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  • R
    Hmm, four cats, any particular breeds or just cats? Do they live with you and your parents or do you have your own place? What is it you do exactly, at Sears Portrait? Do you take the pictures or are you like some kind of assistant there? Hmmm questions... if I'm probing too much just tell me ;p
    Haha I saw the movie, but hadn't read any of the books since the 2nd one lol. Was it the movie that you saw? What did you think of it?
    Do you really want to look in other people's dirty mouths ;p? I only ever saw the first harry potter movie, maybe I should download the rest some time.
    Do you have any real free time with those two jobs? I was so tired during my last internship, I doubt I could ever do two jobs hehe. Got any pets? We have six cats, one of which is laying on my lap and purring as I type this.
    Ah okay, hmmm two jobs... I'm glad I don't have to work yet ;p What kind of classes do you plan on taking when you go back to school? Art related classes (figured you're sort of into arts judging by your profile) or something else? I'm working on getting a BA in software engeneering myself.
    Okay fair enough ;p
    So what are you up to today? Do you still go to school/college or do you work or something?
    Nothing in particular, just reading things on ADISC, searching the web and writing a journal entry in between before I go to bed. Is there any particular reason why you messaged me? Not that I mind, ofcourse, but I'm just a little curious. I'll be off to bed now though, have to get up early for school so I'll reply to you tomorrow.
    that stinks :( I got 5 hours last night because maintenance was doing some kind of work behind my dorm. woke me up an hour early.
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