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  • D
    Cute avatar and banner, also it's been a long time sense I said hi to you.
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    Reactions: PaigeCherubiel
    Bork bork! It's a little padded rudder butt!

    I'm a big Lion King fan too.~
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    Reactions: NabePup and PaigeCherubiel
    Hi puppy! The Lion King is the bestest! And so is the Lion Guard! Simba and Kion are soooo cuuuuute <3
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    Reactions: PaddedWolfie
    Yeah yeah yeah! Kovu is my personal favorite, the dark and handsome type. >;3
    Just wanted to say that your profile pic is so adorbz! I'm not 100% sure but it looks like strawberryneko drew it for you?
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    Reactions: FlurxWolfPup, BeTrue, KrankyPants and 2 others
    TBH. I feel like your PFP looks like a Mapletory PFP. I played Maple 🍁 🙂
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    Reactions: NabePup
    Apparently, you have cute hair. 😉 I just noticed that.
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    Reactions: NabePup
    Nuh uh! You have cute hair! *hides face by burrying it into plushy* x3
    You will get better at drawing if you just work at it, trust me! And I suggest the book, "Drawing On The Right Side of The Brain" It's the book we're using for our classes. It can make anyone decent at drawing!

    And I absolutely love animation! Unfortunately, my major doesn't touch much on animation... I'm mostly training for illustration and visual designer jobs. Do you guys get to do any traditional drawing-animation? And as for television, I love cartoons... particularly Regular Show and The Amazing World of Gumball on Cartoon Network!! I know they're meant for like 12 year olds, but i find them hilarious, lol.
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    Reactions: NabePup
    I'm not on a team or anything, but like you said, i have about 6 or 7 friends who all have tippmann markers. We would go down into a huge forest-like gulch behind one friend's house. It's an awesome playing field.

    I love old rock music. The doors, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, The Who, etc. But I also love Bob Marley and other peaceful stuff. What about your tastes in music?

    I'm studying to get an art major. I've always loved drawing and painting for as long as I can remember. I mostly do realism paintings.
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    Reactions: NabePup
    Paintball is awesome! I have a Tippmann Alpha Black that I modified a bit. She looks nice! I was actually going to give her a paintjob but as of lately, my friends and I haven't played much paintball. It's hard rounding up the whole gang since we all go to different colleges and nowadays all anyone wants to do on weekends is get drunk, lol. How many guys do you speedball with? Are you on a team?
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    Reactions: NabePup
    no that wasnt me wanting to bet a BMA.
    I know another ABDL in college in FL, who is studying the animation and visual effects also, we chat on skype and yahoo.
    Private message me if you want to connect with Corey sometime.
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    Reactions: NabePup
    Hey whatup,
    sorry for the late reply, I had router/ networking issues, then had a lot to catch up on.

    What where you asking about BMA?

    - Will :)
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    Reactions: NabePup
    Hey! Not much going on here... I've been suuuper busy lately :/ But I do enjoy video games and such, mainly RPG's or good 1st-person shooters ;) (manly games!! :p) haha, and with paintball, it's loads of fun! But regrettably I don't own any equipment and it's major expensive :/ and I don't really know many people who play on a regular basis anyway... Feel free to send me a PM or chat on the IRC if I'm on! Sorry though, like I said I've been super busy :/ Take care!
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    Reactions: NabePup
    Not tonight, it has been a long day and I'm not in my normal mind because I didn't have my ADHD meds today. I'll try tomorrow.

    Happy Thanks Giving.
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    Reactions: NabePup
    I could, but I'm rooming with one of my friends who doesn't know about my TBDLism and I don't really have a room to myself. Trust me, I would if I could
    I decided to risk it an I do have to say, I LOVE my paci. I've had one for less than 10 hours and it soothes my sole. Sorry to hear about your paci. Can't you go out and buy one?

    *suck, suck, suck grins behind paci*
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    Reactions: NabePup
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