Childhood bedwetting discussion

I wet the bed til I was about 6yo and was changed into Terry nappies and waterproof pants every night by our nanny. I was the oldest and my siblings were dry before me. I was then dry pretty much until aged 10/11 and started to wet the bed again. I was away at school and whilst it was embarrassing, there were quite a few of us who had to report to the matron before bed and were put into Terry nappy pants and waterproof pants and of course had the inevitable waterproof sheet on our beds. I continued to wet the bed until I was about 14. When back at home I used to wear my youngest siblings nappies and plastic pants or a towel and cut ‘waterproof’ pants from plastic bags to try and hide it from my mother who was not very sympathetic of my younger siblings friends who wet the bed. I would put the nappies in the nappy bucket for washing along with my sister’s or wash the towels out in the bath and dry them on the radiator. Our nanny never questioned it but I think she knew. I was then pretty much dry until my mid 20s, bar drinking too much in my teens, when I had a spinal injury and from that moment on wet the bed every night. 40 years on and after further spinal injuries I am now in nappies 24/7. I hated being put into nappies at school but at least I wasn’t the only one and I felt very alone and embarrassed in my 20s as it definitely stopped me having relationships or staying away. Then in my 30s I met my now wife. I was open with her from the outset of our relationship and she has always been amazing. Now wearing nappies is just an everyday occurrence and they are just my normal underwear. Of course there are challenges or difficult situations - such as changing in public places - but now I don’t hate wearing nappies I just accept it is part of my life. In fact it is what enables me to lead a pretty much normal life.
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Cottontail said:
I was born in ‘76, so during the dark ages of bedwetting, you might say. Luckily I can count on one finger the number of accidents I had after toddlerhood. I knew a couple of kids who were less fortunate. Bedwetting alarms were the norm for them. One, the younger sister of a friend, was put in diapers only when they were traveling, which I learned because I went on several trips with them and her parents did nothing to keep things discreet. In fact, in front of all of us, when bedtime rolled around, her mom called her to “come get your diaper on.” Perhaps they felt like that would somehow inspire her to stop being lazy. It certainly inspired anger and tears. I felt both sorry for and envious of her. Complicated stuff for an adolescent ABDL.
Same here. Born in '76. We tried bedwetting alarms, but it woke up everyone else in the house. Not me.
Then after age 8 the diapers went away and I just had to wake up in a cold, wet bed every morning.
I wet my bed nightly until I was about 13. Was always kept in night diapers. Cloth pin on diapers and rubber pants until I was about seven or so. Then goodnites and rubber pants.
Pullups and later Goodnites for me. I just went straight into them at night when I was daytime potty trained.