ABDLs and Incontinence Desire


Est. Contributor
  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
  3. Sissy
PLEASE NOTE: I am NOT endorsing someone making themselves incontinent. Rather I am talking about why so many (including myself) have had thoughts about and half-wishing we were incontinent. In this post I offer my insight to why I think that may be the case.

Many ABDL's have at some point thought or wished that they were incontinent and I think one of the reasons that this appeals to so many ABDLs and to myself included is that we feel ashamed and guilty of our desire to wear nappies. This has been said in another book I've read (can't remember where) but I agree entirely - ABDL's have these strong and deep desires that we didn't ask for but feel invalidated by society if we try to pursue them. We feel guilty. We feel like we shouldn't be wearing nappies because we're in someway delegitimising those that need to wear due to a medical issue or that we are 'taking away' their nappies. I've even heard some normies use this argument to shame us.

But what does it mean to be a Diaper/Nappy Lover? Ordinary people would (and understandably so) assume Diaper Lover means someone who just 'wants' to wear them as if it were only some twisted and unusual hobby or interest. Not only is this wrong (at least to me as my desires are much more than that) but this view will also evoke a feeling of disgust, contempt or bewilderment from anyone outside of our community who hears this. E.g. ''Who would want to wear a nappy? Eww…"

Since my need for nappies 'isn't a medical condition' I feel the intense need to hide it from everyone and walk on eggshells so I don't accidentally 'push my fetishes on others'. Even in the ABDL community there are those that agree and say we should do extra to not expose ourselves compared to that of those who are medically incontinent. Or maybe because of our own guilt we just naturally come to this conclusion on our own. Regardless, this leads to an internal pressure within us to not push it on employers (by wearing to work), family and friends (by wearing around family or telling them) or even the general public (by wearing discreetly under our clothes) because of course 'fetishes should never be pushed on non-consenting people'.

But for continent ABDL's this way of thinking induces an internal repulsive pressure dissuading us from wearing nappies that would not be felt from someone who is medically incontinent. Sure those that are medically incontinent might still feel shame and embarrassment, but that's a different type of shame. That's shame relating to the wearing of a nappy itself, we (continent people) would in addition, feel shame in just allowing or giving permission to ourselves to wear them.

Despite this, in essence the statement is right; fetishes shouldn't be pushed onto non-consenting people. But that's the problem. This isn't just a fetish to me it's so much more, it's my identity and they (the ordinary public) will never understand the insatiable urge to associate myself with such a piece of clothing. Or how strongly the attraction is and when wearing how secure, safe and happy it makes me feel.

Continent ABDL's who wear nappies do so for a number a reasons but our reasons aren't seen to be 'valid' enough for ordinary society or sometimes even ourselves. To see this divide let's examine a situation. Let's say I did genuinely wet the bed or I needed (because of medical reasons) to wear nappies during the day, most in the ABDL community would without a second thought agree it's perfectly acceptable for me to tell work, friends and family about it where needed. But if I need to tell any of those groups about my nappy wearing when I only 'want to wear them'? Well the response from the ABDL community is usually not as encouraging. The response may more likely be in the form of 'hide it' or 'don't wear while you visit/work' or 'find some other way but don't tell them'.

Let's consider a more detailed example to illustrate - if I wish to tell my family when visiting I wear nappies because I like them, the support in this community would be rather low for me doing that. But if I'm a bedwetter and propose doing the same thing e.g. tell my family when visiting that I have bedwetting issues, am seeing a doctor and need to wear protection so they should also consider putting a bedwetting sheet on? Apparently that's perfectly fine to talk about. People who wear nappies for medical reasons are 'allowed' to be honest and free about who they are (I know it's not always easy for them to admit this but at least they've got a scientific diagnosable reason to back them). But when it comes to people like me who wear due to psychological reasons, we are forced to hide in the dark and be beaten up with shame and disgust from others or from our own internal thoughts.

Those that wear due to a medical condition also gain one other thing many people in this community so desperately desire - acceptance. Normal ordinary society 'gets' and understands medical conditions that cause adults to wear nappies and so if they see me wearing a nappy for those reasons, they respond with empathy or at least respect. However if they know I only wear them because I 'want to' then they might instead respond with disgust or contempt. We continent ABDLs are forever held hostage by the idea that someone may find out 'we are a fraud' and hate us for it.

Even in public where none are the wiser about the true reason anyone is wearing a nappy we (continent ABDL people) still know, I still know. People like me still know that we aren't wearing for medical reasons and so are still plagued with constant internal self-shaming throughout our wearing duration. Even if others unknowingly accept our nappy wearing, we don't accept it ourselves. This results in us feeling guilty and that we're abusing those around us by potentially exposing them to seeing our bulge, crinkle or a peak of our nappy under our clothes when we didn't 'need to'. We brutally beat ourselves up over potentially pushing our 'fetish' onto non-consenting people and that only adds to the stress, anxiety and depressive nature of our overall mental health.

So because of my continence and my peculiar attraction to nappies that I didn't ask for, I get neither acceptance from ordinary society nor the freedom to just be honest about who I am to others who may accidentally stumble across it or need to know. It's realisations like this that cause me to wish I were incontinent at times or at least a bedwetter so I may gain some kind of validation from others about my nappy wearing. This is something I believe all ABDL's who aren't incontinent feel at least at some point. This lack of acceptance may even lead some of us to self harm by attempting to physically make ourselves incontinent just to gain some amount of acceptance and honesty about our wearing and put this internal struggle to ease.

So, that's where I'm at in my understanding of all this and I hope others are able to understand and learn too from what I've written. Because understanding where our deep feelings of shame, anxiety, lack of validation and lack of self worth are coming from is the first step in feeling truer to who we all are. I would hope that society and the world learns to accept us as we are and we do eventually gain that validation and freedom that we desire but I fear it may still be a while away. So until then the best we can do is learn more about ourselves and ensure we don't treat each other the way ordinary society may treat us today.

One more thing. None of this said is meant to in any way suggest that 'incontinent people have it easier'. No. It's merely highlighting some differences in incontinent people that we continent people may find attractive and what would cause us to do so. No one should make themselves incontinent nor do I endorse it but I can't deny that when the despair and shame gets tough these thoughts do occur.

TLDR: Incontinent nappy wearers have some positive qualities that continent ABDLs don't - that being acceptance and honesty about their wearing. These qualities are rather attractive for our community and is the reason I believe that some wish to 'make themselves incontinent' so they have that validation and acceptance in their need to wear a nappy that they don't get being continent. Learning of why this is the case will help all of us become better at accepting ourselves.
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I think this pretty sums up a lot of the fantasies behind why some people in the community wants to be IC

I'll just say that I would be lying myself if I said when I was younger, I didn't have any sorts of those thoughts for the reasons you've listed above. But now as I developed IC for real, all I'll say is that there's a whole new can of worms that got opened for me at least.

Now I have self doubts about whether or not I "created" the IC for myself because I'm also an ABDL (I took no efforts to be IC or diaper dependent but self doubts). I have fears about losing control in inopportune times. And I really hate the lack of control that comes with being IC. I lost the choice of not putting something on because I didn't feel like it or it wouldn't be a good time or whatever. I just don't get the choice.

So I guess for me what I realized in so many words is that being IC or having a "valid" medical reason didn't cure my self doubts at all. It just created new ones. I have to work on self acceptance and that wasn't fixed by my body just deciding to be IC.

I guess these are my two cents
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Milianna said:
I think this pretty sums up a lot of the fantasies behind why some people in the community wants to be IC

I'll just say that I would be lying myself if I said when I was younger, I didn't have any sorts of those thoughts for the reasons you've listed above. But now as I developed IC for real, all I'll say is that there's a whole new can of worms that got opened for me at least.

Now I have self doubts about whether or not I "created" the IC for myself because I'm also an ABDL (I took no efforts to be IC or diaper dependent but self doubts). I have fears about losing control in inopportune times. And I really hate the lack of control that comes with being IC. I lost the choice of not putting something on because I didn't feel like it or it wouldn't be a good time or whatever. I just don't get the choice.

So I guess for me what I realized in so many words is that being IC or having a "valid" medical reason didn't cure my self doubts at all. It just created new ones. I have to work on self acceptance and that wasn't fixed by my body just deciding to be IC.

I guess these are my two cents
You make some good points. That part of about creating new doubts is something I didn't consider. It seems the issue of self doubt and shame never really gets resolved, just 'moved' to another area.
I don't care about society. I think it's rather hypocritical of society on the whole to be able not only to pick & choose various social contracts by which we're bound but to also shift them around at whim out of fashionability, like a shell game. My home, my choice; when at home, I will wear and use diapers as I see fit. I will also have a bedroom that is a fully-equipped, fully-functional toddler room. I will dress, eat, play and live as a toddler, too. My only concessions are that i will keep a lock on my bedroom door, I will keep my used diapers contained, I will keep myself & my home clean and I will keep the rest of my home hint-free of my toddler life (unless I'm entertaining other AB/DLs). These are the concessions I make to live the life I want.

It's rather hypocritical my standard is judged by Muggles who do far worse things to one another, fueled by alcohol and delusions of mastery & control...and consider it 'normal'. To hell with them; I will live my life as I want. I'm not allowed to critique them; they will not critique me, provided I rule my life with discretion...which I do, because I am not into exhibitionism. They harm one another freely, gleefully; I harm no one. They have zero right to judge.

Besides, it's just a diaper. They don't have to change it, and we're neither asking nor expecting them to. We can take care of ourselves, by ourselves. That's the Adult part of Adult Baby; DLs are the same way...they just don't have as many toys, clothes or accessories. 🤭

Live your life as you see fit and with no ill conscience for it. Just don't harm, exploit or involuntarily involve others for it. And exercise good taste & maturity when outside your home and among the Muggles. Again, just my .000002 Bitcoin.
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I have really conquered and shame about my wearing and using diapers. I wear them at home and when out in the world. I don't advertise them or try to expose others. but life does happen if ti does and I need to explain I will just say I need them. Mental need is no less valid than physical need. That is falling into the same trap that dubs mental illness {not saying we are mentally ill don't start on that} not on the same level and breaking a bone. No shame in seeing a doctor about the bone but HUGE stigma around mental health treatment.

The only reason I don't tell everyone is that I don't wanna deal with THEIR issues and misconceptions over and over.
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It's all part and parcel of being an ab. You wear nappies/diapers, baby style clothes use a sippy cup or a bottle, it's not a big gap to start thinking
"I wish I could wet/soil my nappy all the time and not even know I'm doing it like a real baby does". Believe me there is nothing babylike in a heavily soiled adult nappy, or worse one that is full of liquid fecal matter.
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Jackieinwbpa said:
I have really conquered and shame about my wearing and using diapers. I wear them at home and when out in the world. I don't advertise them or try to expose others. but life does happen if ti does and I need to explain I will just say I need them. Mental need is no less valid than physical need. That is falling into the same trap that dubs mental illness {not saying we are mentally ill don't start on that} not on the same level and breaking a bone. No shame in seeing a doctor about the bone but HUGE stigma around mental health treatment.

The only reason I don't tell everyone is that I don't wanna deal with THEIR issues and misconceptions over and over.
I hate to disagree with you, but you don't NEED them, you may WANT to wear and use and if that means people are noticing then it's just plain wrong. People who are IC can get a lot of abuse when people do occasionally see our nappies. It's happened to me three times. So please if you must use your nappy, do it at home and not when you are out and aboyt.
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PCBaby said:
I hate to disagree with you, but you don't NEED them, you may WANT to wear and use and if that means people are noticing then it's just plain wrong. People who are IC can get a lot of abuse when people do occasionally see our nappies. It's happened to me three times. So please if you must use your nappy, do it at home and not when you are out and
I disagree with you as well. You are really arrogant to decide what a need is for other people. Like I said you are minimizing people's mental need as not being equal to physical needs. When not able to be diapered I am anxious, irritable I exist in a perpetual state of anxiety. Diapers make me calmer less anxious and better able to deal with life. So keep your self righteous poor me crap to yourself.
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All the bickering aside, the deep thinking and self reflection in this thread is why I am here. I am thankful to be part of a community like this that can help me along my journey of self acceptance.
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From personal experience ... once you are forced to wear diapers 24/7, they lose 'that something special' feeling and become an annoying hinderance at times.

I really wish I still had a choice, and that my body wasn't breaking down :(
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LittleMissPink said:
You make some good points. That part of about creating new doubts is something I didn't consider. It seems the issue of self doubt and shame never really gets resolved, just 'moved' to another area.
I agree as well. I've kept my wearing mostly at home. I finally got up the courage to explain to my wife that wearing diapers (and plastic panties helped reduce my stress and anxiety....
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KitsuneFox said:
From personal experience ... once you are forced to wear diapers 24/7, they lose 'that something special' feeling and become an annoying hinderance at times.

I really wish I still had a choice, and that my body wasn't breaking down :(
I highly agree you don't know what you have until it's gone I too wish I had a choice

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People are fools if they think they want to have no control. Plain and simple they do not understand what it is they are asking for!!!!!!

Incontinence is almost never a disease or condition in its self. It always a side effect of another disease or condition as a symptom. Very seldom to almost never is it the only symptom of the underline condition. Most the conditions that cause it are not pleasant and they cause other issues far more seriouse.
For Example.. My bladder IC comes from several reasons one of those being interstitial cystitis. It is very painful and makes me feel like I have a UTI about 24/7 with the worse spasms and Bladder pain . I am now also having a lot of very bad & scary neurological disorders that is shaping up to look a lot like MS... but it is hard to diagnose and even harder when you have hardware placed in the body that is not MRI safe. But what ever it is, is what is causing my fecal incontinence.. but is is also causing muscle twitching hand tremors bad memory issues nerve pain headaches double vision and much much worse. It is a neurological reason that my stomach stopped emptying causing a horrible disease called gastroparesis!!! One that I would not wish on any man alive. (except perhaps pedophilias as they need to suffer).. But it has ruined my life in every way. Sure not everyone with incontinence has that bad of other symptoms. But I bet if you asked 9% of folks here that are true incontinent have some other seriouse illness causing it. Like diabetes, pots, crones, or IBS and a lot more. IBS is also one of my issues. As the incontinence gets worse so does all of these symptoms & vice versa. So I say people do not have a clue how dumb they are when they look at one of our IC members and say they wish they was incontinent too!! It is a damn foolish statement they do not understand. Plus it is such a mental drag.. An I going to shit myself in front of all my friends Or does my diaper have enough room for a few more wettings. Can someone see my crotch is 3 times larger than it was 6 hours ago? I need to bend over and pick that up but is m diaper going to show in the back? I want to have another beer or eat that spicy food, But I know it is a ad Idea. Those are just a few things that run through your mind. As well as trying to scope out places with a private bathroom if I need to change. Just a few thoughts I have weekly often daily!!!!

Not to mention the metal toll it does on one's body and they physical toll it does on one's pocket book. People that say they are 24/7 committed that claim they spend less than $150- $200 month on diapers are living a lie. When my diaper is full and I am 20 minutes from home in a very public space and I get the urge,.. it is coming out. I can not delay it until I am in my car or the restroom. I have to know my diaper will handle it! Wearing protection you can really trust 24/7 sadly now days means spending $250 to 300 a month on great products you change 2 or 3 times a day or on good products you change 6 to 8 times a day. Keeping a diaper on that you trust is never going to leak means.. you are often changing them before they are soaked. It means throwing away a diaper that is not full sometimes. That hurts t 3 bucks each. I am lucky as I am home most of the time and can push my diapers further because if they leak it is at home. But when I am going to be gone all day and away from restroom and in public. I often take off a half full diaper to replace with a new one that I know will go the 6 to 8 hours I am going to be out in public so I do not need to change in public. Too have real confidence in your protection you cant always push it to the max like you can when you have control and just using them 24/7 but at your will. There is no cheating when you are full incontinent.

Just the perspective from a incontinent member for almost 3 decades bladder and 5 years bowel.
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PCBaby said:
It's all part and parcel of being an ab. You wear nappies/diapers, baby style clothes use a sippy cup or a bottle, it's not a big gap to start thinking
"I wish I could wet/soil my nappy all the time and not even know I'm doing it like a real baby does". Believe me there is nothing babylike in a heavily soiled adult nappy, or worse one that is full of liquid fecal matter.
I woke up at 7:00am this morning in a diaper loaded with wet liquid fecal mater. What can I say at least this time it stayed in the diaper. Often it runs up the back of my diaper onto my back making a very messy mess.
Not real fun to clean up for sure. Imaging that same accident could happen to me at any part of my day no matter where I'm or whom I am with.. Now that is the part that scares me the most. That is what real 24/7 no control is like. Living in a fear that shit could happen at any time!... that is what it is to be incontinent.
Diaperman95 said:
People are fools if they think they want to have no control. Plain and simple they do not understand what it is they are asking for!!!!!!

Incontinence is almost never a disease or condition in its self. It always a side effect of another disease or condition as a symptom. Very seldom to almost never is it the only symptom of the underline condition. Most the conditions that cause it are not pleasant and they cause other issues far more seriouse.
For Example.. My bladder IC comes from several reasons one of those being interstitial cystitis. It is very painful and makes me feel like I have a UTI about 24/7 with the worse spasms and Bladder pain . I am now also having a lot of very bad & scary neurological disorders that is shaping up to look a lot like MS... but it is hard to diagnose and even harder when you have hardware placed in the body that is not MRI safe. But what ever it is, is what is causing my fecal incontinence.. but is is also causing muscle twitching hand tremors bad memory issues nerve pain headaches double vision and much much worse. It is a neurological reason that my stomach stopped emptying causing a horrible disease called gastroparesis!!! One that I would not wish on any man alive. (except perhaps pedophilias as they need to suffer).. But it has ruined my life in every way. Sure not everyone with incontinence has that bad of other symptoms. But I bet if you asked 9% of folks here that are true incontinent have some other seriouse illness causing it. Like diabetes, pots, crones, or IBS and a lot more. IBS is also one of my issues. As the incontinence gets worse so does all of these symptoms & vice versa. So I say people do not have a clue how dumb they are when they look at one of our IC members and say they wish they was incontinent too!! It is a damn foolish statement they do not understand. Plus it is such a mental drag.. An I going to shit myself in front of all my friends Or does my diaper have enough room for a few more wettings. Can someone see my crotch is 3 times larger than it was 6 hours ago? I need to bend over and pick that up but is m diaper going to show in the back? I want to have another beer or eat that spicy food, But I know it is a ad Idea. Those are just a few things that run through your mind. As well as trying to scope out places with a private bathroom if I need to change. Just a few thoughts I have weekly often daily!!!!

Not to mention the metal toll it does on one's body and they physical toll it does on one's pocket book. People that say they are 24/7 committed that claim they spend less than $150- $200 month on diapers are living a lie. When my diaper is full and I am 20 minutes from home in a very public space and I get the urge,.. it is coming out. I can not delay it until I am in my car or the restroom. I have to know my diaper will handle it! Wearing protection you can really trust 24/7 sadly now days means spending $250 to 300 a month on great products you change 2 or 3 times a day or on good products you change 6 to 8 times a day. Keeping a diaper on that you trust is never going to leak means.. you are often changing them before they are soaked. It means throwing away a diaper that is not full sometimes. That hurts t 3 bucks each. I am lucky as I am home most of the time and can push my diapers further because if they leak it is at home. But when I am going to be gone all day and away from restroom and in public. I often take off a half full diaper to replace with a new one that I know will go the 6 to 8 hours I am going to be out in public so I do not need to change in public. Too have real confidence in your protection you cant always push it to the max like you can when you have control and just using them 24/7 but at your will. There is no cheating when you are full incontinent.

Just the perspective from an incontinent member for almost 3 decades bladder and 5 years bowel.
Thank you for this I’m also interestial cystitis plus other health problems you really gave spoken amazingly.
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IMHO the wish of being IC is or can be psychiatric diagnose on itself. Just only someone really stupid can wish that.

A few years ago I was forced into diapers 24/7 for 10 weeks. It was fun, but at the same time I learned How hard and uncomfortable is being IC.
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