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    Lol not really, it stays with ps3 games mostly but some weird stuff happens too, for example I traded my guitar hero's drumset for a Playstation Move starter pack =P
    Well, is not that there's a system, but with stuff like facebook or our version of eBay, we make that kind of deals =)
    Ice swimming? Doesn't sound to fun lol
    yeah, well, locally there are some people who wants to trade PS3 games, I try to get good deals with them =P
    I don't have it, but I played it =P a friend of mine lend it to me, actually that's how I get to play many games; exchanging with friends or random people XD
    Well I get today and tomorrow off from school so I'm thinking of going swimming later today. It's supposed to be 92 degrees here today!
    Yeah, uncharted 3 is also near, waah TT_TT too many games for my piggy bank. Well, it is hard, but when you pass it once you got most of the secrets for the bosses and levels, so it goes more smoothly, if you haven't tried it yet you should =D
    Oh really? Preparing yourself for Arkham city? =) I just finished demon's souls again, but haven't bought dark souls yet >_<
    Well have fun with that :) certainly sounds like an adventure lol
    Sorry i took so long to reply! Yes i have used it alot already! Unfortunately, I haven't gotten around to drawing myself an avatar for adisc :X
    School mostly, but tomorrow's Friday!!!! :D hopefully I'll be able to chill with friends or something fun
    Now I can't stop asking myself what wallaby tastes like...
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