Cross-platform support for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019)


Real Life NPC
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  1. Diaper Lover
  2. Incontinent
How good is it? I'd be really happy to get it for PC and give my PS & XB friends crap every time I pick them off. My only cross-platform experience is playing Fortnite with my ex's nephew and his friends. I couldn't use my mic since PS and XB had a compatability issue.
I have it on PC and crossplay works really well. I've gotten into a lot of controller only lobbies where I was the only mouse user.
You sort of missed the beginning. People were all screaming at each other jokingly about how their platform was trash xD.
You can add your friend on the platform and join them. They did in making the platforms not feel seperate, its more like we are all finally united.

This game does have some flaws. There is way more camping in this game than like almost any other cod. The maps are like setup to be camper friendly which has helped push that mentality.

Skill based match making can be the bane of your existence. If you do to really well for 5 matches it will place you with really sweaty lobbies.

Finally killfeed is broken currently. I snipe and its really annoying to get a ton of kills only to see them shoot upward and fade away at times. This might not be that big of a issue for you.

Heads up on fortnite:

Fortnite isn't even true crossplay anymore. They pretty much made it where pc users are forced to play against other pc users. You can still group up with other console users but I'm pretty sure it just puts you in pc lobbies.
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Thanks for the heads up! By far the worst experience I've had with campers was Ghosts. I fully rage quit and sold the game because of those toads.
I don't do much sniping anymore. Shotguns, ARs, and explosives are now my main weapons of choice.

Separating people based on whether they're using a controller or mouse & keyboard seems like an odd decision..
True crossplay across PC, Xbox, and PS might never happen due to Sony having an ego and its the only thing Sony afloat, they want you to buy their console to play their games mainly because PlayStation is the only real part of Sony that makes good money, Sony isn't on the edge of bankruptcy but if they lose their PlayStation fans because Microsoft was selling their Xbox $100 cheaper and people see that the only thing that the PlayStation has to offer is a few exclusives that go up and down in quality so Sony has to stick to their guns and keep up the idea that PlayStation is better and you should only buy PlayStation. As for Nintendo they're not really into making a beast game consoles for the newest modern shooter, they're more into the family market but are willing to go along because they have a unique set of IP's that will continue.