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  • U
    I thought you were only a DL not a TB? So why would you have a pacifier? LOL IDK
    Okay, I have something
    When I send you the Pampers, I might include 2-3 Goodnites Boxers that I don't want neither.
    Would you like me to do that?
    LOL I dont know anymore >.< But I'm still happy. I love my pacifier!
    Ya it does sound cool so whats up with you since i forgot to ask rudely ( was to caught up in the most amazing day of my life) OMG and after the club my mom and dad picked us up and brought us to a restaurant then to a movie ^_^ and during the movie i sucked on the pacifier through the whole thing ^_^ so whats funny is. Last night was the worst night of my life. But tonight was the best night of my life I DONT KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN THAT. I guess its like when your outside in the cold for a long time then you take a hot shower and it burns o_O. Is that a good example?
    0.o uhhhh
    *goes through all my research to try and change the subject*
    *comes up with nothing*
    nice pic! :D
    You know normally id say nothing but id be lieing. Anyway I had a messed up day (in a good way) last night was the worst night of my life. But then today I went to a club with my little brother. Then one of the games broke and spit out 1300 tickets so then my little brother (knowing about my TBism.) he bought me from the gift shop with his tickets MY FIRST PACIFIER! I'm using it now and I love it.
    hmm. world domination huh?
    Done. I just created Wal-Mart ^o^
    too political for my tiny brainzz
    *head asplodes*
    huh, I wouldn't mind knowing what's in your head.
    I have scarred my life many times before.
    Ypou REALLY don't want to know how.
    Right now, I could give you 3 websites that would make you puke, and mess your diaper at the same time, it's sick!
    Do it.
    Mmm Bubble Gum Ice Cream. That sounds good.
    So what's goin on in your head. Just wanting 2 chat?
    Not much,
    Looking at diapers on XP Medical
    oh yeah, you're anarchist.
    That explains so much now
    I still don't believe it.
    1 Person is too insignificant for an agency, catering to almost 311 Million people.
    I don't think it's gonna happen to you.
    Why you would say you're paranoid of our United States government only makes me believe you are:
    a) Trying to move to a different subject, or
    b) you have Commit a Federal crime
    I don't believe that one bit, at all.
    What would they do?
    Go to your school and tell all your friends.
    They don't read "everything" or anything, for that matter.
    That's paranoia for you, you only THINK they can read everything.
    I literally have no idea who you are, and even if I do, wouldn't I have just accepted every-side of you?
    I realized, after about 3 trips to Wal-Mart that pretty much nobody knows who I am.
    I realized I was able to walk through one of America's largest retail stores on the market, a Nationwide monopoly, with a pack of diapers, and not one person has a care in the world.
    I posted my name, my bio, my sexuality, my thoughts, and even my favorite camera, and yet, not a single person on this site has any clue what my face looks like.
    (except you, and dprdude92)
    Yet, if a single person, who had any clue what my name was, what a single word, involving my thoughts, my life would have been invaded.
    My point is, no one knows who you are. No one. And the day you escape paranoia, you will feel more confident to post more information on the web.
    And yes, Physical Appearance.
    Or do you not have any pic of you anywhere on the internet
    it seems like every-time I go to a Barber, I'm like, okay, no bowl cut
    and I end up leaving looking like Jim Carrey from Dumb and Dumber
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