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Hello Everyone, I'm wondering are there any cribs that take a single matress. I know it's a far shot but I really want to make a crib or find one on the cheaper side of things. Any suggestions will be much appreciated :)
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Yeah decent adult sized cribs are very hard to come by actually.

I know pro nannies usually get their cribs second hand usually from other pro nannies who are selling up and closing down their business. Try Amazon, Etsy, and other sites like those for second hand ones.

Found one here which might be suitable:-

I don't know of any companies who sell / make decent ones. In fact I like the lockable enclosed ones with a lockable lid to prevent escape etc etc but these seem to be quite rare.

You might be better off making your own custom crib to get exactly how you want it which would also be easier and cheaper than trying to find one that exactly meets your own needs.
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Look on Facebook marketplace for sleep safe beds
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Hi, I bought some bedrails on amazon for like $250 total that are really lovely for giving me the effect. It's not the same, but it's still nice! Plus they're pretty easy to hide if you need to
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DangerKitsune said:
Y'know, just in case OP has a spare $10,000 around!

EDIT:Added Amazon link cause I'm not smart.
You can get these bed safety guards on Amazon.

They come from many different manufacturers and in different lengths and heights to fit any bed, some have cute prints or features that look more childish and some can connect together to go round corners to fully surround the bed like this.

The downside is they don't completely look like a crib (mesh screen rather than slatted bars) but they are fairly cheap, can work well and are easily removed if you don't want them seen. You can also buy some that are more like a crib and they also come in different lengths and heights but they generally cost a little more, like these.

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Belarin said:
You can get these bed safety guards on Amazon.

They come from many different manufacturers and in different lengths and heights to fit any bed, some have cute prints or features that look more childish and some can connect together to go round corners to fully surround the bed like this.

The downside is they don't completely look like a crib (mesh screen rather than slatted bars) but they are fairly cheap, can work well and are easily removed if you don't want them seen. You can also buy some that are more like a crib and they also come in different lengths and heights but they generally cost a little more, like these.


These are what I have! If you can't get a crib, these are still really nice! They make me feel very little :)
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SissyABSamantha said:
Yeah decent adult sized cribs are very hard to come by actually.

I know pro nannies usually get their cribs second hand usually from other pro nannies who are selling up and closing down their business. Try Amazon, Etsy, and other sites like those for second hand ones.

Found one here which might be suitable:-

I don't know of any companies who sell / make decent ones. In fact I like the lockable enclosed ones with a lockable lid to prevent escape etc etc but these seem to be quite rare.

You might be better off making your own custom crib to get exactly how you want it which would also be easier and cheaper than trying to find one that exactly meets your own needs.

When it comes to lockable, enclosed cribs, this one looks amazing:

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This is how I transformed my crib (bed). The first image is me in the crib. The second is a overview. It's a queen size bed on a custom frame. I got the sides off amazon. Think it was gear king. I only bought 3 sides because the front is next to the wall. And I know I have to many friends (stuffies), but there all have names and a personality.
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