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Do you poop?

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I will do both, but I usually avoid pooping in my diaper. I'm not crazy about the cleanup.
Yup I use the diaper what it was meant for and use it to its fullest potential
I try to completely fill my diaper with pee then if I have time and if I have to poo I will, and then shower and change.
The best solution is to use instant oatmeal. You can make it with just hot tap water--no need to microwave. It is clean, odorless and not that bad to clean up plus it doesn't irritate your skin. Enjoy the "load" in your diaper and the "cushion" when you sit down. If you don't pee, you can go over 24 hours without a change. Use 1 to 3 cups (3 is a BIG load) of instant oatmeal and add hot water to the consistency you want. You may need baby pants and a onesie to keep your diaper up.
I have never intentionally done a #2 in a diaper. Not since being declared potty-trained, anyway. It just doesn't appeal to me, and when I say that, I'm really saying that the cost/benefit doesn't appeal to me. Yes, I am slightly attracted to the idea of letting all of my bodily functions run wild while I'm wearing diapers. On the other hand, the practical implications of that--mainly the cleanup--are never far enough from my mind to avoid spoiling that attraction.

But I would not go so far as to say that I'll never try it. That would be a silly thing to do. :)
As a DL that enjoys pooping in a diaper when the moment allows on occasion, I too have been turned off by the smell and cleanup. But today, after reading through this thread, I decided to try a whole banana in the diaper (a very full Dry 24/7 that had been worn all night and much of the morning). All I can say is wow. Not only did it feel great down there, but there was no smell and clean up was a breeze. In fact what little scent I did catch was quite pleasant. I have not tried instant oatmeal yet (we really don't keep any in the house) but the banana was a new and most enjoyable sensation. Will add this addition to future padded time.
Note to self, buy more bananas and instant oatmeal.
No, and no. Totally unhygienic, and beneath me. But, I won't judge if anyone else does.
Just... No. Not for me, at least.

It's not an unpleasant experience, yet the smell gets to me, and it's a lot of trouble to clean up. Also, good luck dealing with the odors after taking it off... Quadruple-bagging and burying it deep in the garbage isn't the most convenient thing ever.
I'm doubly incontinent but my stool is usually firm. So cleanup is not too bad. Maybe happens once or twice a week so no big deal. Hoping to get home care soon for my ADLs
Syringomyelia said:
I'm doubly incontinent but my stool is usually firm. So cleanup is not too bad. Maybe happens once or twice a week so no big deal. Hoping to get home care soon for my ADLs

Yeap, good diet means a good pooping and easy clean up. I wonder how much diet contributes to reported bad pooping experiences.
MrSun said:
Yeap, good diet means a good pooping and easy clean up. I wonder how much diet contributes to reported bad pooping experiences.

Well, this morning before my family woke up and the trash came, I decided to try again. This was my third time. The first time was two years ago and it wasn't a bad experience, but I didn't like it. Last week was a more pleasant experience so when the urge arose again this morning, I decided to try in my new Certainty diapers. Well, I had beans yesterday so I had to take a shower immediately afterwards. I just made it in time to get it in the trash before the truck came. :sweatdrop: Will I do it again? Never say never. But it will probably be awhile. Well, I might be alone next Friday... :)
I love peeing in my diaper it is a huge sexual rush but pooping is a way bigger sexual thrill. The smell the feelings you get, the sounds. It appeals to all 5 senses :) ^o^
Your using Certainty diapers too, zipperless? I tried pooping tonight (my stomach was upset so it didn't take much of a push) and it held okay. I don't do it often because I don't like it and my reason for wearing is because of my weak bladder.
boobybird89 said:
Your using Certainty diapers too, zipperless? I tried pooping tonight (my stomach was upset so it didn't take much of a push) and it held okay. I don't do it often because I don't like it and my reason for wearing is because of my weak bladder.

Yes, I decided to try a sizing pack. They did well so I bought an 18 pack of briefs, which are basically pull ups with tabs to make them tighter. Very comfy!
Sometimes I wear them as pull ups and others I tear at the sides and use the tabs like a diaper. I've noticed no problems either way. I prefer my Dependecos in term of comfy but these diapers have kept me dry at night so can't complain about them.
zipperless said:
Yes, I decided to try a sizing pack. They did well so I bought an 18 pack of briefs, which are basically pull ups with tabs to make them tighter. Very comfy!
A friend of mine I live with has IBS for shure she uses the pull ups like you both use but hers leak so bad with she would use a better item like a diaper then what she is using we were at the store and it was a bad one .
She could not help it .
Would not go into detail but the worst thing you can think of happening did.
For me I use certainty my self but the diaper ones doubled up .

It's easy for me to mess makes me feel so little but not very often.
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well, i'm not a #2 virgin anymore and at first kinda felt weird but I got used to it. It feels ok and the over reacting stories you hear about "the clean up is awful!" D: it's not tbh. Half the time, I didn't shower, I just used plenty of baby wipes (scented because ya know :tongueout:) and powder and I was good to go ^^

Its got its warm moments...
Snivy said:
well, i'm not a #2 virgin anymore and at first kinda felt weird but I got used to it.
Its got its warm moments...

Snivy said:
Seriously? :p

Well, yeah! #2 is not for beginners! Well maybe babies.
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