Bathing habbits


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  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
  3. Babyfur
  4. Little
How often do you bathe?
Shower or bath?

I shower every other day for the most part. I have started to do baths more often as of this week loving it so far.

At least daily. Sometimes, more than once. Almost always showers over baths. Baths are for AB stuff.
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I would like to start having baths. What bubblebath and shampoo and lotion are extra babyish?
crooke3 said:
I would like to start having baths. What bubblebath and shampoo and lotion are extra babyish?
I just have normal shampoo and body wash. The bubble bath is Mr bubbles. I also have John's bubble bath. You can just buy and use baby supplies for washing and everything.
I take a shower every night before bedtime. It feels good to wash away the grime and skin oils from the day. Also when I get back to wearing 24/7, it will help to prevent rashes.
I shower or bathe every day before dinner as I work a hot sweaty job. I bathe several times a week to soothe my 60+ year old muscles after an especially hard day and rinse off under the shower afterwards.
Like Trevor, I take a shower every day and yeah, baths are for baby time.
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Normally, I bathe about 2 to 3 days in a single week and when I do so, I thoroughly lather myself with soap from head to toe, rinse off, wash and condition my hair and then shave my face.

(Sometimes I even shave my... Hair (whispers) "down there.")

Then, when I get out, I dry myself from head to toe,using a hair dryer.

After that, I get dressed and groomed and I'm ready for the day.
I take a shower every morning to wake myself up. And I take a shower after coming home from work at the farm or after doing any other job where I feel dirty.
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I wash at least once a day, but it could be in the morning or the evening depending on how uncomfortable I am. My current job has me in a hot manufacturing plant a couple hours each day and a bath or shower at night feels so good. But when I get home and my afternoon/evening diaper is only damp, I don't always want to change out of it right away, and so will do just a quick sponge bath and sometimes fall asleep that way. Bathing in the morning is best for me because I think it conditions my skin better for body shaving.

Lately I have started favoring baths and sometimes nearly fall asleep in the tub. Once a week I'll try to do an epsom salt bath for even more relief.
BearButt said:
I shower every single morning, sometimes an extra shower at night if I have been doing something dirty or have gotten particularly sweaty that day.

Last time I had a bath was about 5 years ago, maybe even longer. I don't really fit in mine very well and prefer showering with a constant stream of clean water rather than sitting in a bath filled with any dirt I might have just washed off of my body. I never feel as clean after a bath.
I don’t take a bath to get clean but sometimes I will soak in a hot bath to relax or sooth some hemorrhoids they are bothering me. But I always finish up by rinsing off in the shower.
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Bath every night before bed.
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I take a shower in the morning after I poop my diaper.
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britches1 said:
I take a shower in the morning after I poop my diaper.
Same here. Shower after my morning poop, be it in the diaper or the toilet.

Back a few years ago when my home office had a full bath with a tub, I'd sometimes do a bubble bath while planning. I even bought some bath crayons so I could doodle ideas on the wall.
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I take a nice warm bath every day after work. Sometimes in the morning too. I shower every once in a while for let’s say a #2 clean up.

Fun fact - They say that taking a hot bath burns as many calories as a 30 minute walk.
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I've, like, always been taking showers every morning, but now I'm considering a bath today. I do not have the material for bubble baths or any bath toys, yet. Not even a rubber ducky.
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I shower every day after work because I work at a machine shop and my skin and hair get all gross. I don’t bathe as often as I’d like, but occasionally Daddy (my husband) will give me a bath. It’s honestly the best 🥰🥰🥰🥰. But when I shower I use baby shampoo and baby bath wash to help me unwind and feel little.
I have a quick shower when I get up and change into my daytime protection , and I shower before bed after which I put on my nighttime protection, hot hot hot showers