Being little and getting older


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  1. Adult Baby
  2. Little
I have been a little for over 10 years and I am turning 30 soon. Although I obviously have an adult body I never had a problem feeling cute and little. Being young and pretty I still felt good in little clothes and look in the mirror and I feel baby- not that I look like a literal baby ofc but like I look good.

But I am now getting older. I am still good looking and I don't look my age but the cracks are starting to appear. I notice a difference from when I was 18.
The difference are subtle but they're there and they scare me because I know my body will continue getting older.

I'm worried I will find it harder to feel baby the older I get. That dressing baby and wearing nappies will start to feel more sad and when I get old enough wearing nappies might make me feel more elderly than baby. I don't mean this post to hurt anyone who is older than me, I just know concerns about aging are common and I guess I have internalised a lot of messages of women over 30 being irrelevant.

If I feel unhappy about the way I look like break outs or weight gain it can make it harder for me to feel little sometimes, but I can lose weight again and spots go away, but I can't stop myself getting older. Do you ever make peace with getting older? Is it harder to feel cute and little when you are not a 'young person' anymore?

Also if anyone has the secret to eternal youth PM me.
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I'm turning 52 in two weeks.

I'm a thiccboi. I have a shaved head. I have a big beard. I'm pierced and tatted. I'm often confused with being a bouncer or security when I got to clubs, bars, events or shows. I look more grizzly than teddy.

It's not about how you look, it's how you feel.

I'm cuteAF.
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BobaFettish said:
I'm turning 52 in two weeks.

I'm a thiccboi. I have a shaved head. I have a big beard. I'm pierced and tatted. I'm often confused with being a bouncer or security when I got to clubs, bars, events or shows. I look more grizzly than teddy.

It's not about how you look, it's how you feel.

I'm cuteAF.
Yes true.

I guess it cos I never see older women represented as littles, they're always the mummies
BobaFettish said:
I'm turning 52 in two weeks.

I'm a thiccboi. I have a shaved head. I have a big beard. I'm pierced and tatted. I'm often confused with being a bouncer or security when I got to clubs, bars, events or shows. I look more grizzly than teddy.

It's not about how you look, it's how you feel.

I'm cuteAF.
Same here. I have a tattoo on my forearm and piercings. Also have a bald head with a beard and just turned 40 this year. Still where diapers and footed pajamas and Baby printed onesies.
And like you I am cute as fuck too.🤣
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I understand how you feel completely. I got into being a little fully when I was around 21. I was younger, smaller and cuter. I could still fit into the largest child sized clothing. It was great! I’m about to turn 35 and things have changed but I still easily feel little. There was a time right around when I turned 30 where I started to feel older and was aware I didn’t ‘look cute’ anymore. I started to feel weird about my little side. Luckily that didn’t last long. My little side has changed naturally over the years but in a way it’s stronger now than it was before. Now it’s less about feeling cute and more about feeling safe. My little side used to be more into dressing up and playing toys. Now it’s more babyish. When I wear cute diapers I don’t focus on feeling cute in them my predominant feeling is that I’m safe and secure. I’m little more now than I was before it’s just in a different way
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Prillprillprill said:
Yes true.

I guess it cos I never see older women represented as littles, they're always the mummies
Wow, I never really thought about that, but you are totally right there, its not really represented for some reason.

It's really not uncommon to struggle with aging and being a little. I think it stems from our own impressions and the types of content we see being amongst this community.

I am a couple of years past 30, and I find myself being able to come to terms more and more with thinking about being a Little in my future. It really is all in the mindset and the feelings; while appearances can help reinforce that, they aren't the core from which it stems.

Cuddling plushies will always feel just as amazing ;)
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Tomtomthedl said:
Same here. I have a tattoo on my forearm and piercings. Also have a bald head with a beard and just turned 40 this year. Still where diapers and footed pajamas and Baby printed onesies.
And like you I am cute as fuck too.🤣
I second that motion he is sexy, (I mean cute) as fuck. Lol
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Me when I look in the mirror and don't see a 6 yr old.


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I suppose lasers, ultrasound, and retinol can drag out the illusion at least another couple years. 😭

Yeah I've been looking to take care of myself better and maybe even rejuvenate a few years of self care neglect. Stupid men not wanting to take care of their skin and stuff. 🙄

But still it's only delaying the inevitable.

It's like dreading having to grow up a second time. Like the first time wasn't bad enough.

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30 here. ABDL for at least 20 years. Even with my hair going more and more grey day by day and developing beerbelly, I'm still part of the ABDL community. My ABDL side is not going away anytime soon. When I was younger, I tried to suppress it, but I've learned that it's easier to accept than fret over it. Even somewhat cathartic. I can afford whatever cute ABDL things I want now and have a full diaper stash. It's kinda nice. I just wish I could buy my younger self some better diapers. 😅
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I do know what you mean, honey. I’ve been cross dressing since I was fourteen, and I’m now 38.

When I was young it was easy to pass as a girl, and I could wear pretty much whatever I liked, but I’m finding it harder as I get older. I guess everyone goes through the same.

As far as being a little, it’s about how you feel, not how you look. I’ve had to adapt my feminine wardrobe as I’ve got older, but not my baby one. Don’t worry about how 30 year old women are portrayed. Be the little you want to be. x
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I'm 56, on the downhill side to 57. It doesn't bother me at all. Young isn't how you look, it isn't necessarily what you's what you feel. I think life circumstances play some into it, such as I'm not married, am disabled, have autism, have time on my hands, have some woodworking skills & the tools to get that done (your portfolio may differ), but anyone can have that and not be little...or crave wearing diapers and/or live the Baby Life.

I think we've all concluded in various other fora here that it's born into us...and perhaps innocently, unintentionally nudged into us, without intent by anyone, even ourselves. It imprints into us...and that's all it takes. We just happened to have won the lottery is all. And diapers are the prize, be we DL or AB.

Don't worry about how old you are, young you are...and dignity schmignity! Just live it! This is the only life you get, which we get. And be mature, discreet about it to the rest of the world. Keep an open mind about it, don't force anything...let it come naturally. Be yourself, whatever the actual age you are, whatever the age you believe you are inside. You may not be able to express it publicly but you can express it in your own home or even bedroom. Be it.

I have a nursery bedroom; I have a full-sized-mattress crib, a me-sized high chair, a "toddlerized" rocking chair, a red wagon, a toy chest with toddler toys, teddy bears (including Bonnie Baer, my life-mate bear), real diapers, real big baby clothes, bottles, binkies, a diaper pail, coloring books & crayons. I love eating toddlerish foods, sometimes get a lit-tle mes-sy eating it. I'm a toddler--a toddler girl even--and I have fun. I love how it all feels, looks, smells. It's my soft, sweet, secure, safe, happy & healing place. And nobody else's. It took time to become Bobbi Sue Ellen Colleen Wetmore, to build this Wonderland. Very few others will see it, definitely not the Muggles. Only those who can truly open their minds (is there a station of life between Muggledom and who we are?). And you can build your own Wonderland as you see fit...and enjoy it just as much.

Don't let your physical age stop you from being what you want--what you may need--to be. only get one life. And envy nobody...that ruins your uniqueness. Just my 0.0000007 Bitcoin...again.

So...go get it! 🥳🧸🍼🤗🥰
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When I am an old woman I shall wear purple
With a red hat which doesn’t go, and doesn’t suit me.
And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves
And satin sandals, and say we’ve no money for butter.
I shall sit down on the pavement when I’m tired
And gobble up samples in shops and press alarm bells
And run my stick along the public railings
And make up for the sobriety of my youth.
I shall go out in my slippers in the rain
And pick flowers in other people’s gardens
And learn to spit.
You can wear terrible shirts and grow more fat
And eat three pounds of sausages at a go
Or only bread and pickle for a week
And hoard pens and pencils and beermats and things in boxes.
But now we must have clothes that keep us dry
And pay our rent and not swear in the street
And set a good example for the children.
We must have friends to dinner and read the papers.
But maybe I ought to practise a little now?
So people who know me are not too shocked and surprised
When suddenly I am old, and start to wear purple.

Jenny Joseph​

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I can completely understand where you’re coming from. As we perform the slow march down the road of life, certain landmarks can appear different. I’ll be turning 40 in about a month and a half, but as others here have said, “It’s all about how you feel inside!”

That is so very true. My best friend, who was my mom, slept with her teddy bear until she couldn’t anymore. She was always watching Disney movies whether my niece was there or not. She’d sing along to the songs and laugh at certain parts.

She chose to grow older. She never grew up.

I take my cue from her. I’m growing older and play adult in the real world sometimes.

When I’m alone or with people who understand, I refuse to grow up.

Take care of yourself and love who you are. Whether you’re 3 or 30 at that moment.
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We have a friend in our circle that just turned 75 , she is as little as the first time I met her. Age is a factor because as you grow older , priority's change . You realize many things as you get older but one is a ageing body makes no difference in the joy of being little.
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Thanks for all the replies. They have actually made me feel a little better.

I agree it is how you feel that is important. It's really nice to hear from people on the other side of the 'miles stone' and that it's not that big a deal. I think I just hate the pressure I put myself under to make the most of my 20s in the last few months.

I realise also that most people don't have the privilege of getting to dress or act little at all outside their homes. I was always discreet but have been able to get away with a lot more than a male or an older person would. For example going to a quiet playground and messing around never got me weird looks. Also while building sandcastles on the beach and blowing bubbles in a onesie and a short skirt with another young female little, a member of our group actually heard someone nearby say the bubbles were coming from 'those little girls over there'. If I wear my Whinnie the pooh dungarees I cannot get served, and honestly people are nicer to me. Dressing young and being treated accordingly is a pleasure and also a defense mechanism because I do regress involuntarily as well.

How you look affects how people treat you, and while little me is scared of being seen as a mummy figure (not just in the community but in general) big me is also worried of eventually being seen and treated as an old woman.

It's actually really unfair that there's that double standard. But it's scary that my appearance is getting further away from how I feel inside. I have a few different identities within me, not all littles but they're all under 30. It's really hard to make peace with it. But in my inner world it is safe and we can all be exactly who we are.
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Prillprillprill said:
Thanks for all the replies. They have actually made me feel a little better.

I agree it is how you feel that is important. It's really nice to hear from people on the other side of the 'miles stone' and that it's not that big a deal. I think I just hate the pressure I put myself under to make the most of my 20s in the last few months.

I realise also that most people don't have the privilege of getting to dress or act little at all outside their homes. I was always discreet but have been able to get away with a lot more than a male or an older person would. For example going to a quiet playground and messing around never got me weird looks. Also while building sandcastles on the beach and blowing bubbles in a onesie and a short skirt with another young female little, a member of our group actually heard someone nearby say the bubbles were coming from 'those little girls over there'. If I wear my Whinnie the pooh dungarees I cannot get served, and honestly people are nicer to me. Dressing young and being treated accordingly is a pleasure and also a defense mechanism because I do regress involuntarily as well.

How you look affects how people treat you, and while little me is scared of being seen as a mummy figure (not just in the community but in general) big me is also worried of eventually being seen and treated as an old woman.

It's actually really unfair that there's that double standard. But it's scary that my appearance is getting further away from how I feel inside. I have a few different identities within me, not all littles but they're all under 30. It's really hard to make peace with it. But in my inner world it is safe and we can all be exactly who we are.
Aging can certainly terrifying. I’m certainly not relishing turning 40. My mind is younger in my interests when I’m playing the role of adult and definitely younger when I am alone playing little.

It’s interesting you mention that how you look affects the way people treat you.

It’s certainly true for women. I recall waitresses conducting an experiment where one woman wore her hair straight, another a ponytail and another had pigtails. They wanted to see if how they looked affected the amount they received in tips.

Their findings support the statement you just made. The waitress who was in pigtails accrued the most money in tips as opposed to the ponytail and straight hair women.

Psychologically speaking, it draws out the parental instinct in men and women and they want to “take care“ of the young.

You’re also absolutely correct in the unfairness that a double standard exists. Women are capable of being little just as much as men are.

You also share a quality my mom had. She was also afraid of being seen and treated as an old woman. I never treated her so but it was a fear of hers.
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Abbie keeps tell me that I still act a preteen !! Its just how I'm !
Its make me feel young, energetic along with being happy go lucky gal !!!
Like they Say " Age Just a Number "
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Rita said:
Abbie keeps tell me that I still act a preteen !! Its just how I'm !
Its make me feel young, energetic along with being happy go lucky gal !!!
Like they Say " Age Just a Number "
As long as you only look down to admire your shortalls and stay away from mirrors. 🤣

I get so jealous when I'm cuddling my nephews and caressing their cheeks. Soooooo soft and smooth and fluffy and not a single blemish. 🥹🥰 Cheek stroking is addicting and they love the attention. 🤣

I want to be little again so bad it hurts. 😫
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dbcl92 said:
30 here. ABDL for at least 20 years. Even with my hair going more and more grey day by day and developing beerbelly, I'm still part of the ABDL community. My ABDL side is not going away anytime soon. When I was younger, I tried to suppress it, but I've learned that it's easier to accept than fret over it. Even somewhat cathartic. I can afford whatever cute ABDL things I want now and have a full diaper stash. It's kinda nice. I just wish I could buy my younger self some better diapers. 😅
I’m 30 as well and just started excepting my Abdl side.
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