Can you remember wetting bed at camp?

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  1. Diaper Lover
Does anyone still remember wetting the bed at camp? And what did you do about it?
I was a two-three times a week bedwetter and we didn’t have such thing as Goodnites back in the 1980s and early 1990s. What I did was just put the wet clothes in a baggie and throw it in my bag and just let the sleeping bag air it out. It was a mostly nylon sleeping bag so it dried quickly. I just use it til I get home from camp and have it washed in the washer.
I don’t think anyone noticed or cared about it.
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I didn't but I heard about pullups being available for those that did.
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I never went to "Camp" but we went camping when I was a kid and often wet in my sleeping bag and pants during the day when we were playing out by the water, water gave me the excuse for being wet if I was caught
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I went to camp for a week every summer from 3rd grad through high school. I always wore Goodnites to bed and I'm positive that I was wet probably most, if not every, single morning. I would either take them out to the dumpster myself or I would put them in my bag until I got home on Friday.
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The only time I went to camp was to a 4-H summer camp in Tybee island Georgia in 5th grade and I don't remember if I had goodnites by then or if I was still wearing baby diapers but I was definitely padded every night plus the bus ride there and back.
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I remember going on a school trip to France and wondering why one of my classmates always smelled of wee but I never put two and two together- he was probably a bedwetter.

On the other hand my partner remembers going on a school trip aged about 10 when another girl in her dormitory wet her bunk bed. She was wearing a white nightie and the big yellow stain on it meant that there was no hiding what had happened. She cried inconsolably and my partner comforted her.
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I went to Scout summer camp and overnight trips several times and never wet my sleeping bag but this was toward the end of my time wetting my bed. I can't recall my exact age when I stopped wetting my bed so maybe this was after I stopped.

However, I did go to a week-long church-run camp where the first (or maybe second) night there I wet my sleeping bag. I did nothing. Somehow I was able to remove my wet shorts/PJ's and go about my normal activities. By that night, the sleeping bag was pretty dry. As far as I know, nobody found out. Again this was 54 or so years ago so I can't seem to remember all the specifics.
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Didn't go on 'camp' as a child but I remember going on a school trip when I was about 9 or 10. It was the first time I'd stayed away from home for 3 nights, I was terrified that I'd wet the bed as I was still a bedwetter at this point.

My parents had packed me a pair of drynites for each night I was going to be away. As we were sleeping in bunk beds and I was sharing a room with about 10 other boys I had to find a way of changing into a nappy without any of them noticing.

I changed into my nappy in the toilets, wearing it under my pyjamas. Unfortunately none of the other boys wore pyjamas and just slept in their underwear meaning that I already stood out.

None of them realised I had been wearing a nappy until the following morning when I had inevitably wet myself during the night. The whole room smelt of wee as the alarm went off to wake us all up.

"Who's wet the bed" one of the other boys said "It smells of wee in here".

I just started crying. All the other boys laughed at me as I waddled to the toilet with my nappy bulging making it obvious I had been wearing one.

I proceeded to wet the bed on both other nights.

When I was a bit older (about 15 or 16) I went on another overnight trip with school. I'd stopped wetting the bed by now. I was staying in a room with 5 friends and I was a bit more tired than them so was struggling to stay awake as we were talking in the evening. Anyway after I had just started to lose consciousness I felt my hand being dropped into warm water. I've got no idea if this prank works as I woke straight away.
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I was a Boy Scout. We went to Camp Lone Oak in FL. I had a terrible time I was suffering from heat stoke. I peed my pants and barfed all over.
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I went to a summer camp for a week at age 11 going on 12. I was very apprehensive about possibly wetting my cot / sleeping bag since I had just gotton over having accidents 1 - 2 years earlier. The fact I had a plastic mattress cover on my bed up until about 3 months earlier did not help my optimism. I surmised that if I just kept my blue jeans on at night to sleep I would not have an accident since I never had wet myself when wearing blue jeans (yes somewhat unrealistic mind control). The hut counselor told me after about 3 nights to put pajamas on since my jeans were dirty and I just said OK but never did.

About the 3rd or 4th night one of the kids was making fun about another kid in the hut wetting his bed. The other boy denied it and the counselor told the one boy making the accusation to SHUT IT! I never saw if it was true or not and the issue was never raised again but my heart bounced at the thought that I could have been in that situation. Fortunately I did not have any bed-wetting accidents that week but it still bothered me a bit I was put into that potential situation. I had a great time with the other kids, it was just nighttime was a bit worrisome for me. We did not have Goodnights back then, plastic underpants were the norm. My folks asked if I wanted to go to summer camp the next year but I declined and was also involved in other activities such as baseball so they never brought it up again. If I would have had the opportunity to wear Goodnights or something similar I would have gone each summer. Even if I did not have any accidents at night, the security of wearing such protection would have been a big plus for me.
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The first camp I went to I was forced in to. I didn't want to go due to the fact I was a bed wetter. But my mom wanted me to keep my friend company. I remember crying knowing Id be screwed so my mom gave me a cigarette to "calm me down" I had to be around 11 at the time. Went for 3 days and was able to convince them to let me come home. Managed to stay dry by staying awake till 1 am every night.

Then I went to a bible camp later in life when I was 13 and in foster care. My foster parents then made me wear depends at that time. (Which I loved but didn't show it) so im pretty sure I had protection then but not sure if I had an accident during my stay. If I did im pretty sure I did my usual of hiding in the bottom of my bag and disposing of it when I got home.
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I went to summer camp every year from the age of 7 to 15. When I was younger, I would go for 3 weeks. Once I was 11, I started going to two sessions, so a total of 6 weeks. I was a chronic every night bedwetter until I was about 13. The camp I went to had a health form and of course "bedwetting" was one of the questions. My mom of course checked all the boxes. You would be surprised how many 7 or 8 year olds still have problems at night. Perhaps not chronically, but during 3 weeks away from home it was going to happen. In any event enough to have a full cabin or two of 7-8 year olds where every camper in it has some sort of nocturnal issue or empathy toward those that do. All of the beds at our camp had a full vinyl zip cover son them. Obviously this was to protect their mattress investment for the inevitable accident but also so as not to stigmatize anyone in particular who actually needed one. My first couple of years at camp, virtually every kid in my cabin wore Goodnites to bed, either because they were still regular bedwetters or “just in case” meaning they were going to have an “accident” on occasion. Since everyone was in the same boat, it was just matter of fact and nobody really tried to sneak around the issue. And each year I would end up in a cabin with a lot of the same kids, so it was really no big deal. By the time I was 10 a lot of the kids who previously had a lot of issues were outgrowing it, but still in the “just in case’ group. It was by then, since my issues showed no signs of stopping, that I became much more discrete. My mother would send me with 5 pair of plastic pants, so I always had a couple of clean pair for when the camp wash was being done. You would send your clothes in your laundry bag with your name on it, and they would come back clean discretely in the laundry bag. I used to put my pullup on in the bathroom and gym shorts over it. I would keep a pair of plastic pants stashed in a plastic baggy in side my bed at the foot. When I crawled into bed I would discretely slide the plastic pants over my pull-up. In the morning, since both my pull-up and PP would inevitably be wet, I would pull them off in bed and place them in the plastic bag, so I could dispose of the used diaper later in the morning when no one was around. Each day I would repeat the process. This continued to work well for the rest of my years at camp. I suspect by the time I was 13 or so, there were very few of my group still going to camp that were still wet at night.
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I had went for several camps and overseas trip back then , i wore diapers throughout and on every trip/ camp i went to. I've tried goodnites but it couldn't hold so i always use tape on diapers , for school camps i would always go to the restroom cubicle to change into my night diapers before bed and usually be the first one to wake and change out of it , for overseas trip its much tricky as we all had a few people to a room which makes changing very very difficult . Eventually i was caught and ridicule for still wearing diapers at 16 , then since then i didn't bother to hide as my friends already knew i had to wear diapers to bed .
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MonteDriver93 said:
so im pretty sure I had protection then but not sure if I had an accident during my stay. If I did im pretty sure I did my usual of hiding in the bottom of my bag and disposing of it when I got home.
I am glad someone else cannot recall if they wore protection at night or not, or had any accidents at night or not while wearing diapers/plastic underpants. I still find it strange at age 8 that after my friend's mother had me wear a diaper and pp on a subsequent sleepover (parents went out of town) I fully accepted my situation at that age and I do not recall if I was basically back into my training underwear and pp through age 10 or what I might have worn. I think I was finally so accepting of my protection, I just put it on each night just like regular underwear / pjs and if I had any type of accident or not, as long as my sheets were not wet, I would just toss the wet undergarments into my hamper that had a plastic inner cover and my mom would wash it just like my regular underwear and put it back in my drawer.

I cannot even recall at what exact time around age 10 or 11 my protective undergarments finally disappeared from my drawer. It was sometime near when I went to summer camp at age 11 going on 12 as I recall. I sort of wanted to be able to wear some protection at night but did not have that option and though I was a bit nervous about going and my mom knew this, I think she thought it best not to offer to bring my training underwear / diaper / pp up for the possibility unless I directly asked for it. So I wore blue jeans each night to bed as my mental prevention logic.
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iampadded said:
Once I was 11, I started going to two sessions, so a total of 6 weeks. I was a chronic every night bedwetter. The camp I went to had a health form and of course "bedwetting" was one of the questions. My mom of course checked all the boxes. In any event enough to have a full cabin or two of 7-8 year olds where every camper in it has some sort of nocturnal issue or empathy toward those that do. All of the beds at our camp had a full vinyl zip cover son them. Obviously this was to protect their mattress investment for the inevitable accident but also so as not to stigmatize anyone in particular who actually needed one.
I would have hoped for this situation at a summer camp with my potential bw challenge up to age 10 / 11. I recall the health form and bw being a box to check a yes or no. It was odd but my mom had checked all the other boxes yes /no for the items such as vaccinations, asthma, allergies, etc., but left this bw box blanked. I recall thinking I would check it yes but decided to leave it to her to complete. She must have checked no, but all the mattresses had plastic zip covers on them (thankfully) but I still feared a soaked sleeping bag which is a hard thing to hide and very uncomfortable when wet.

Like you, several days before the trip I strategized about asking my mom for my previous full nighttime protection (or as a minimum several pairs of plastic underpants to put over my normal underwear at night) and how I could hide it at the bottom of my sleeping bag and change in / out of it in the bathroom. But this being my first camp I was not sure of how staying a full week at camp worked or if kids that had bw challenges could all be put together in the same cabin where it would not have to be hidden from each other and you could actually have a moral support group.

Ultimately I never wet my sleeping bag so I guess I was over it, but each night I had that nervous period of falling asleep and wondering if I would wake up in a soaked bed or not. So all seemed find by the end of the week and then up to age 18 (except for about a year at age 13 when I bought pp for myself when I began to have wet dreams). Then I went to college and it all came back, but at least I knew how to handle it.
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having spina bifida i wore diapers all the time and was very lucky that on the school trip i went on they also had a back up school nurse go on the trip with us and she was the person that was the head of my group she also had a back up person for when she had to change me there would be someone with the rest the group needless to say the trip went well for me and not one person made fun of me for my needs at this time for me i was walking ok for short time but longer walks i did not do well so somehow the school got a stroller chair for me to use on the trip
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I was a scout from 7 to my young adult life. Between 7 and 11, the sleeping accommodation was all together in a barn and between 12 and 16, it was 6 to 8 under a tent. We slept all on a inflate mattress and in a sleeping bag.

For my first camp, at 7, we slept on the first floor of a barn. It was the old place to stock the straw and the stair was very steep. So during the night I woke up with a strong need to pee but, because the steep stair and the very dark place, it was impossible for me to just rush outside without my flashlight. I knew that it was just on the right side of my mattress but I couldn't find it. When I started to grope a bit further in the hope to find it, I started to feel some spurt of pee escaping of me. I searched maybe for another minute and when my sleeping bag started to feel wet, I just went outside of it and started to crawl to the stair.

I knew more or less the way to the stair and I groped to avoid to wake up anybody. I didn't want someone notice the wet spot on my pant and further more, on the way to the stair, my body continued betray me at each move. Arrived at the stairs, to my great despair, I could barely see the steps of the stair and my body decide to give up. I quickly stood up, put out my hose and peed on the steps.

Once the pressure was relieve, I was paralyzed and I listened if someone was wake up by the sound of the fall on the steps. At my big relief, every body seemed asleep. So I crawled back quickly before anyone notice. When I entered in my sleeping bag, the pool which seemed small when I leaved, spread in all direction and my sleeping bag was quit humid. I had no choice but to continue my night in this condition.

In the morning, I was wake up by swearwords from one of my scout leader who had walked barefoot in my pee. I just quickly ripped of my wet pajama, went out of my sleeping bag and put some dry clothes on me. He questioned every body but never found out who did this. Hopefully he never checked all the sleeping bags.

The followed night, a night lamp was installed near the stair and my sleeping bag was never hang in the middle of the room to dry. And the funniest thing was that I found my flashlight under my mattress after the lunch. 😅
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I went to school camps when I was younger and I wore diapers at night because of my bed wetting. It was a mostly smooth process with me just hiding the package of them in my bag and then when I went to grab my pjs I would just hide it in between them, and go get changed. And then in the morning, instead of changing with everyone else in the cabin, I would walk myself over to the teachers block to get changed out of my used diaper and into my daytime clothes. I would give my wet diaper to my teacher there who would dispose of them in the teacher's bins so no one other than the teachers would know about my issue. Needless to say I wasn't the only one that did this and I remember a student wet his sleeping bag once in the year below (which was year 3. There were two sets of year groups that went to the camp. Year 3-4 went together, followed by the Year 5-6s after they left)

However, one of my closest friends did know about my wetting as we had grown up together and I was always in the same cabin as him. I remember one year it was only me and him in the same cabin so i could change in the cabin and dispose of my diapers in the cabin bin instead of the whole routine with a teacher. I still kept them tucked away in my bag which ended up backfiring as one night I woke up wet in the middle of the night and went to grab a change from my bag - and after scrounging around for a while l couldn't find them so I had to wake my friend up and explain the embarrassing and funny situation. We used his torch and found the package in the side bathroom.
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dwayne said:
having spina bifida i wore diapers all the time and was very lucky that on the school trip i went on they also had a back up school nurse go on the trip with us and she was the person that was the head of my group she also had a back up person for when she had to change me there would be someone with the rest the group needless to say the trip went well for me and not one person made fun of me for my needs at this time for me i was walking ok for short time but longer walks i did not do well so somehow the school got a stroller chair for me to use on the trip
Seems like they was well prepared for this then and wanted to make sure that you had the support that you needed :)
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