ABDL Feature Film "We, Infantilists."

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BigKid25 said:
What I would say is subtlety is going to be your friend with this video. I would illustrate both guys' lives in the normal course of daily life where AB/DL isn't even brought up or considered. And as life goes on and the audience is connecting with this seemingly normal person, small parts of the AB/DL lifestyle make subtle appearances.

...and they should be in their late 20's to early 30's - fully functional members of society with good jobs so that they do not appear to be encumbered by a perceptual debilitating "addiction".
Maybe show flashbacks to when they were young... As many of us have been interested in diapers from a very early age. Maybe diapers bedwetter who grew to like the diapers after they stopped needing them, maybe the other or both get caught sneaking diapers, get their stash found, eyc
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