
  1. Bunziez

    Missing my Daddy…

    my boyfriend is my ‘daddy’. he has been pretty much since we started dating. on days when i was home alone, i’d sneak him into my house and we’d have a daddy-little day together. i have old toys and store-brand pull up diapers that i would use. he’s only seen me padded up once, but is very...
  2. Angellothefox

    10 Things that babies do/have/can have that makes me Jelious

    I know this is silly but some of these do make me a little Jelly. 10. Babies can use their diapers in public. Yes I know they is nothing stopping us from doing that but it is a gray area and it comes under the public indicincy act even if you have the cubical door closed. If any member of the...