
  1. babyraggydolls


    I went to sleep and I dreamed that I went to live in Spain and life was good and i wake up feeling disappointed coz reality is 💩 and over rated. Until then started therapy I didn’t spend much time in reality, I was always stuck in day dreams and my mind was elsewhere and it much better than...
  2. EmotionalQuotient

    Dreams about peeing but somehow not actually peeing

    I'm a DL and I'm not incontinent. So I'm not sure if this experience counts as related to incontinence, but sometimes I'd have dreams where I would find myself going to the toilet to pee, and at the exact moment that I "pee", I would somehow conciously realize "oh no i'm dreaming about peeing"...
  3. K00paTr00pa

    Diaper Dreams

    The other night I had a dream where I was at some sort of party or social event and everyones diaper waistbands were showing. No one cared, no one was embarassed and instead, they just talked about their favorite brands. Kinda wish wearing diapers as a desire was normalized like this. Share...
  4. skylavender

    Dreaming of Diapers

    Dreams can be very powerful tools and can reveal things about us before we are even aware of it in reality. Since finally accepting all of this as a part of me, I’ve been having vivid dreams of myself wearing diapers. Sometimes others in my dreams will be wearing them too. The diapers are always...
  5. pottybreak

    Anyone else have any diaper dreams lately?

    I know I sure did! Last night, actually! And here's how it went; I was hanging out with my partner at a house I used to live in. I had just put on a fresh diaper and was snuggling with them before their mom barged in. I covered myself up quickly and their mom started ragging on adult diapers...
  6. Crinklebuttt

    Different sort of diaper dream

    Normally my diaper dreams are purely sexual, or theyare the classic naked in public/school. Last night was filled with those kinds of dreams but the last of these dreams was me sitting at the foot of a bed on the floor in just my diaper and I was talking to a beautiful girl who was just sitting...
  7. Scifer555

    What are you supposed to do when...

    When you feel restless? When you can't get to sleep and you've exausted all your options and eliminated causes of sleeplessness such as not drinking caffine, not playing media of any kind before bed, and even going so far as to use a natural or chemical sleep aid? Sometimes I think that the true...
  8. Prairie

    Dreams of finding new diaper prints/sizes/styles?

    Dreams of new diaper prints/designs? Anyone ever have dreams of finding new diaper prints/sizes/styles that you just love? Pretty regularly I dream of being in the store and finding new prints of Goodnites. Just thinking of them I can remember several, all jumbled together. I always find new...