
What did you do to get past it?
It's kind of hard to explain. I stopped running away from the shame and just had it out with myself. I allowed this being my normal to defeat my resistance to it after crying my eyes out and getting out the last "why me's" and all that junk.
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Diapers4Life5656 said:
Been struggling a bit with if what I am doing is wrong. Like I shouldn't be into diapers, they're for babies and you're not normal for liking diapers. Does anyone else go through this?
This chose you. You didn’t chosen it. I’d flip the script and enjoy it as something special to you knowing that we all have our quirks.
Wrong? It certainly turns against our toilet training that says “use the toilet” and “wear cloth underwear”. I normally reserve the word “wrong” for things that hurt others or for doing things in ways that don’t meet stated goals.

If you want to wear diapers, it’s certainly different from “normal”, but that’s not wrong, by itself. It’s unusual, it’s strange, it’s weird, it’s a whole host of words we could use, but it’s absolutely not “wrong”. I could file that under “wrong, feels so right” which is separate and distinct to me.

Now, if you’re waving your poopy diaper in peoples faces in public, I could squeeze out a wrong for that. Some people do wearing diapers as an ABDL “wrong”, but if you wear diapers because you like it, it’s not wrong.

If there was ever a reason to say there is no “wrong” to a subject, it’s how you wear your underwear. Do it the way you want to, because it’s no one else’s biz-nass.
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Most of the world seems to disapprove of adults wearing diapers where they have no medical need. As far as I'm concerned its none of their business what I have on under my pants or whether I like to wet my diapers, even around them, as long as they don't know. Yes, I do feel a bit naughty, childish, even immature but so what.
I can't actually remember having that concern about it really. I've had plenty of worries over people finding out and thinking that, but I guess I've generally been pretty confident in my belief that I'm not doing anything wrong by wearing diapers, the only thing I'm doing is making myself happier.

I adhere to the belief that if you aren't harming anyone, then you aren't doing anything wrong. Me wearing diapers in private or under my clothes where no one can tell isn't harming anyone. No one has found out, I'm not taking them away from babies. Even if I'm buying actual baby diapers, there's plenty left for the actual babies. The one time there was an actual shortage, I wasn't buying any.

As for being "normal", I always find it a silly concept. Most people are weird in some way, and I don't really consider suppressing everything you like to adhere to arbitrary concepts of "normalcy" to be much of an aspiration to strive for. I'm pretty weird, I don't deny that at all, but I don't consider that a bad thing either.

If I was going to consider anything wrong, it wouldn't be the diaper wearing, but the overly judgemental people that try to thrust their arbitrary beliefs on people that aren't harming anyone, or decide that people should lose the rights to do the things they enjoy because they've lived too many years..
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Yes but mine is from my religious background.
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Yes, but deep down I know this is a part of who I am and that I ultimately just need to accept it rather than being in constant agony over it. Easier said than done, of course.
I do feel like things would be easier if I weren't ABDL, at least in terms of feelings of self worth, romantic/sex life, and not having a huge secret to carry all the time, but honestly on a personal level the past year--between mourning, sickness, and worsening mental health--has been so horrible in all other ways that it not only makes the "burden" of ABDL not so heavy by comparison but also makes me think if I can handle all of my other anxieties, disorders and depressive episodes, I can handle wanting to wear diapers, lol 😅😅
Sometimes as a joke I'll think to myself, "Wow, I wasn't hugged enough or something as a child and now as an adult I want to be treated like a baby. The human brain is weird..." Lmfao
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I've been wearing diapers 24/7 for a long time because of incontinence. I also wore diapers as a child for much longer than what is considered a "normal" age for potty training, and I experienced a good amount of shaming. We humans appear to have decided collectively that anyone above the age of 3 who doesn't live in a nursing home shouldn't be wearing diapers. We humans always seem to need to find SOMETHING to shame others about, don't we?

Recently, I read Gwendoline Summers' An Argument for Rejecting Potty Training. While I don't agree with everything Summers says in her book, she does present some interesting ideas.

I am at peace with 24/7 diaper wearing. I don't "show off" my diapers and I do what I can to keep nasty smells away from others. I'm 76 years old, which puts me in the category of "elderly." Some people, I think, give us a pass for wearing diapers at this age. I feel a fellowship with everyone, regardless of age, regardless of reason, who chooses or needs to wear diapers.
It's a moral issue for me, seeing as it is a fetish, and therefore a sexual thing. I've pretty much accepted that it's part of who I am, but still struggle with knowing whether or not it's okay to indulge in.
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No I don't have much choice it's either wear diapers or make a mess
KidintheCorner said:
It's a moral issue for me, seeing as it is a fetish, and therefore a sexual thing. I've pretty much accepted that it's part of who I am, but still struggle with knowing whether or not it's okay to indulge in.
If you ever want to talk to someone on you level I'm here. It's hard no doubt about that. I'm christian too.
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I come at this whole diaper thing the same way I’d think about buying a new gadget. I think adding diapers gives me new powers. Not only are they relaxing and comfy, they’re functional. I can do things the average underwear-wearing civilians can’t do.

Your civvy skivvies can’t absorb my awesomeness.
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KidintheCorner said:
It's a moral issue for me, seeing as it is a fetish, and therefore a sexual thing. I've pretty much accepted that it's part of who I am, but still struggle with knowing whether or not it's okay to indulge in.
What I want to say, I say with love.

I’m a humanist. I try to be tolerant of people who believe in gods and religion, but I can’t stand when they use it to hurt people.

Especially, themselves.

Stop feeling that guilt, and just be happy, dammit. You’re torturing yourself, and I don’t have the stomach to let you do that without speaking up.
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