Any adult babies who have only been DLs in the beginning?


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  1. Diaper Lover
Yeah, I'm just curious if there are any people who have started as diaper lovers but some time later tried also adult-baby-related stuff and became ,,fully" ABDL? I'm at a point now when I think more often about pacifiers, clothes and accessories. At least about the first thing hahah. Damn, some pacifiers look really cute, maybe I should try one...
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I started strictly as a DL, but as time went on I found myself gradually moving to the little side of things. Diaper time is now so much more than just diapers, littlespace is liberating!
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IamtheLorax said:
I started strictly as a DL, but as time went on I found myself gradually moving to the little side of things. Diaper time is now so much more than just diapers, littlespace is liberating!
Wow, such beautiful words! I believe it's now fun on a completely new level!
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That definitely describes me.
Definitely my experience
Yup! I was only interested in diapers initially, now that time has passed I'm gravitating more towards the AB side of things.

I can't wait to get into my new house! I will be able to strut, and waddle while diapered in my onesie all day every day!
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Sameeee here. Started DL, slowly picked up more AB tendencies. Onesies and Footy PJs are just too comfortable, functional, and cute. It snowballed, and now I have a closet full of ABDL gear. 🤔😅
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I started out liking just diapers. It was more of a texture, sound, feel thing. I didn’t understand it. The thought of anything AB was strange to me. Definitely was about as off putting as it is for most outsiders who are creeped out. At some point I found I had an attraction to boy’s undies. A short time later I started to like ABDL diapers. The texture, sound and feel waned and it became more about the feeling of being little. I seem to like wearing actual kids clothes and diapers. Part of me misses the feeling of diapers being the primary motivation. I loved the crinkle and the smooth plastic. It was stimulating. I still have an attraction to it but it’s less of an autonomic sensation.
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I12BLittle89 said:
I started out liking just diapers. It was more of a texture, sound, feel thing. I didn’t understand it. The thought of anything AB was strange to me. Definitely was about as off putting as it is for most outsiders who are creeped out. At some point I found I had an attraction to boy’s undies. A short time later I started to like ABDL diapers. The texture, sound and feel waned and it became more about the feeling of being little. I seem to like wearing actual kids clothes and diapers. Part of me misses the feeling of diapers being the primary motivation. I loved the crinkle and the smooth plastic. It was stimulating. I still have an attraction to it but it’s less of an autonomic sensation.
I know what you mean about the feel, and the sound. I love the softness, and the crinkling sound that disposables make.

Something else that I like is the kind of squeaking sound that rubber/plastic pants make as you shift your weight from one side to the other.
Started as a DL when I was around 11/12 ish. I began to miss my diapers (was in diapers until I was 10). Back then it was more so an obsession/love for diapers, I wouldn't exactly define it as a fetish. This later grew more and more, and well into my teens I still wet the bed and so wore DryNites (UK version of GoodNites). I'd double up my DryNites to simulate the feeling of wearing a diaper, I really missed wearing actual diapers and being changed by mum and stuff.

It wasn't until probably my early 20's or so I actually became more interested in AB stuff. Although it's more so very recently I've fully and properly explored being little. It's so relaxing, healing and genuinely amazing. The endorphins it releases are astronomical! 😁

So yeah, I guess these days for me it isn't all about the diapers. I have onesies, snap-button crotch bodysuits, adorable PJ sets which I'm fortunate enough to fit into (kid sizing), I have paci's now and bottles, cups lol. The list is pretty big! Being little in combination with being a DL is awesome, the best of both worlds! 🥰🧸❤️
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IamtheLorax said:
I started strictly as a DL, but as time went on I found myself gradually moving to the little side of things. Diaper time is now so much more than just diapers, littlespace is liberating!
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DiaperLoverPL said:
Yeah, I'm just curious if there are any people who have started as diaper lovers but some time later tried also adult-baby-related stuff and became ,,fully" ABDL? I'm at a point now when I think more often about pacifiers, clothes and accessories. At least about the first thing hahah. Damn, some pacifiers look really cute, maybe I should try one...
Yup I think this was me as a kid always loved diapers starting out but as I got older discovered the internet, found out some things about myself, tried some thing some stuck on eventually & some didn’t, but now that I’ve tried & know what I’m into I’m that much more sure of myself that this is & always will be apart of my life.
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I definitely got more into the AB side as I joined communities and started interacting with a lot of other DLs. I ended up wanting to try stuff other people were into or stuff that I'd seen posted and ended up liking it. My own personal approach to the kink has definitely been shaped by the community...hopefully for the better lol!
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Yes. I think most of us spontaneously develop an interest in diapers as children. When you are still little it's not really a thing yet to want to be little "again". It's only later when you start growing that diapers make you feel little and you yearn for childhood again.

Especially when you can't fit in baby diapers anymore and you have to start moving on to plain white medical diapers. Feels like something is missing so once again there is a spontaneous urge to make up for that with sippies, pacis, footies, stuffies, etc . All which lend authenticity to restoring the lost feeling of being in diapers because you are little not because of medical reasons.

For me I never wanted to be a baby. For me the diapers and everything that goes with them takes me back to the 4-12 years where all of this first started.
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I started as a DL and have slowly moved to a little of the AB side. I don't want to be a baby or even act like a baby. But truly do enjoy baby printed onesies and footed PJs and having a paci at night when I go to bed. It just puts you in a different head space. If your on the fence about it just get a cheap paci and this is the time of year to get a deal on a onesie. Try it out. If your thinking about it you are more than likely enjoy some aspects of it. You don't have to act like a baby to enjoy babyish things. Like I sead, It can just be a different head space.
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Add me to this list -- but with a caveat. DL to a bit of an AB -- and back to just DL. ("Just" -- how amusing, my mother's head would explode if she knew her middle-aged, professional son wore diapers, with his wife's permission too). I branched into onesies, and a bottle and a pacifier for a little while until Mary was non-plussed.....and I was a bit not-enjoying either.
I threw away the bottles and paci, most of the onesies -- kept a simple dark blue and a white one -- and that's that. Back to DL going forward.
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Diapers and peeing myself are two things that I´ve loved all my life either separate or in combo, so when I was a kid I wasn´t trying to feel little because I already was little in real life; I was more focused on the comfort and overall sense of security that diapers gave me, and the convenience of not having to stop whatever I was doing to go potty... and the liberating sensation of warm pee released at will into diapers or undies.

I only started to explore my AB side after reaching 30, and currently it comes and goes in various degrees from time to time, but my love for diapers and peeing myself has always been present.
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Totally. For me, the gateway was printed diapers: I discovered I loved them about five years ago, and from there it a hop, skip and a jump to onesies and pacis. I've given up trying to figure out the exact proportions (is it 90/10? 80/20?) and just accepted that I'm a person who loves certain things. That said, I'm still primarily a DL. I don't need to use a paci, for instance. I need to wear diapers.
DiaperLoverPL said:
Yeah, I'm just curious if there are any people who have started as diaper lovers but some time later tried also adult-baby-related stuff and became ,,fully" ABDL? I'm at a point now when I think more often about pacifiers, clothes and accessories. At least about the first thing hahah. Damn, some pacifiers look really cute, maybe I should try one...
If you're going to try a pacifier (and you should! they're great!), see if you can get an adult-sized one. Speaking from personal experience, regular baby pacis didn't do anything for me - but adult-sized ones are great. It seems like a few other folks here had a similar experience.
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Sort of. I'd say I'm still 90% DL but during COVID I decided to get a couple AB items and give it a try. I bought a couple onesies/ bodysuits and an adult baby bottle, and after I gave it an honest shot for about five days and found it wasn't really for me. Though I did enjoy drinking from a baby bottle much more than I thought I would.
I’m not sure what actually constitutes being an adult baby?

DL since my first memories, but I do like to be put in nappies by a dominant female. (Doesn’t have to be “Mummy”)
My ex wife liked to be dominant around this side but, from memory, never called herself Mummy, although she did call me baby.

My next long term partner was happy to change me but didn’t want to be called “Mummy” or treat me like a baby.

My current GF does call herself Mummy regularly and there have been times where she has fed me and given me a bottle (I do have adult sized bottles/plates)
I also have a large pacifier but very very rarely use it. I also enjoy the look and thickness of AB disposable nappies and cartoon/frilly plastic pants and have loads in my stash.

That said, I wouldn’t enjoy crawling about or not being able to converse. I’m also a smoker, so would struggle to be ‘too young’ to smoke.

Does the above make me an AB? No idea 🤷‍♂️