Do you think your little personality is your true self?

Do you feel like your little side is your true self?

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  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
  3. Babyfur
  4. Diaperfur
  5. Sissy
  6. Little
  7. Other
Basically everyone has a personality they like to fulfill while being a adult, but it kinda is hard to pretend to be big when everything is hard to deal with. Anyway, I feel being little allows us to be our true selves unfiltered from being a adult and just be ourselves. At least it is for me, it may not be for others and I want to know your thoughts?
I don't. I wouldn't even say that I have a little personality. Regression as opposed to just little space is very rare for me.
:think:Everything that is me, be it little, bird, hiker, IT sysadmin, DL, cyclist, old codger, aircraft mechanic, kayaker, is my "true self".

"I yam what I yam and that's all what I yam." - Popeye :D

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KittyninjaW said:
Basically everyone has a personality they like to fulfill while being a adult, but it kinda is hard to pretend to be big when everything is hard to deal with. Anyway, I feel being little allows us to be our true selves unfiltered from being a adult and just be ourselves. At least it is for me, it may not be for others and I want to know your thoughts?
I totally agree with you being able to be a little and adult is who I am, When I feel strest being little is my way of calming down.
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i've been thinking about this for a bit now... little-me is definitely the real me... adult-me is like playing pretend and it feels so fake and boring x'3 since this revelation, there have been... so many times that i couldn't wait to get in a safe space to just be myself
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I handle it like @littleFeathers , little me is part of all roles and characteristics i have layed in my persona. And in all iam my true self how it interacts with the world.

Sure i divide betwen adult me and baby Ben. But i am happy to be all in one. The division is more to help myself to describe me and my needs and experience in littlespace.

Yeah and sometimes littlespace could be overwhelming. And there are points my inner baby could be very loud. Then its high time for selfcare 🙋🧸🦖
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I think my Little side is the counterbalance of Grown Ass Adult side.

I like using a Superman analogy. Sometimes I'm in a cape doing superhuman things. Some days I'm Clark Kent-ing doing regular adult man stuff. Then there's days where I'm Lil Kal-El and I'm in diapers, onesies, and that cape makes a good blankie.

I think Little me, grown ass man me, and superhuman me are all the true me. It's the same person underneath the cape, the suit, or the onesie.
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More or less. I haven't changed much since jr high. Just more cynical and more politically incorrect and more vocal about it more since I'm bigger now and nobody can really do anything about it. 😆
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Hmm. I'm not really sure how to answer. I guess I'll put "yes," although to be clear that doesn't mean that my big side isn't my true self. They're both parts of a whole.
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I don't have a little self so I put "somewhere in the middle". When I'm out of the house I wear adult clothes and a diaper under my pants. When I'm at home I wear a shirt and diaper and suck a pacifier. There's absolutely no change in personality except when I'm outside the house I don't do baby stuff. It's just me being myself really. Personally I always found the concept of a "little self" to be something that doesn't make much sense. It sounds like it's some separate personality or something.
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PinkyJujubean said:
I don't have a little self so I put "somewhere in the middle". When I'm out of the house I wear adult clothes and a diaper under my pants. When I'm at home I wear a shirt and diaper and suck a pacifier. There's absolutely no change in personality except when I'm outside the house I don't do baby stuff. It's just me being myself really. Personally I always found the concept of a "little self" to be something that doesn't make much sense. It sounds like it's some separate personality or something.
We are all wired differently.
Adult me is an extreme extrovert. I fall into leadership positions. I like to think I'm "type A" without being an asshole.
Little me is a little more shy. For me, being Little is the counterbalance.
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for me, I'm really introverted. so I don't open up to anyone. I have a shield that I let no one through. IF I could ever find someone I can trust and not be hurt by, then they might get through and seen me as I really am.
I wouldn't say it's my complete true self, but it isn't precisely far from it.
When I’m home alone, there are things I do different such as the way I talk to my teddy bears and maybe kick my feet a little bit when I’m happy I wouldn’t do in the outside world. But overall I’m the same person. So I guess adult me and little me are the same but different. Same as the difference between when I am working and when I’m not working, I’m still the same person, but I do things differently, depending on the circumstance.
BobaFettish said:
We are all wired differently.
Adult me is an extreme extrovert. I fall into leadership positions. I like to think I'm "type A" without being an asshole.
Little me is a little more shy. For me, being Little is the counterbalance.
That makes sense. Just depends on you really. I'm one of those people who lets it all hang out, so to speak. I don't go around telling anyone I'm abdl, but Ive always been a very free spirited and eccentric and its obvious just by looking at me that I have a screw loose. I guess when you're like me you don't really compartmentalize your personality the way a lot of others do. That's why the very idea of doing such a thing seems so odd to me.
I said, “No” because my true self is a larger amalgamation of identities. It’s a part, so maybe that’s the middle, but it’s not my true self.
I don't think my "little side" is my absolute true self, but rather, a small (no pun intended) component of my overall self.
Oh, heck yeah. There is almost virtually no difference between my "little self" and my real self. When you are like me and have Classic Autism and ADHD, and function emotionally and socially like a 4 1/2 year old 100% of the time, and virtually act like a well behaved 4 1/2 year old (though you lack certain social skills like being unable to decipher nonverbal facial cues and not being able to gauge the distance of when you talk to someone and standing too close as a result) 98% of the time, you can't really function like an adult at all, ever. Sure, I can behave okay at restaurants for an hour, but I've eaten hundreds (if not thousands) of times in my life with preschoolers and toddlers, and they can hold up in restaurants. No one would ever think toddlers have tantrums only if they saw how they acted in restaurants. But you can only keep up this charade for so long. It's like pretending to be an adult, if you are a child. After a while, it is clear that you actually do act more like a child, even if fairly well behaved.

I don't wear diapers and likely don't even qualify as an adult baby per se (although I have heard of "adult babies" who do not wear diapers, although if the real meaning of an adult baby is someone who regresses or perhaps can't even help themselves when they act like a child, hundreds of thousands of people might qualify, including those who never viewed themselves as being an adult baby). I hate to say it, but the way I am, would make it seem that if anyone actually deserved to be the size of a 3 or 4 year old (even as a proportionate pituitary dwarf that looked like a child), it would be me. Most people here can act like adults when they want to. I can't do a lot of things. I still live with my parents even though I'm in my mid late 40s, I can't hold down a job, I haven't had a girlfriend for 26 years, I have never even taken a vacation alone by myself, I can't even drive a car as my attention span is so short that the most I can concentrate is 25 to 30 minutes. I had lots of issues when I was in school relating to this concentration issue. I have a driver's license and had it for 27 years, but it's an utter joke, as I never have driven a car without one of my parents in the car, ever. I have less rights than a 3 year old has. My brother thinks so too, and he is "normal" and is married and has two sons (my nephews). They are 6 and 11 years old, and my brother thinks they have more rights than I do. I never have even slept in a hotel alone by myself. I've known actual chronological 8 year olds who have traveled on an airplane alone without their parents to visit their grandparents on the other side of the country. Even any average normal 4 year old understands more about social cues than I do. Autism is not called a developmental disability for nothing.

I may end up living with my parents forever. I did go live in a state university residence apartment dorm for 3 years, 100 miles away from home, when I went to university to take upper division courses so I could graduate from university. I never felt like an adult even in university. I felt like I was carrying a child's backpack around even when I was carrying an adult sized backpack. Academic ability is not the same as emotional and social age, and sometimes not even mental age. To be honest, I've seen children who are 12 or 13 years old at many community colleges taking full blown college classes. One of my friends who is an English teacher at my community college, told me the youngest child she ever had in her college class she taught was a 9 year old. I've heard stories of younger children than that.

If there was a Santa Claus, the Christmas gift I deserve the most is to be turned into a preschooler - permanently. I would have nothing to lose. And I can still listen to oldies music even if I were a 4 year old. I was listening to the radio when I was actually 4 years old, in fact. Actually the age groups that like oldies music the most are young children and elderly adults (the elderly baby boomers because they grew up during the 1960s).

- longallsboy
As a 24/7, U-IC and a true vanilla, I live in that hard, cold Real World 24/7. And, yes I am a Type 'A' personality, yes an asshole as being a jerk is just not being aware of the world around themself.

And, to be honest, I would not have it any other way!
KittyninjaW said:
Basically everyone has a personality they like to fulfill while being a adult, but it kinda is hard to pretend to be big when everything is hard to deal with. Anyway, I feel being little allows us to be our true selves unfiltered from being a adult and just be ourselves. At least it is for me, it may not be for others and I want to know your thoughts?
Adulting is difficult, but we must function in the “big boy world” in order to live, eat, pay our bills….and finance the “little” purchases that are even MORE necessary for us!

Vanilla people buy liquid comfort (alcohol) and/or drugs to help them to cope in the difficult adult world….we buy diapers and other “little” stuff.

I don’t know about you, but I’d rather relax using a simple diaper than use booze, nicotine and/or other drugs to relax!
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